This thread is quite old now but people are still posting so i shall keep it alive

This is my first post be gentle lol
This is just a post about my first acid trip and what i experienced.
I have tried LSD and shrooms but im a casual toker. when i took LSD what we experienced me and my friends could only describe as fucked. However dont think i meen that in a bad way.
i already knew what would happen to me on LSD by reading as much as i could from websites and books ( i always like to know about a drug before i do it) but i imagened it to be more of a head fuck... but i tried it anyway. you hear stories for example; you see trees talking to you and telling you evil things, this can happen but i doubt it very much unless you have had a large dosage.
I had 2 and a half tabs in the space of 12 hours and was tripping for over 24 hours till i fell asleep, we went on an all night bend basically.
Me and 3 mates took a tab each at 12pm
We got a taxi to our mates mates house who was a paranoid schitzophrenic, we come up when we got there * TIP - dont do acid with a paranoid schitzo bloke *
There were 5 of us in his flat listening to music and doing a few bongs while tripping off our heads

about an hour later we watched Cheech and Chongs next movie * TIP - Watch this film on acid, its totally awsome * after it had finished i think we were just sitting there chatting lots of rubbish smoking alot of pot, another guy called garry who was there was very experienced and knew exactally how we felt. this was good coz he kinda guided us through the trip which was awsome. The schitzo bloke was quite trippy as he was talking to himself alot of the time ( one thing he repeated throughout the night i think was "i do believe" in a scottish accent which was funny as fuck while your tripping balls. this is when i took another half a tab, it was my friends (who we got the acid from) second time doing them so he asked if i wanted to so anothe half with him so i done another half.
a few hours later we left the schitzo guys flat and went to garrys, it was around 8am and we were still awake as we done a bomb of speed which kept us up for ages.
anyway we left the flat and started walking to garrys which was a 5 miniute walk. it took us 15 miniutes as kept stopping to look at things and my mate left his wallet at the flat which took longer.
when we got to the house we sat in the livingroom listening to music while garry and his schitzo friend set up the internet or something, i wasnt paying attention coz i was tripping so much. the schitzo guy put a fan light on which i must have watched for a fair few hours, just watching it spin. i done another tab while i was there around 11am
we left his house at around 2:30pm and went to our skate park, on the way there we walked through a forrest and got lost when we left it, we lost all sence of direction on lsd.
we sat in the park under a big tree just tripping for most of the day then went back to our mates house to tell him what shit had gone on

Colours are much more intense (the grass is actually greener)

walls might look like they are melting

dont start acting skatty

do it with friends you can trust

watch "the mighty boosh"
and have an amazing trip