Carly Fiorina is set on repeat

so did the democrats gain your vote by keeping medicaid running, so that you could depend on it?


i just quoted you calling medicaid efficient to boot.

why are you so against your own best interests?
Why do you not understand the difference between a rhetorical question and a statement?
medicaid is not government waste. you even depend on it!

you'll notice how nice i was in trying to understand where you were coming from in that convo, too.

moving on, why do you want to get rid of medicaid?

ben carson wants to get rid of "dependency", aka people like you who depend on medicaid, and reallocate all of it to put a whole new plan in place. you even asked why we needed that when the medicaid (welfare) that you depend on works so well.

seriously pie, are you trying to troll me?
Medicaid is not, in its entirety, waste.

But to assume there is no waste within Medicaid is foolish.
medicaid is not government waste. you even depend on it!

you'll notice how nice i was in trying to understand where you were coming from in that convo, too.

moving on, why do you want to get rid of medicaid?

ben carson wants to get rid of "dependency", aka people like you who depend on medicaid, and reallocate all of it to put a whole new plan in place. you even asked why we needed that when the medicaid (welfare) that you depend on works so well.

seriously pie, are you trying to troll me?
We should strive to reduce dependency.

Reducing dependency DOES NOT EQUAL removing programs.

It means increasing economic opportunity for individuals so that they no longer have to rely on the government for that aid the program provides.
We should strive to reduce dependency.

Reducing dependency DOES NOT EQUAL removing programs.

It means increasing economic opportunity for individuals so that they no longer have to rely on the government for that aid the program provides.

so now you can admit that ben carson wants to get rid of medicaid and replace it with a health savings account, but that's OK because he is going to give your husband a raise or something?

well, that raise will be going to pay for child care, since you will be in prison after old ben carson intensifies the war on drugs and cracks down on people like you.
Why do you not understand the difference between a rhetorical question and a statement?

you stated outright, along with ben carson, that programs like medicaid were just freebies to keep votes coming in.

so, did they get your vote with that welfare they gave ya?
So lets literally throw the baby out w the bath water..... Sooo dumb
How do you take my statements as that?

I never said get rid of medicare/medicaid. I said we should look to increase efficiency by cutting waste.

Do you not realize how inefficient government can be?

It is common sense to search programs for waste, fix the problem, and then the money is no longer tied up in something that doesn't work. Be it an Internet page error, staffing, application process, whatever.

Every dollar of waste is a dollar taken from the program.
Anyone notice that she just says the same 3 things over and over?

Watching the debate now. Figured we could poke some fun at the debate.

Mark Rubio also called for a tax credit for families. On top of what we already have and Rand Paul was all like, your not a conservative if you are asking for more spending.

Come on guys, let's all pick apart the debate.

:lol: um, yes.

You mean 'it's the Secret Sauce if you will' delivered in the most creepy?

'I'm going to put the HP in DC.'

I can't tell if there is an issue with her neck that she can't hold her head upright or if she just leans..poor body language.

She's hiding shit.

Plus, 3 bullets have been proven to be all most can handle..Republipukes are simple.

All corporate types know this, which is why I keep most of my answers short and repetitious en pointe. I like to think that some walk away from here with it resonating IRL.

My takeaway is those who go the extra like Tty, pnwmystery, Pada..faux..all the newer posters that I've liked..I learned from so much from you all and read your words with awe.

Thank you for taking the time:hug:
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How do you take my statements as that?

I never said get rid of medicare/medicaid. I said we should look to increase efficiency by cutting waste.

Do you not realize how inefficient government can be?

It is common sense to search programs for waste, fix the problem, and then the money is no longer tied up in something that doesn't work. Be it an Internet page error, staffing, application process, whatever.

Every dollar of waste is a dollar taken from the program.

Youre not running for office either.... So what you say is crap

You support somebody who wants to end welfare ..... Starving the poor isn't very christian
so now you can admit that ben carson wants to get rid of medicaid and replace it with a health savings account, but that's OK because he is going to give your husband a raise or something?

well, that raise will be going to pay for child care, since you will be in prison after old ben carson intensifies the war on drugs and cracks down on people like you.
That is not what I said. Reread it.
That is not what I said. Reread it.


"It means increasing economic opportunity for individuals so that they no longer have to rely on the government for that aid the program provides." - you

so how is ben carson gonna get you off of welfare (besides, of course, by eliminating it entirely) by giving you more "economic opportunity"?

keep in mind that he will not only have to increase your current opportunities, but also find a way to replace the money you make from growing, since he has pledged to "intensify the war on drugs".

please tell me how he will do this for you, personally.
He never said he wanted to end welfare.

Reducing dependency is not the same as ending welfare.

ben carson does want to end the welfare you are on, medicaid, and replace it with a "health savings account", which you have already stated you cannot afford.

so how is he going to reduce dependency on welfare from people like you then?
:lol: um, yes.

You mean 'it's the Secret Sauce if you will' delivered in the most creepy?

'I'm going to put the HP in DC.'

I can't tell if there is an issue with her neck that she can't hold her head upright or if she just leans..poor body language.

She's hiding shit.

Plus, 3 bullets have been proven to be all most can handle..Republipukes are simple.
Lol. Yeah every time she interrupted I knew what she was going to say.