All lives matter, not joking. But the meme still makes me laugh.

No I dont actually think its okay for anyone to kill anyone without at least some justifiable reason. Some of these are just flat out scared cops murdering people, not because I think they hated them or wanted anyone dead, just scared cops pulling the trigger.
I don't understand your line of logic, if its called that. This is what I think you said:

Person was scared so he ran.
Cop was scared so he pulled trigger.
Person should not have run, this is not understandable.
Cop should not have pulled trigger but its understandable what the cop did.

Nobody is supposed to be shot by a cop without some sort of active threat to either the cop or another person. Don't they put cops through training and simulations to prevent exactly what happened? The guy running wasn't threatening the cop in any way. So, you are wrong, the cop's action is not understandable.

Yet you say its the guy's fault. Because why? What I think you are saying is he was shot because the guy didn't obey the cop's order. I'd say its because the police department put an unqualified person on the street or perhaps something is wrong with the department's training or policies. I don't say it's because the civilian made a mistake. You turn on the victim. Which is why you are called a cop dick sucker.
And dont run from cops and obey the law.

Equal rights? Paid less for same job? Production levels low?

Next please.

Translation: Do everything law enforcement officers say or die. Don't demand equal rights. Don't demand equal pay for the same work as others. Suck it up and work really hard regardless of conditions. Where do you live? In the middle ages or something?
How does a police officer make a lawful arrest if the suspect is non compliant?

Long story short, his/her training tells them that when making a lawful arrest, they are allowed to use the force necessary to effect the arrest. That same training tells the to use the minimum amount of force necessary. i.e. They are trained to not shoot an unarmed suspect who is resisting physically or fleeing.
The stupid shit ran from a cop; he was 59 yrs old, he should've known better.
Just culling of the herd, way too damn many stupid people anyway.

you're on a pot growing website, so i can only assume that whatever you are doing is far worse than some expired sticker.

in which case, you need to go kill yourself now.

also, your penis is fucking tiny. microscopic, in fact.