Standing O..Bernie Sanders!


Well-Known Member
I would like to start at the part where you plagiarized The New Times article word for word, paragraph for paragraph. Hundreds of words at a time. That is a published article, and thereby copyright protected; which makes your actions stupid, and not ok.

That very same Donald Trump has his own line of clothing, and it's made in ... China. (O.K., O.K. — not all of it. Salon, which reported this intriguing, head-scratching fact, notes that some of his apparel is from Mexico and Bangladesh.)

6.When recently discussing oil prices on air with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Donald Trump blustered on about the scheming malfeasance of OPEC and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Trump insisted the U.S. could leverage its military supremacy to persuade OPEC to lower prices. In his words: "I'm going to look 'em in the eye and say, 'Fellas, you'd have your fun. Your fun is over.'" But this rather naive suggestion of bullying one of the U.S.'s most longstanding and essential allies in the Middle East — not to mention the recent customer in a megabillion-dollar U.S. weapons sale that would create tens of thousands of American jobs — was comparatively harmless when set against his next suggestion. Trump bemoaned U.S. costs sustained during its wars in the Middle East and floated the idea of "taking" Iraqi oil. Stephanopoulos countered incredulously, "So, we steal an oil field?" Trump responded, "Excuse me. You're not stealing anything. You're taking — we're reimbursing ourselves." Given how many U.S. leaders have had to stress to their Middle East interlocutors that they're not in it simply for the oil, Trump would be starting off regional relations on pretty slippery ground.


Refute even 1 of these.

So....where would you like to start? Asshat
I dont know if your blind (we know your stupid) but for me that little thing at the bottom that says "Time" would be an indicator of source for most people. Unless your so pathetic you actually removed the "time" source in order to actually have something to say. Sorry if I didn't add the link for your lazy ass, not that it matters. Your too dense to reply to any of it anyway.

I was messing with you. You know, kind of like how you do ALL the time. Follow me around with cheap shot, smart ass comments. What, you don't like that? wow, I never would have guessed. :roll:
You were not messing with me. You were calling me out. Here is another example of you, again, when confronted with a well reasoned response claiming you were just joking to deflect from the fact that you're a dunce. :dunce:

This is how an adult handles being wrong.

When corrected with recent evidence that shows Castro is alive after I stated I thought he was dead, my response to The_Herban_Legend
Just looked it up. you are correct sir.

So per your ever increasing excuses why you cant answer anything... ever... directly. And with consideration to your stipulations of what it would take to do so, here is a question I came up with just for you.

Where would you like to start?
Starting by disclaiming that I dont like Hillery....she is clearly just going after fence sitting votes. She's stating that she will recognize the law as it is, while agreeing that the law needs to be changed and promising that she will make strides to that end. That's not a contradiction. Its quite straight forward...Will she do it? Is a better question. At this point she is willing to say whatever she needs to get as many votes as she can.

No different then trump...or any of them really.

So my rebuttal is this. Given Trumps business history and blatant disregard for his shareholders (as can be seen as recently as the 10/28 debate where he belittles people whom he lost $1Billion of their money as "its ok cause their not the nicest people") and given his open admittance time and again that he "bought politicians" showing a complete disregard for the system of governance hes attempting to enter, all to make a profit..... How do you feel that Trump is morally qualified to be POTUS and what makes you think his word counts for anything?
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I dont know if your blind (we know your stupid) but for me that little thing at the bottom that says "Time" would be an indicator of source for most people. Sorry if I didn't add the link for your lazy ass, not that it matters. Your too dense to reply to any of it anyway.

You were not messing with me. You were calling me out. Here is another example of you, again, when confronted with a well reasoned response claiming you were just joking to deflect from the fact that your a dunce. :dunce:

This is how an adult handles being wrong.

When corrected with recent evidence that shows Castro is alive after I stated I remember him being dead, my response to The_Herban_Legend
You sir, are a scholar and a gentlemen. Lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how Bernie's immigration plan shouldn't exclude him entirely as a crazy man. Sanders said he's going to double down on Obama's executive amnsety with, or without Congress. While at the same time ignoring the 5th circuit court's DAPA injunction forbidding it. So I guess we don't need a Judicial or a legislative branch. All we need is Bernie.
The president has many capabilities which he does not exercise.

Combined with his words in context?..

Maybe that's all we need is Bernie.


Well-Known Member
Give her a hand people, your next POTUS. The nomination is already bought and paid for.

Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, Citizens United, and McCutcheon v. FEC in action
What's the matter is Citizens United EVENED the playing field and until you fucks eat about 50-60 years of the shit we've had to eat, go pound sand.

Amazing that NOW we all need to band together to get the bad, evil money out of politics. Where the fuck were you and your hypocritical ilk when you had the monopoly on large donations from groups?

And it's you and a bunch of gullible dumbshits with short memories against me and the SCOTUS. I feel real good about my position. Come on back after about 40 years of you sleeping in the bed you shit, then we'll talk about what's right. MmmK?
Aww, idn't dat cute. Diddums not like the result the SCOTUS handed down?

So, now the justices THAT RULED SANELY that groups of individuals can donate to candidates who represent their interests, are traitors? I guess we have forgotten about the DECADES of unions doing precisely the same thing.

Hey, they took a page out of our playbook, burn the damn book, burn it.
I don't care what they do now that they can give money in the EXACT same way unions have been doing for DECADES. I want you and the asshats like you to stew in the juices of your own making. The fact you are all whining like pussies while it's happening, only makes it that much sweeter.

And for the record, I'm a stockholder in MANY of those corporations. What's good for them is good for me and mine. Sucks when groups of assholes sway the tides of elections for their own benefit, don't it? You drip with hypocrisy.
Who's crying now? :cry:


Well-Known Member
Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, Citizens United, and McCutcheon v. FEC in action

Who's crying now? :cry:
Not me. She's my candidate.

I'm not sure why you linked my support for Citizens United, it hasn't waivered. One of the best decisions the current SCOTUS has made. Thanks for the replay of some of my finest work.
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Well-Known Member
Not me. She's my candidate.

I'm not sure why you linked my support for Citizens United, it hasn't wavered. One of the best decisions the current SCOTUS has made. Thanks for the replay of some of my finest work.
your penis is incredibly tiny and altogether unsatisfying to women.


Well-Known Member
In order to mess with me you have to say something that makes ME look have embarrased yourself always...

And just cuse you remove the little name that says Time from the bottom doesnt mean i plagiarized it...dumbass....ive only posted it about 4 times before now for you to comment on and people can clearly see the name Time. Even if I somehow missed it on 1 of them...i also believe ive stated it was from time here or there.

Which you still are doing everything you can to avoid having an opinion on.

My shots arent meant to be cheap....but in relation to you i can see how they come out that way. Pointing out your deficiencies shows you are by far the dumbest, lowest class peice of trailer trash on this forum.

Your just so stupid you think your speaking people talk...instead of barking nonsense.

P.S when i first responded a week ago with that it was about 4min after something you posted.....did you think I typed all that of the cuff? Bwahahaha....Fucking retard.
<sigh> sad..the art(s) of debate and troll must be explained.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I missed the first 10 min or so of the debate but will be watching it during the week I am sure.

Having attended a community college, I am skeptical about it being free. Either the Fed offers Pell grants to everyone or they force the state to eat it.

Seems like a lot of extra spending. I hope they have cuts to sustain that

Burnie said something I definitely agree with and it is something Republicans talk about. Cost to benefit ratio. He was speaking of military maintenance but that cost to benefit ratio can be applied to all government programs to find where they are bleeding money.


Well-Known Member
I missed the first 10 min or so of the debate but will be watching it during the week I am sure.

Having attended a community college, I am skeptical about it being free. Either the Fed offers Pell grants to everyone or they force the state to eat it.

Seems like a lot of extra spending. I hope they have cuts to sustain that

Burnie said something I definitely agree with and it is something Republicans talk about. Cost to benefit ratio. He was speaking of military maintenance but that cost to benefit ratio can be applied to all government programs to find where they are bleeding money. mean, to find out where they AREN'T bleeding money?!


Well-Known Member
I missed the first 10 min or so of the debate but will be watching it during the week I am sure.

Having attended a community college, I am skeptical about it being free. Either the Fed offers Pell grants to everyone or they force the state to eat it.

Seems like a lot of extra spending. I hope they have cuts to sustain that

Burnie said something I definitely agree with and it is something Republicans talk about. Cost to benefit ratio. He was speaking of military maintenance but that cost to benefit ratio can be applied to all government programs to find where they are bleeding money.
Math cannot lie..CTB ratio is not new..just the concept of 'truth' and willingness to speak it..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Math cannot lie..CTB ratio is not new..just the concept of 'truth' and willingness to speak it..
Greg Gutfeld said it best when the discussion of big government and all the waste that goes with came up - "you can't downsize it, it's too out of control. All you can do is put it in a cage and not let it grow."

That man is really brilliant. He's got a handle on reality like few I've seen, certainly not Juan Williams or Geraldo. The other hosts sit there countering all their made up nonsense with this look on their face, "where in the hell does this liberal get this stuff?"


Well-Known Member
Hillary is getting destroyed by sanders and omalley. It almost seems indecent to watch!
It's actually quite delish..omalleys such a blowup doll..'and what do I mean by this'..:lol:..that means he needs to buy himself another 1.5 seconds to gather this thoughts..but after every fucking question?


Well-Known Member
Yahoo news?:lol:

So then Hillary will explain, how as president, she will keep us safe as those in Benghazi?

See Schuylaar thread 'hey girl'..
Face it man. Your guy isn't going to win. I won't even bother with whether or not that's good or bad because at this point it really doesn't matter. He can't beat her. When the Republicans debate, they don't every acknowledge his existence. Hillary's lead is increasing, not decreasing. Your boy is done.