Donald Trump

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They did a good job on that lol.
are you serious?

it is because someone else did the work of finding those numbers.
The person who wrote the article didn't do the work to find those numbers. He got those numbers from CharityWatch. Retard. Which he did not give credit to in his article. Maybe we should go after him for plagiarism too. Then call him a racist for being a part of the 16,000 groups SPLC has labeled a hate group. durp .Even though the FBI took them off as a credible source for information. Due to SPLC's progressive hate group bias
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yet you support businesses refusing service to your gay son because of the fact that he is gay.


how do you have the nerve to say any of the stupid shit you do?

Stupid shit Wendy?

I support people being able to decide their interactions on a mutual and voluntary basis. You do not. You support one party being able to force another neutral party to interact with them.

When some people issue threats to others for not interacting with them, it sounds kind of rapey. Why do you like rapists tactics so much?
I know one lady that moved here years ago and she is illegal. Ok so if you stop right there it's not that big of an issue. Now lets fast forward 10 years. She now has 8 kids and I know all of them and they are all on SNAP and cash aid. When the time is up they have another kid. One of her daughters has 7 kids.
I know one lady that moved here years ago and she is illegal. Ok so if you stop right there it's not that big of an issue. Now lets fast forward 10 years. She now has 8 kids and I know all of them and they are all on SNAP and cash aid. When the time is up they have another kid. One of her daughters has 7 kids.

Hilarious, any of them yours?
I really don`t know how to do any of that Twitter/Facebook and shit...but I do know where to put the dots.
the commas? I see what you mean. Figured out what happened. Somehow when I pasted the tweet, the numbers repeated next to eachother, making it appear to be a much larger number.

16361636 should be 1636
43734373 should be 4373
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the commas? I see what you mean. Figured out what happened. Somehow when I pasted the tweet, the numbers repeated next to eachother, making it appear to be a much larger number.

16361636 should be 1636
43734373 should be 4373

good looking out. I fixed it

You`re developing a pattern,.....

.....What word is this,...."eachother" ? English sucked but teach was hot.
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