So what do we do now with the "refugees"?


Well-Known Member
I read through this thread twice just to make certain that my eyes were not deceiving me.
I also needed to ascertain that my brain was semi-functional.
My major takeaway is that this thread represents a very rare occurrence on RIU.
There appears to be a sort of consensus regarding the desirability of allowing "Syrian refugees" entrance to the USA.
I do not see any posts condoning or encouraging the US to provide asylum to these aforementioned "refugees".

It is very interesting to me that none of the three Dem candidates(in Saturday's debate) mentioned any concerns regarding the US accepting tens of thousands of these refugees.
They mentioned vetting as a prerequisite, however this is simply not doable or even remotely possible.
And yet, Obama lackey, Ben Rhodes was all over Sunday morning news maker shows spewing the gigantic lie that there will be "robust vetting" underway.

This is in direct contradiction to what the FBI director Robert Comey testified to a couple of weeks ago.

Wow, this begs the question...why is Obama not interested in protecting the USA...he sends out lackeys like Rhodes and Susan Rice to lie brazenly about the nature of reality regarding radical Islamic terrorist threats...
And the simple fact of this matter is that he cannot bring himself to even say "Radical Islamic terrorist"...wowee, something is most certainly rotten in the state of Denmark.

Just smellin' the over ripe facts!


Well-Known Member
Christians aren't beheading their own kind, torturing and raping children, throwing gays off buildings......
nope, christians like the pastor at the mega church in Co Springs just does meth and has gay, unprotected sex with male prostitutes and then on Sunday, tells anybody in his congregation that is doing the same, that they will go to hell.

sounds about right to me.


Well-Known Member
The man was evil. Anyone can twist anything to suit their purpose.
I'm only helping you to know how wrong you are about everything.... You claim wars aren't fought over religion and ww2 was.... Hitler was a Christian who believed he was doing gods work

You should thank me

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm only helping you to know how wrong you are about everything.... You claim wars aren't fought over religion and ww2 was.... Hitler was a Christian who believed he was doing gods work

You should thank me
Just because a person thinjs that Christianity makes murdering an entire population of people ok, doesn't mean it does.

That is what I am saying.

Torture, mass murder, and genocide are not Christian. They are the opposite of the teachings of Jesus which Christianity is derived from.


Well-Known Member
Just because a person thinjs that Christianity makes murdering an entire population of people ok, doesn't mean it does.

That is what I am saying.

Torture, mass murder, and genocide are not Christian. They are the opposite of the teachings of Jesus which Christianity i
That don't make you any less wrong.... Most wars are fought over religion


Well-Known Member
nope, christians like the pastor at the mega church in Co Springs just does meth and has gay, unprotected sex with male prostitutes and then on Sunday, tells anybody in his congregation that is doing the same, that they will go to hell.

sounds about right to me.
What church if you can say