Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL


Well-Known Member
Yes sir I have, unfortunately financially this is all I'm able to go with for this grow. I'm going to use whatever cash I get left from pay cheques (after paying freakin bills) to use for nutes and what not from now on out. I think i'm out for bulbs..well I am ok as its all i'm going to get for now. If I could afford to do so I'd happily get some of the high watt bulbs such as the one you are using. They'd make a hell of a diff I'm sure, as would a HPS I'd love to have lol. But this grow... it is what it is :) , still my baby(s)



Well-Known Member
That's cool maybe next grow. I drive around town and grow shops try to sell the same bulbs im using for $60-$80 for replacement bulbs and $120 for bulb and fixtures, but i found a website that sells them for $24 a pop. To me? i think thats cheap for such a high watt bulb that pushes 7000 lumens which is why im getting a couple more. But this is going to be really interesting how it pans out with a bunch of 26 watters. Im going to compare and contrast this grow with mine and maybe do things differently myself. You should stop by my grow journal and drop some tips or something. Anything would be much appreciated my friend-


Well-Known Member
Wolf: lol, is that a rhetorical question ? I mean am I having fun.. lol, of course I'm having fun.. this is awesome, I'm loving watching these little guys get bigger when they start to have true leaves you guys will be able to feel my excitement through the internet, lol :D
Thanks for all your help man, I appreciate it and thank you for your future help as well !

Dr: Dude, 24 is cheap.. Whats the site? Cause for that price I would defiantly consider at least 1 for flowering... However I am quite content with the light now.. and it could be interesting to contrast our grows..I mean realistically you should yield more via more light(lumens) however, I do suppose soil, nutes, TLC, all make a difference too.. I'll take a look at your grow and subscribe so I can stay up to date on that.. This should be interesting !!



Well-Known Member
Heres the link for the
105 Watt CFL - Spring Lamp- Full Spectrum - 6500K
105 Watt CFL - Spring Lamp- Full Spectrum - 6500K - Major Lamp #SHO-105W-WW Light Bulb

The highest watt flowering (2700K) bulb that goes into a regular socket on that website is 55 watts pushing 3600 lumens for 15 bucks. You could buy the 100 Watt 2700K bulb but its a mogul socket which means you would need a Mogul to Standard Reducer (E39 to E26) which is $5.
Then you could just plug it into a regular household socket which is an E26 Edison =). Man i look at this stuff way to much for my own good.
Mogul to Standard Reducer (E39 to E26)

That site is awsome it has 2-200 Watt bulbs ranging from 2700K all the way to 6500K.


Hope that helps you.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning, Update 8/21 !

Well, not really too much to talk about this fine morning, more of HK developing its new stem between sets of leaves which is more pronounced in todays pics. I'll show one of that then the usual 2 height and length with a sharpie. The leaves on HK are still a bit droopy at the ends although I'm still chalking that one up to left over stress from transplant. The same will be shown for TH today. Not a huge change, but I'm going to give it CO2 again today and see how it goes. That wont be till this evening around 8 - 10pm EST. So my update on that will come later tonight. On to the pics

See the new growth starting to go up instead of out as it started. Good signs, I've also noticed this nice pure Indica is COMPACT, which means 2 things.. 1) I picked the right genetics for my small area, and 2) My lights are sufficient and close enough as my plants not reaching or anything !!
Next up are the Sharpie Shots ! First Length then Height.

Ok so this could be cause its 8am and I'm high already BUT, doesn't my plant KINDA look like the Karate Kid doing his Crane Kick.. Both arms up and arched.. LMAO, ok sorry guys I'm high.. back to the post..

Now we move to TH, still growing strong, growing a bit more up than out but thats what was expected as this plant is showing Sativa traits.
As you can see TH is showing signs of 2ndary node growth as well..

And on to her Sharpie shots, first Height and then Length

lookin good,

Well, thats about all I have for this morning guys...Todays going to be uneventful as all i have planned is 2hrs of CO2. I'm actually heading up on 2 weeks since they've popped above ground. Should I consider using some 1/4 strength fert ? I have a 20-20-20 kicking around here that I could make a super low solution of.. Or should I wait at least another week ? I'm going to try and find SuperThrive in the meantime but thought I'd ask !!

Thanks, and have a great day !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd say give them a small dosage of the nutes. Wouldn't hurt, just at a low dose :) Have a good one at work dude, let us know how the co2 works out, if there even is any noticeable effect.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feed them 20-20-20 this early. My Friend you are going to want to start with something that is more concentrated with nitrogren, but nothing too big since your plants are still babies. Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4) is a good nute to start with and if you like growth stimulaters Liquid Karma (3-2-6) is also pretty good. But if your going to stick with the 20-20-20 then wait till next week till it develops a little more.


Well-Known Member
Dude I wouldn't give them any nutes this early on man, chances are they don't need it and its like playing with fire when they're that young. Plus "The Claw" (when your leaves claw down) is primarily caused by excess nutes, my understanding anyway...


Well-Known Member
Right on, thanks for the replies guys.. Good thing I ask before i do.. No nutes for now then !! I haven't given them any nutes yet, so I hope "the claw" is for another reason. I'm still not 100% sure the soil didn't have any nutes in it, however one would think it would clearly state so on the package as well as have a NPK value which it didn't. I might try to call the 1888 # on the package when i get home later. Next update after CO2 tonight !!


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Heres the link for the
105 Watt CFL - Spring Lamp- Full Spectrum - 6500K
105 Watt CFL - Spring Lamp- Full Spectrum - 6500K - Major Lamp #SHO-105W-WW Light Bulb

The highest watt flowering (2700K) bulb that goes into a regular socket on that website is 55 watts pushing 3600 lumens for 15 bucks. You could buy the 100 Watt 2700K bulb but its a mogul socket which means you would need a Mogul to Standard Reducer (E39 to E26) which is $5.
Then you could just plug it into a regular household socket which is an E26 Edison =). Man i look at this stuff way to much for my own good.
Mogul to Standard Reducer (E39 to E26)

That site is awsome it has 2-200 Watt bulbs ranging from 2700K all the way to 6500K.


Hope that helps you.
Thanks for the hookup Dr.Chronic!! =]

Dude I wouldn't give them any nutes this early on man, chances are they don't need it and its like playing with fire when they're that young. Plus "The Claw" (when your leaves claw down) is primarily caused by excess nutes, my understanding anyway...
I agree... no nutes yet... still too early..

The "claw effect" could be from anything at this point, but just keep an eye on it... nothing to worry to much about for now..... lmao at karate kid crane kick lol

When is your next watering FT?
when you water... give them a good flush watering.... just cuz your soil doesn't have added nutes... doesn't mean it has no nutes at all... all soil has some natural nutes... and this soil looks good and may have slightly more natural nutes then others... but even if that is causing the curl.. it isn't too bad.. and the plants will love it as they get larger.

Do you have any fish emulsion 5-1-1?
That is a good nute to start them out with later.

The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Just doing a quick pop on at work... This is my new ghetto Net Pot, I plan to fill it with crushed Lava Rock which should allow for good root growth..

I'll answer more questions and respond again later when I get home..

D.I.Y Ghetto Net Pot
It has these slits all the way around the bottom

And a shot from the bottom...

Think it'll work ? If not I"ll spend the 5 bucks on real ones next pay check !!


Well-Known Member
lol yea its a good one eh, I can't remember where I found it so I'll email it to you. thanks for clearing the lights up for me. good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that net pot man, the chemically duct tape adhesive probably isn't to root friendly... probably very unfriendly at that.


Well-Known Member
Balls, thats a great point Dank, I didn't even think about that one...Thanks for that man !! The tapes only on the outside of the bottle but I can see maybe the adhesive leaking into the reservoir I suppose....I was trying to find something dark plastic or even black plastic. Then I was like well duct tape is waterproof it'll keep the light out !! lol, Anyway the DWC is for Vegetables to start, not Ganja.. I wanna learn in soil before trying mary jane in Hydro.. Things happen alot quicker and less forgiving in hydro. Thanks for your input though man, much appreciated ! There goes time well wasted at work today , lol...Update on grow coming in about 25 - 30 min when the CO2 is done... I have to show you guys HK.. Needless to say... This is one happy Farmer :) We almost have what I'd called...true leaves forming !!! "talk" to you guys in a bit !!



Well-Known Member
8/21 Evening Update & Pics..

So we just finished CO2 night number 2, I still don't know if I can really report anything as they're young plants and really, they're going to grow daily regardless of what I add, however in saying that we all know that HK was starting off quite slow, however since the transplant and now day 2 of CO2, I have to say shes really passing TH, not in height, but then I'm not expecting that of a pure indica. Shes not stretching at all and despite the Crane Kick leaves/look she has going on. Shes still showing me new growth everyday. As for TH, well I can't say anything negative about this one either, its been also showing new and quick growth on a daily basis. I'm pretty baked right now and well don't have much more to say, not of any real relevance at least, lol.. anyway, on to the pictures...

Top Down, "True Leaves" Beginning to Form

Side View of new Growth

Wax On, Wax Off, Wax On, Wax Off... Cobra Kai.. Your going down.. Eat Crane Kick Hindu Kush Style....

lol, ok on we move to Thornhillium(TH)

Top Down

And next a side shot of new growth forming,

Thats all I haves for now guys..Next update, tomorrow morning !!