Auto Berry Ryder fem

Alright so i've tested my tap water and my ph meter shows a ph of 9, this must have been the issue.

I gave my girl 2L of 6.2ph water hopefully that fix the problem.

Grew six of them outdoors in 10" pots, should show female hairs between 4 and 5 weeks and harvest at 10 weeks.
Found you can top at day 14 but not transplant.
Start over.
Don't know were you got your seeds but look at Bonza Seeds they are cheaper than Auto Seeds and free shipping!!
Try to limit the transplanting with Auto's.. If ya are Gona pop one seed..why not start it in a 2 gallon pot n let it go start 2 finish in same pot.
Try to limit the transplanting with Auto's.. If ya are Gona pop one seed..why not start it in a 2 gallon pot n let it go start 2 finish in same pot.
He's right, just be really careful not to over water in the seedling stage, its easy to do in such a large pot. I'm not advising against it atall though, that's some sound advice ^
I did my autos all in their final pots. Why bother with the hassle of transplanting. I did it by fluke tho mind you, as I'm lazy, and didn't know about autos in finals pots etc. Yay me!
no i haven't, how is it important?
It allows the chlorine added to tap water to break down. It's a good thing to do however your plants probably won't die from it. It's only really a big factor if you are growing organically (which by the miracle grow you clearly ain't) as in organic growing you do not directly feed the plant, instead you feed the microorganisms in the soil Who in turn feed your plants. Chlorine harms these micro organisms but no more so than harsh chemical fertilisers would...
Day 42 she's growing quickly, i had to raise the lights 2 times in the last 3 days


Day 1, another auto berry ryder fem seed