Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

Why do you two get jealous so easy, then try and hold a brother down? There are 15 other white candidates you could ridicule, but no; you're pissed because a black man is successful, and not down with the struggle. Maybe Charles Barkley was right, black people are each other's own worst enemy.
You know guys...ive been wondering why Not GOP keeps at this despite being bitch slapped on literally every thread he posts on....and still here he is. I mean...... any rational person would see the pure grade A 100% dipshit it takes for that...

And ya know what? I think I figured it out.

It started like this....

And turned into this....
I give EVERYONE a fair shake until they show me other wise.
Carson has shown me otherwise
The guy is a nutcase and you are a fool.
When you try to pass off something stupid and petty as a big deal,it starts to show that there is a deeper meaning to your lame attacks. Is it because he's black? I don't really know, but there is without a doubt much more to it than what you claim. You can't seriously expect people to give a crap about grain storage in the pyramids. Don't be stupid
What do you think of Ben Carson's home decor, specifically, the picture of him and Jeeebus?

View attachment 3542537
I don't know what to make of it. Neither the photo or the story leaves me with much to go on.

The question to be asking here, is how close of a personal relationship does Carson have with Jesus? Does he believe the painting is symbolic, and he prays daily for guidance? Or does the painting suggest something more literal? Such as, does Carson believe he's a prophet? Which I don't believe to be the case, btw
Does he believe the painting is symbolic, and he prays daily for guidance? Or does the painting suggest something more literal? Such as, does Carson believe he's a prophet? Which I don't believe to be the case, btw

Lol!!! Both of the possible reasons you pointed out are grounds for automatic disqualification as a potential candidate of POTUS, in my opinion. As if one of your reasoning's is less delusional than the other. lol
Lol!!! Both of the possible reasons you pointed out are grounds for automatic disqualification as a potential candidate of POTUS, in my opinion. As if one of your reasoning's is less delusional than the other. lol
Which of the candidates are athiests? On either side.

Edit: none of them. They are all Christians with the exception of bernie sanders who's religion is Judaism.
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Which of the candidates are athiests? On either side.

Edit: none of them. They are all Christians with the exception of bernie sanders who's religion is Judaism.

With Democrats, people must put their liberal ideology ahead of their faith in god. That's how it works. That's why you see lesbian priests in Germany converting their Christian churches into Mosques for refugees. The religion of government always comes first. Just ask Nancy Palosi, who claims to be Catholic
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With Democrats, people must put their liberal idiology ahead of their faith in god. That's how it works. That's why you see lesbian priests in Germany converting their Christian churches into Mosques for refugees. The religion of government always comes first. Just ask Nancy Palosi, who claims to be Catholic
The religion of politics should come first, because the religion of God is make believe.
With Democrats, people must put their liberal idiology ahead of their faith in god. That's how it works. That's why you see lesbian priests in Germany converting their Christian churches into Mosques for refugees. The religion of government always comes first. Just ask Nancy Palosi, who claims to be Catholic
Hah, too funny this. First of all, use spell checker some times. You might come off as just an idiot.instead of a total idiot.

The problem with conservatives like you is that your belief guides your decisions. Like George W... faith-based decision making starts with a core belief that drives the decision. Not hinged in reality, but a belief. Conservatives make decisions based on faith. This is how the US ended up unprepared occupying a shattered Iraq without a clue of what was wrong or how to get out without making things worse, which we ended up doing. Conservatives did this. Carson will do this if he ever gets the chance, which he won't.

And...what kind of person has a picture painted of himself with Jesus? Don't you think its a bit grandiose?