Awesome!!! Normally the exact opposite is true.
I complied with two cops and got my ass beat so bad I pissed blood for a week.
Then I got charged with fleeing. For driving the speed limit 2 additional blocks after they turned on their lights.
Maybe if I had been a black senior in high school with a misinformed social media campaign i would off gotten off.
But hey. I'm just some white guy
I complied with two cops and got my ass beat so bad I pissed blood for a week.
Then I got charged with fleeing. For driving the speed limit 2 additional blocks after they turned on their lights.
Maybe if I had been a black senior in high school with a misinformed social media campaign i would off gotten off.
But hey. I'm just some white guy
I would have waited for a couple of years, then burned their houses down.
I would have waited for a couple of years, then burned their houses down.
I was thinking about it. But not burning down their house. More like killing them. They kept me in jail for a week while they kept going to the DA with enough to get the fleeing charge to stick. Each time they were told there was no case they added a little more.
By the time it went to trial there was a Woman with a baby carriage crossing the street that I almost hit and the 2 blocks I traveled became 4

This is the part that sucks. While charges are pending there is no Bail to be made. Only after you are charged can you see a judge an bail out.
They wanted a felony and my Public pretender was pushing for it. But I got off with a misdemeanor because I said we either get a plee for a misdemeanor or we go to trial.
I think she tried to sell me out for another client of hers
I complied with two cops and got my ass beat so bad I pissed blood for a week.
Then I got charged with fleeing. For driving the speed limit 2 additional blocks after they turned on their lights.
Maybe if I had been a black senior in high school with a misinformed social media campaign i would off gotten off.
But hey. I'm just some white guy
Not sure what you want here, seeing as the title of the thread is "Fuck the police". I told you so?
I complied with two cops and got my ass beat so bad I pissed blood for a week.
Then I got charged with fleeing. For driving the speed limit 2 additional blocks after they turned on their lights.
Maybe if I had been a black senior in high school with a misinformed social media campaign i would off gotten off.
But hey. I'm just some white guy
Really...You are saying driving while black is an advantage compared to whites when pulled over by the police?

Nobody should get beaten by the police on a simple traffic stop but I don't think the trigger for their crime was that you are white. Are you feeling sorry for yourself because you are melanin challenged? They sell stuff that can change your skin color by the way, if you feel the urge to try a change.
Really...You are saying driving while black is an advantage compared to whites when pulled over by the police?

Nobody should get beaten by the police on a simple traffic stop but I don't think the trigger for their crime was that you are white. Are you feeling sorry for yourself because you are melanin challenged? They sell stuff that can change your skin color by the way, if you feel the urge to try a change.
White driving thru a black neighborhood in a park avenue
White driving thru a black neighborhood in a park avenue
What did you just say? Park Avenue as in a street or a car or a Monopoly game property? And what does it have to do with blacks having an advantage over whites when dealing with the police? Perhaps you could try using the English language this time?
Meanwhile, in San Francisco...

You can clearly see the shotgun that guy put in his shoe and at least three hand grenades in his hat after going around the corner, the man was a present and clear danger to all those parked cars. Some of those doors may have been unlocked too.

You can clearly see the shotgun that guy put in his shoe and at least three hand grenades in his hat after going around the corner, the man was a present and clear danger to all those parked cars. Some of those doors may have been unlocked too.

What I saw was a man that was subdued withing the first 5 seconds of the video, yet the felt the need to beat him while he laid on the ground. Baiter? Check the sig.
What I saw was a man that was subdued withing the first 5 seconds of the video, yet the felt the need to beat him while he laid on the ground. Baiter? Check the sig.

So beating a man to within an inch of his life so that he starts to defend himself, then kill him for that aggression ,....is all the sudden police brutality ?

Really ??

Your sig,...all I see is the same black cop beating the same black guy with Obama`s ear listening to his cries.