Eagle 20 ew - serious concerns, even in veg

Zoooommmbieee Threaaaaddd... Eeeeaaaaggllle 20.

Mebby... E20 is showing up again in the news.

DowAgro does not list Cannabis on the approved uses on its product, and the MSDS shows the decomp of the products to be burned to be some nasty stuff. There are some reference that suggest it being a suspected carcinogen and its banned in a few states. I would try to minimize the use of E20, if used on a cannabis crop.
Fuck. We can't even use it in veg anymore? Or mother plant maintenance? Now what, we wait till we get powder and then deal with it? This cannabis hobby just keeps getting harder and harder...........
Fuck. We can't even use it in veg anymore? Or mother plant maintenance? Now what, we wait till we get powder and then deal with it? This cannabis hobby just keeps getting harder and harder...........

Naw.. use if you have to.. its your crop. I'm suggesting people minimize e20 usage, Is e20 necessary to or as a preventative measure for growing is more or less what I'm saying, given the questionable outcome of e20. I think your application of e20 is correct applying it to a mother, that eventually will have little residual given the half life and the eventual quadrupling of mass of a flowered cutting. But who is say other growers are using it correctly?.. How late is too late for application for cannabis?.

I would freak the fuck out if somebody said, "I apply E20 every week just in case".. I would NOT smoke that.

I'm ok with somebody saying "I treated these clones once in quarantine with eagle," .. I'm ok with that.

If there's a legitimate need for e20, I get it.. I"m sure theres some environments like outdoors or whatever you have to bring out some big guns to fight PM. I'm guessing here but the risk seems low in comparison to some of the carcinogens or even the radioactive shit I have to deal with.. But Id rather avoid it.
If you use it early enough (before flower) you should be good to go. It is the only thing I know that kills PM and it stays gone. I don't like to have to use it, but when it's needed, it's what gets the job done.
Naw.. use if you have to.. its your crop. I'm suggesting people minimize e20 usage, Is e20 necessary to or as a preventative measure for growing is more or less what I'm saying, given the questionable outcome of e20. I think your application of e20 is correct applying it to a mother, that eventually will have little residual given the half life and the eventual quadrupling of mass of a flowered cutting. But who is say other growers are using it correctly?.. How late is too late for application for cannabis?.

I would freak the fuck out if somebody said, "I apply E20 every week just in case".. I would NOT smoke that.

I'm ok with somebody saying "I treated these clones once in quarantine with eagle," .. I'm ok with that.

If there's a legitimate need for e20, I get it.. I"m sure theres some environments like outdoors or whatever you have to bring out some big guns to fight PM. I'm guessing here but the risk seems low in comparison to some of the carcinogens or even the radioactive shit I have to deal with.. But Id rather avoid it.

I didn't see this post before I posted. I agree. Only use if needed, and in my experience 1 application is all it takes to be gone for good. I spray outside making sure I am up wind and cover all skin and wear a bandana/dust mask over my face to be safe. I think application is the most dangerous part. I NEVER spray in flower. Use it wisely and it is a great ally.
I have never heard more whining bullshit before! You people are a bunch of sheep! To the first entry person" Your full of shit! Feeling weird is in your head! The shit is gone in 30 days!!!!! I have had my weed tested every crop for two years and eagle 20 has never been found in my finished buds!!! I and all of my patients appreciate absolutely zero PM! You people beleive everything you hear and read on the internet, what a joke. Read the label this product is used on food! Grapes are not ornammental. And now that a bunch of ignorant whiners are complaining Dow chemical will have to change its paperwork to include marijuana which will cost them money which in turn will cause the price to go up and eventually that extra cost will be on the finished product and you will all be able to thank the morons for why we all pay more for the bud!!! Dont you people realize that the reason none of these Companies have weed on their labels is that the Federal Governmet still says its a schedule 1 with no use for anything so their not gonna have it on their labels. Then they would be sued for promoting illegal weed growing!! Wake the f__k up people. Grow a pair and start thinking for yourselves or talk to people like me who really know cause I have spent the time and money to make sure!
Eagle 20 is toxic when smoked or vaped on cannabis. It produces a chemical gas called Hydrogen Cyanide. Cyanide!!! Yes the toxin that causes neurological problems or death. Rocky mtn PBS just did a great piece on pesticides in marijuana here in Colorado.

Bull shit If your stupid enough to spray and smoke maybe! Have you done it or do you know of anyone personally this has happened to ? No, thats what I thought! See this is the type of post that is irresponsible!!!
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There's a link that I found very helpful even tho its with a grain of salt. If you want to be sure, just use it and send a sample in to test which is rather inexpensive. This is why I shy from use avid/floramite, but honestly the thread doesnt mean crap unless you use it and test your final product to see what stays in and what goes out in your time frame.
I have never heard more whining bullshit before! You people are a bunch of sheep! To the first entry person" Your full of shit!

My problem is there's no designated application rate for Eagle. How do people apply eagle with no application dosage or treatment timing interval?.. wing it?.. Guess?.. When is the secondary treatment interval. ?

You're right Dow Agro probally didn't test for cannabis, and no lower limits for residual has been set, but if you look at the label there are no smokable crops.. like tobacco..

I'm not biased against using eagle 20 and I have no problem eating something that was treated with it.

However we have to consider this.

1) Its systemic.
2) What is the alternate treatment in an IPM for Eagle?.. Seems like people are only using this.
3) Low doses of Eagle could create PM resistant to eagle.
4) None of the crops listed are a smokeable product, Apples, Grapes, Stone Fruits.

Just have to think carefully, why people are getting PM, I can only think of ONE instance where I needed a fungicide, and it was environmental problems.

Not saying dont use it.. but _think_ before you use it.
If you want a safer organic product why dont you check out nuke em? I only heard good things about it. I'm using it with forbid to keep russet mites at bay. Apparently nuke em works for pm and its safe.
If you want a safer organic product why dont you check out nuke em? I only heard good things about it. I'm using it with forbid to keep russet mites at bay. Apparently nuke em works for pm and its safe.

Forbid 4F is an ornamental pesticide.

"Do not use on vegetable gardens.
Do not use on plants intended for use as feed or forage.
Not for use in commercial greenhouses or nurseries, or on fruit or nut trees"

Using Forbid 4F with Nuke Em doesn't make it organic or safer.
Forbid 4F is an ornamental pesticide.

"Do not use on vegetable gardens.
Do not use on plants intended for use as feed or forage.
Not for use in commercial greenhouses or nurseries, or on fruit or nut trees"

Using Forbid 4F with Nuke Em doesn't make it organic or safer.

Did I ever say I was using Forbid for Pm? Did I ever say using Forbid with Nuke Em makes it organic or safe? I dont think so lol.

I know its a ornamental pesticide. You know Oberon is the same thing but at half the active ingredient that is rated for food crops?

I said Nuke em is the safer organic way and I just MENTIONED that Im using it together with forbid. Never once did i say that forbid is safe nor organic I stated "Apparently nuke em works for pm and its safe.". lol
I'm using it with forbid to keep russet mites at bay. .

There it is right there... Using it with forbid. lol

I'm not going to use forbid even if its simply double the the a.i of oberon. lol... the fact is that I would be applying an ornamental listed insecticide. lol

Id rather find another control, that wont get me in trouble. lol

Forbid 4F is an ornamental pesticide.

"Do not use on vegetable gardens.
Do not use on plants intended for use as feed or forage.
Not for use in commercial greenhouses or nurseries, or on fruit or nut trees"

Using Forbid 4F with Nuke Em doesn't make it organic or safer.
There it is right there... Using it with forbid. lol

So where did i say that Using Forbid f4 with Nuke em makes it organic or safer? I just said i used it for a russet mite infestation correct? Thats what you quoted saying "there it is right there..." so ugh? How baked are you lol
There is so much back and forth blathering that I sort of got lost in it all and forgot what the fuck I was going to say lmfao. A-q10 I can't think of its name... Any way its supposed to be a bio fungicide that is completely safe to use up until day of harvest.. It's a natural bacteria that attacks the powdery mildew spores by parasitization? I'm not positive but what I do know is the claim is that it kills the spores not treats or reduces them. You can buy the shit all day long if you live in Italy or Germany or some other far off majestic place. It's not registered here although there is talk that it is Wtf? I can't find that info! Check it out maybe I missed something but this product sounds awesome. Maybe , hell I don't know.
There is so much back and forth blathering that I sort of got lost in it all and forgot what the fuck I was going to say lmfao. A-q10 I can't think of its name... Any way its supposed to be a bio fungicide that is completely safe to use up until day of harvest.. It's a natural bacteria that attacks the powdery mildew spores by parasitization? I'm not positive but what I do know is the claim is that it kills the spores not treats or reduces them. You can buy the shit all day long if you live in Italy or Germany or some other far off majestic place. It's not registered here although there is talk that it is Wtf? I can't find that info! Check it out maybe I missed something but this product sounds awesome. Maybe , hell I don't know.

Sounds pretty good I would try it on a plant lol. But I lean to the chemical side... Organics only work to a degree, but if your on top of it, It'll never get so bad where organics cant knock it out usually.

to Op:
Never really dealt with pm but honestly dont let people tell you not to use something. Do some research on it the product and make your own decision. Products like eagle 20 are used on MANY food crops such as grapes and strawberries regularly. You cant ever "clean" a strawberry without damaging it and we consume it on a daily basis. You gotta ask yourself how harmful it really is when correctly used. Correct answer is, its not that harmful. Thats why I use forbid, because I know at half strength its used for food crops. Many people have tested it and it has tested out from 45 days as they say. But then again this is all debatable from their environment as light breaks it down. More light, faster it's out the plant. If its never sprayed on the buds, the buds will never have it. It stays in the place you sprayed.
Thats why I eat organic food (much of it home grown), drink organic wine, and take the train to work (I'm a registered professional engineer). I think YOU are the one that needs to wake up. I'm doing just fine over here.
I hope you enjoy the powdery mildew you smoke then cause myself and all the medical patients I provide for are thankful I use eagle 20!
Forbid 4F is an ornamental pesticide.

"Do not use on vegetable gardens.
Do not use on plants intended for use as feed or forage.
Not for use in commercial greenhouses or nurseries, or on fruit or nut trees"

Using Forbid 4F with Nuke Em doesn't make it organic or safer.
Here we go! Another uninformed moron making gloom and doom statements! Research before you run your mouth! The exact same product is distributed by Bayer as Oberon and is for food products ie. Strawberry etc! SO TAKE YOUR FOOT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!!!
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Provide evidence that eagle 20 is 100% safe product to use instead of trying to caps lock your point across. You're acting childish and that doesn't help to persuade anyone to join you.

Some of us don't live in a humid environment and so your statement about "I hope you enjoy smoking moldy buds" is as ignorant as it gets.
Provide evidence that eagle 20 is 100% safe product to use instead of trying to caps lock your point across. You're acting childish and that doesn't help to persuade anyone to join you.

Some of us don't live in a humid environment and so your statement about "I hope you enjoy smoking moldy buds" is as ignorant as it gets.

Well no product is 100% safe, its all about how it breaks down and the process. Growing with a 1000 watt is way different than growing with a 315 watt. The light intensity is vastly different which breaks down the product, someone who grows with a 1000 watt can have eagle 20 out their system within 30 days while the person growing with a 315 watt will still have dangerous levels at the 20 day mark. No product is 100% safe to a group like us, we all use different light sources and grow differently, the only way to tell if a product is safe is to test it yourself in your environment.
Well no product is 100% safe, its all about how it breaks down and the process. Growing with a 1000 watt is way different than growing with a 315 watt. The light intensity is vastly different which breaks down the product, someone who grows with a 1000 watt can have eagle 20 out their system within 30 days while the person growing with a 315 watt will still have dangerous levels at the 20 day mark. No product is 100% safe to a group like us, we all use different light sources and grow differently, the only way to tell if a product is safe is to test it yourself in your environment.

Your legitimacy is in question as well, how can you say no product is 100% safe, we aren't going down the rabbit hole we are discussing science here.

I want to be clear I am not here to pick a fight just to regulate the bullshit being spewed all over.