Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

Add mono's to cobs?

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So much fluff...

Personally I'll just see reals as the guy that copied my setup and was too lazy to put on the reds.

We all would have found kingbrite regardless....just like we did every other part

your welcome for bringing 200w high voltage drivers into the game

Its all good though buddy. I only share after much thought knowing it will be for the greater good and help the largest amount of people. Knowing full well pukes will copy and take it as their own and try and build themselves up on someone else work.

Whats with the led weirdos.

Its just a light.

its so brite....its like heaven brite in here. its like heaven with optics. optics with real talk.

Show me your light that I copied from you lol your lights have monos on them
Show me your light that I copied from you lol your lights have monos on them

whats more important than the few monos on them is...the rest of the design...

2 200w drivers mounted onboard a 10" heatsink....in a x pattern..yawnnnnn....

Whats funny is I thought the time I just lined them up on either end was a superior pattern for all white. Just line them up evenly...

My 10" sink idea was actually born from a earlier diyer from icmag who used a 10.08 sink. I just used one with shorter fins...credit goes to him for the beefy sink idea.

The deep reds I use were born from people using them like weez, indianas custom spectrums, area 51, apache, and also just trying to fill the areas of the spd that are very low compared to the suns spectrum that I thought worked. Also many others that I can't recall offhand...anyone who remembers feel free to give them their credit...although they probably rather not even be mentioned because of the ugliness of led games

Its all good...i grow for fun and medication. Just legalize it is all I give a sh@t about.
whats more important than the few monos on them is...the rest of the design...

2 200w drivers mounted onboard a 10" heatsink....in a x pattern..yawnnnnn....

Whats funny is I thought the time I just lined them up on either end was a superior pattern for all white. Just line them up evenly...

My 10" sink idea was actually born from a earlier diyer from icmag who used a 10.08 sink. I just used one with shorter fins...credit goes to him for the beefy sink idea.

The deep reds I use were born from people using them like weez, indianas custom spectrums, area 51, apache, and also just trying to fill the areas of the spd that are very low compared to the suns spectrum that I thought worked. Also many others that I can't recall offhand...anyone who remembers feel free to give them their credit...although they probably rather not even be mentioned because of the ugliness of led games

Its all good...i grow for fun and medication. Just legalize it is all I give a sh@t about.
Can you please show me a pic of of the light I copied please and is your panel 24" long
Who gives a shit who started what?!?

This type of bickering has NO VALUE.
Let's try to keep this thread constructive! I myself learn more everyday, which I'm sure others do as well.
This forum can be a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Let's try not to clutter it up with trash talk please!!
Keep the Peace! :peace:
How many people have you helped with their lights? You are making yourself look like a hater. .
It's like the story of the little bird who falls out of the nest during a storm on a cold day, and just keeps chirping loudly, as told by Terrence Hill's character in the movie, My Name is Nobody.

There's the little bird, cold and scared on the ground going "buh-beeep BUH-BEEEEP", when a cow comes along and feeling sorry for the bird, lifts her tail and PLOP...drops a steaming meadow-muffin on it. The little bird is now warm but it's still not happy, so it keeps chirping, "BUH-BEEEEEP BUH-BEEEEEP".
Moments later, a mean old coyote wanders in and seeing the little bird, extends a paw and lifts it out of the pile. He looks at it carefully and begins brushing the muck off. Having cleaned the little bird, he then lifts it up in the air, and opening his jaws....GULP, swallows the little bird whole.

As he says in the flick, there's a moral to the story, but you have to figure it out.
However, if you want the answer in two hours, you could watch the film.
One of the best ways to extend your life is to not do anything which will shorten it. :lol:

Just let it go and stop chirping. We can already see you know how to put (expensive) LEGO together and can grow good herb.:clap: Do you need golden statuettes and cookies, too? o_O

You've laid down the challenge and if you want REAL answers, they will come in time.
If you want them sooner, then take a tip from Punk Rock and do it yourself. :mrgreen:

It's not as if you don't have the room. Your only lack seems to be incentive and direction.

@The Dawg You too...cease and desist, brudda. It's not necessary. I know you're better than that and it actually twists my gut to see you bark like this especially considering all you've taught me over the years, as a gentleman... I believe you may be misreading the general commentary from others. Sometimes it's best to just walk away. I can't count the times I've saved myself from pointless brawls with drunken rabble at the "Mudd Club" by doing so; that's wisdom talking. Save the wrasslin' banter for the Party Cup thread where it fits, please.
I be beggin' !


Jesus titty-fucking Christ boys, play nice and shit. Or don't, I guess.

I could only read so much of that garbage. Everyone, well...nearly everyone, in this thread has my respect for one reason or another, in some way or another.

As to the original question? @REALSTYLES you know I am not a hater, but I think you forgot the give us the option to answer "I have no idea." and "who cares?" Personally, I feel like I sort of land in between those two.

I've considered both Far-Red and UVB pretty carefully, and I am convinced they both have benefits, but the lion's share of benefits seem to come from brute force photon bombardment, which makes COBs a great choice.

Efficiency isn't the only goal we can set for ourselves, though. COBs are totally badass, but they may not be the most optimal possible setup for producing the highest quality nugs. I think the jury is still out on what the best-of-all-possible-configurations is for THC and crop yield, and there's still a lot of learning we can do about artificial light and Cannabis cultivation, I'm sure of it.

I think it is worthwhile to try new things that may yield benefits. Most of all I think we just like fucking with new gear. That's like 50% of the growing hobby; gear fetishism, and we all have that in common, right?
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Can you please show me a pic of of the light I copied please and is your panel 24" long

Its a 24"....

i just say copied because my thread was around for a good while with for the most part the same setup. Hard to believe you missed it or weren't interested being a diyer. So from my perspective it looks like that. But it really doesnt matter. The same idea presented in two differing ways. I claim no ownership of it but at the same time i'm familiar with the history of the led scene and how things have somewhat evolved. So you have your strong opinion and I mine.

Good luck with your grows. I do enjoy seeing cobs being used in such a large scale.

And none of this is meant to be hate based. Just another side of the story that has every right to be told.

Believe me, I try to refrain from posting as much as possible. Most of the talk nowadays just leaves me in a worse mood than otherwise. So I will further refrain

Continue the mono vs cob conversation. Either side could very well be right.
'Either side could very well be right'

I'm getting that feeling, too. No one seriously questions supplementing for UVB. The benefits of boosting deep red are similarly well known.

I can see a fairly complex matrix evolving of what lighting is best to achieve which specific results. Straight yield maximization is likely to respond to a different approach than a most trichomes or best expression of alternative cannabinoids focus. Of course strain also plays its role.

Part of what makes this a fascinating issue is that without a commonly agreed upon criteria for measuring success, anyone can claim anything.

For various reasons, I'll be happy to play a role in this discussion by running a single COB chip, en masse, thus providing a relatively pure data point in the debate.The chip of choice is CXB3590 3500 Kelvin CD bin. If I get my way, I'll end up with enough of THIS CHIP to run both veg and bloom, making for a full monoCOB approach.
why is it always a choice between maximizing quantity or quality? why not work for both?
That's what I meant, but I also admit I meant to imply there may be a spectrum between the two, and maybe focusing on one limits the other?
Do we know if it is possible or impossible to both maximize yield and potency simultaneously? I don't think we do. I have no idea if one can do both, @mc130p - does anyone know this for certain? I've seen your legendary party cup, so maybe you can...
Do we know if it is possible or impossible to both maximize yield and potency simultaneously? I don't think we do. I have no idea if one can do both, .....

Well, idk, but I would think that if I had a potent strain and all other things being equal, a new set of lights caused it to grow more vigorously, but at the same time, it was less potent, then I would say something was wrong with that light. wouldn't you?
Its a 24"....

i just say copied because my thread was around for a good while with for the most part the same setup. Hard to believe you missed it or weren't interested being a diyer. So from my perspective it looks like that. But it really doesnt matter. The same idea presented in two differing ways. I claim no ownership of it but at the same time i'm familiar with the history of the led scene and how things have somewhat evolved. So you have your strong opinion and I mine.

Good luck with your grows. I do enjoy seeing cobs being used in such a large scale.

And none of this is meant to be hate based. Just another side of the story that has every right to be told.

Believe me, I try to refrain from posting as much as possible. Most of the talk nowadays just leaves me in a worse mood than otherwise. So I will further refrain

Continue the mono vs cob conversation. Either side could very well be right.
I'm far from mad but you need too see this thread http://rollitup.org/t/realstyles-6th-diy-cxa-3590-5000k-db-bin.864284/ it was 2 months before your 10"x24" thread and we have different sinks on top of that. Sorry buddy but I didn't copy you. if you can prove to me that you made a post using the 10"x24"? I think you don't get running the cobs softer to get more out of them so there is no need for less efficient diodes. It's like trying to re-invent the wheel

born on date...may 14, 2014

hand selected a pic for you...when you grow as healthy a plant I'd love to listen in to your thoughts.

I could photo bomb a bunch of shit but I'm not the one that has to prove anything. Been transparent..

Could we see a closeup of a cob bud you've grown?

If you think I don't understand running softly increases efficiency than you know nothing about me.

Reals born on date...february 12 2015. Shoot...not even the same year.
Well I have 2 up and running and will wire up the last panel later today. Bright as fuck.
View attachment 3349982
Look at the difference my 412w panel 3500K dominate the other 2 mars
View attachment 3349983

View attachment 3349986 View attachment 3349987

alright...nuff' of this for me. anything else will be just a repeat
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born on date...may 14, 2014

hand selected a pic for you...when you grow as healthy a plant I'd love to listen in to your thoughts.
View attachment 3540915

I could photo bomb a bunch of shit but I'm not the one that has to prove anything. Been transparent..

Could we see a closeup of a cob bud you've grown?

If you think I don't understand running softly increases efficiency than you know nothing about me.

alright...nuff' of this for me. anything else will be just a repeat




6-26-2015 REALSTYLES for the win trichromes on the fan leaf stems lol

