Hawaii Growers

Question about outdoor grow in Hawaii. I have been vegging indoors and flowering outdoors. I'm wondering if the next batch that goes outside will be affected by the days getting longer later in the cycle. As little of a change it is, will it affect the flowering cycle? I'll be flowering Critical Mass which is a 60 day strain. If I put outdoors now, January 20th or so it should be done. But that's almost a month after winter solstice. I'd also like to get it a few more weeks before putting it outside.

What does everyone else do for vegging then transferring outside?

Thanks in advance.
There's a couple more things I thought I should be more clear about.

The only thing that can really screw you up is planting sativa dominant strains too late at the end of short season. Depending on how sativa dominant a strain is they can start to flower and then reveg once the daylight hours start getting long enough. You don't want them revegging. They just sit around not doing anything while they're switching from flowering back to vegging. It's a waste of time having them switch.

And depending on how many hours of light your using for vegging indoors can have some effect and it's still mostly only for sativa dominant strains during long season and again, depending on how sativa dominant it is. For example, if you're using a 24/0 light cycle inside and you put a sativa dominant strain outdoors during long season it might kick in to flower for a little while because of the drastic light change and then switch back to vegging. You don't want revegging unless you're trying get to reveg a plant that you wanted to keep that you didn't take clones from and even then I'd just clone it like normal instead of the whole plant. You're less likely to have revegging happen with a 15/9 or 16/8 indoor light cycle. Just FYI, some clones may not stay flowering under 15/9, but seed plants should.

I use supplemental lighting outside to keep things vegging.

Alright, I think that covers all of it, but don't be afraid to ask if something got missed.
Well gang, just moved from the tip of the Emerald Triangle in Southern Oregon to this wonderful place. Looking for any and all help regarding our medicine in an indoor environment and a greenhouse environment.

Looking at using either Cutting Edge Solutions , Soul Synthetics, or Advanced in my Ebb n Flow. Any recommendations. Especially since the choices are limited in a short timeframe?

Thanks in advance.

There's a couple more things I thought I should be more clear about.

The only thing that can really screw you up is planting sativa dominant strains too late at the end of short season. Depending on how sativa dominant a strain is they can start to flower and then reveg once the daylight hours start getting long enough. You don't want them revegging. They just sit around not doing anything while they're switching from flowering back to vegging. It's a waste of time having them switch.

just curious, when is the latest you plant seeds outdoors? For Short season.
What about you Vnsmkr? When do you like to put in your last short season planting? I like hearing what everyones take is. I usually do my last planting of sativa dominant strains in The new moon of December, but thats just me.
just curious, when is the latest you plant seeds outdoors? For Short season.
I'd say it's strain dependent; mostly dependent on estimated weeks of flower time. If it's an equatorial sativa strain I wouldn't plant it past Oct./early Nov. If it was something more like a 10-12 week flowering stain the Dec/early Jan. I'd say would be good. The Malawis I was growing were a 10-14 week strain and they finished fine when I started flowering them in December. Anything with less flowering time than that could probably be planted just about anytime of year. They probably won't be sensitive enough to tropical daylight hours to revert back to flowering even when the daylight hours are increasing. Far leaning sativas will most likely be more sensitive to the slower increases of tropical daylight hours and could reveg if they're still flowering near the spring equinox. I had it happen a couple times with tropical strains from clones. I let them reveg and grow out and flower again and it was a waste of time overall. I would've done better just cutting them down and putting in some fresh clones. And thanks for the kind words :)
Well gang, just moved from the tip of the Emerald Triangle in Southern Oregon to this wonderful place. Looking for any and all help regarding our medicine in an indoor environment and a greenhouse environment.

Looking at using either Cutting Edge Solutions , Soul Synthetics, or Advanced in my Ebb n Flow. Any recommendations. Especially since the choices are limited in a short timeframe?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome Guido. I don't think we have too many indoor growers here that participate in this thread, but maybe somebody will be able to chime in. If you don't find help here, ask in the indoor growing sub-forum; there's plenty of skilled indoor growers here that can help you.

As far as the greenhouse goes there's not much to it besides choosing strains that will work with the humidity. Strains with really big or dense buds can mold more easily so good air flow is important and it still might not be enough if you're in a really wet humid area of the islands.
lmao, i'm reading this thread and i turn my head to the other room guess what there watching? (its 25 dgrees here too btw might explain there fascination with your weatyher there, my brother and his buddy are all gaga over the kyak fisherman you guys have on television over there! Looks kinda dangerous if you ask me, last i checked hawaii has some nasty fish off its shores.

Wow does that flower look satisfying
lmao, i'm reading this thread and i turn my head to the other room guess what there watching? (its 25 dgrees here too btw might explain there fascination with your weatyher there, my brother and his buddy are all gaga over the kyak fisherman you guys have on television over there! Looks kinda dangerous if you ask me, last i checked hawaii has some nasty fish off its shores.

Wow does that flower look satisfying
I haven't had TV in about 12 years or so, so I'm not familiar with the kayak guy, but there are a few aggressive fish. Tiger sharks are the ones that get the most attention and I wouldn't want to be in the water with one either. I think we had a record number of shark attacks around Maui last year; around 13 or so. At least one of the guys was killed and he was fishing from a kayak and chumming the water too. I've never fished from a kayak, but I used to spear fish with a 3 prong spear a lot and that can be sketchy at times. I never had any moments, but I've had friends who have had sharks take their fish bag which is generally a mesh bag you keep fish in and tied on a rope so the bleeding fish don't have to be too close to you.

25 deg. is too cold for me. I lived in Nor. California for 5 years and it would regularly get down to -20 to -30 up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where I lived. Pretty much spoiled me for cold for the rest of my life I think. Tomorrow's forecast for where I live on Maui is a high of 81 and a low of 70; that works about perfect for me.

And the bud was great. I smoked some in a banana leaf wrap and it was the most potent stuff I've smoked in a looong time.
And @HiloReign and @waterproof808 I'm glad we had the spraying neem in late flower discussion. My plants are undercover now and if we weren't talking about it I might have kept spraying them like I was, but it hasn't even been necessary. When the flowers aren't getting drenched at least for half the week the mold doesn't spread from the bug damage like it does when the plants are out in the open. It's been super nice having the plants being sheltered. Anyway, I stopped spraying about 3 weeks into flower this time and have mostly just been picking off budworms by hand.
I haven't had TV in about 12 years or so, so I'm not familiar with the kayak guy, but there are a few aggressive fish. Tiger sharks are the ones that get the most attention and I wouldn't want to be in the water with one either. I think we had a record number of shark attacks around Maui last year; around 13 or so. At least one of the guys was killed and he was fishing from a kayak and chumming the water too. I've never fished from a kayak, but I used to spear fish with a 3 prong spear a lot and that can be sketchy at times. I never had any moments, but I've had friends who have had sharks take their fish bag which is generally a mesh bag you keep fish in and tied on a rope so the bleeding fish don't have to be too close to you.

25 deg. is too cold for me. I lived in Nor. California for 5 years and it would regularly get down to -20 to -30 up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where I lived. Pretty much spoiled me for cold for the rest of my life I think. Tomorrow's forecast for where I live on Maui is a high of 81 and a low of 70; that works about perfect for me.

And the bud was great. I smoked some in a banana leaf wrap and it was the most potent stuff I've smoked in a looong time.

I agree 25 is too cold for most of us. Today is 18 sadly, your weather and area is gorgeous, if i could afford to live out there i most likely would spent the rest of my life there honestly. I guess there's a group of guys that supply local restaurants with fresh fish and they use kayaks! Nothing like taking your life into your hands everytime you suit up for work! Never heard of banana leaf wrap man sounds great!