John Conroy/Cannabis in Canada Q&A

A pill a day keeps the virus undetectable in any measurable amount.
I stand by my no big deal statement.
I have witnessed it personally.

Lemme explain it this way.

Charlie Sheen (no big deal, right? )
You've witnessed people take a pill a day and infect others because the illness it not showing?
This point is what Im yappin about.
Not to mention what these little "ordinary pills" that cost thousands are doing? the HIV...
Seems i can no longer edit the post, i really dont even see a point anymore.

Who knows who looks here...sure seems fishy i made this post then a day later we get almost all answers we are looking for. Speaks of individuals who have come forward in the past here and directly speaks about the MMAR coalition changing to a dispensary model. Even goes as far as talking about Turmel witch expanded and got word through this forum for the most part.

There are people watching this forum...both enemies and allies.
Phelan included.
Lemme explain it this way.

Charlie Sheen (no big deal, right? )
You've witnessed people take a pill a day and infect others because the illness it not showing?
This point is what Im yappin about.
Not to mention what these little "ordinary pills" that cost thousands are doing? the HIV...
Sheen undetectable doctor said he have long life.
People take pill a day ,undetectable, {The hiv bro}
Who is talking about infecting other people?
I witnessed personally the one pill and NO other hiv related issues.
I also watched a hiv infect person go on and off meds, on and off coke and heroin and become drug resistant and die. completely self induced outcome.
Seems i can no longer edit the post, i really dont even see a point anymore.

Who knows who looks here...sure seems fishy i made this post then a day later we get almost all answers we are looking for. Speaks of individuals who have come forward in the past here and directly speaks about the MMAR coalition changing to a dispensary model. Even goes as far as talking about Turmel witch expanded and got word through this forum for the most part.

There are people watching this forum...both enemies and allies.

Even in his recommendations to patients in writing the new Health Minister, there is NO mention of asking for patients ability to choose to grow their own. Wow, no surprise there. Doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about the left outs given the efforts put forth. Was there EVER mention of this from him? Because it sure seems like it never was at this point
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Sheen undetectable doctor said he have long life.
People take pill a day ,undetectable, {The hiv bro}
Who is talking about infecting other people?
I witnessed personally the one pill and NO other hiv related issues.
I also watched a hiv infect person go on and off meds, on and off coke and heroin and become drug resistant and die. completely self induced outcome.
You've watched addicts die... ? People die every day and its sad.

what part have you missed?(:
and and and...
I dont know the and and and, why don't you enlighten me.
I know what I have seen with my personal experiences.
And it is not 1980 anymore, it really is no big deal.
Similar to hep c. except hep c is completely curable now with a 3 month pill a day.
The cost? sure things cost money. so does cancer or leukemia or downs syndrome etc.
I would rather have hiv than any of the three above issues.
It really is no big deal.
Definitely come a long way for sure. But taking pills on the daily of that nature are fucking terrible for your liver and kidneys too I'd imagine. So somewhere down the line another issue will arise. We aren't to the point yet where we can say this (1:37 in)

Of course...all Pharma, LP systems are designed to make MONEY not help people..

That is why we're yappin about it after all :)
Hope we got more than this for our money
I dont know the and and and, why don't you enlighten me.
I know what I have seen with my personal experiences.
And it is not 1980 anymore, it really is no big deal.
Similar to hep c. except hep c is completely curable now with a 3 month pill a day.
The cost? sure things cost money. so does cancer or leukemia or downs syndrome etc.
I would rather have hiv than any of the three above issues.
It really is no big deal.
I know I'm probably wasting time with this as you have yet to quote anything but anecdotal 'evidence', but this issue is incredibly important so hopefully you guys don't mind the derail.

As far as you 'personally seeing' someone on the pill a day and 'no hiv' issues, many people have positive responses, longitudinally, to the new combined medication. Unless you're privy to this person's medical history though, I don't know how you can claim they have 'no hiv' issues. Not to mention people with 0 viral loads are still treated as those with a compromised immune system.

As far as 'evidence', what you're saying is no different than Shane Holmquist seeing 'he has personally seen mold spores'. As a matter of science we have to look at the balance of the evidence.

Without making this a novel, the 'one pill' medications are basically a combination of 2 or 3 medicines, the so-called 'triple therapy'. They are typically separated into a backbone (2 NRTI's) and a 3rd NNRTI. Both of these medications deal with inhibiting DNA transcription, HIV is a retrovirus which basically means it will use its own RNA to try and rewrite the DNA of a host cell.

After infection, there is a short period where taking HAART as a post-exposure method can eliminate the virus, after which it takes up residence in multiple places in the body which makes it extremely hard to combat. When it does copy itself, it will often introduce abberations or 'mistakes' which is how the virus mutates. Multiple drugs are used in order to try and cover these mutations as well, and new drugs such as the T-20 fusion inhibitor try to stop HIV from even entering a host cell, but T-20 has to be injected. I think the distinction of whether you have to take 1 or 3 pills is a bit silly, but in many cases further measures have to be taken anyway.

But in short, HIV is a big deal. It doesn't matter if your viral load is 0, CD4 count is 5 or 500 (you can still die from AIDS at 500). It's a chronic condition, and while true that it is not the automatic death sentence it once was, it is nowhere near as trivial as you're trying to make it out to be.
We are all entitled to our own opinions.
I am not a doctor and I don't try to portray myself as such.
I do not believe it is a big deal.
You do not share my opinion.