No Pada, I REPLIED to a post that quoted a link.
When I first heard this on my local news there were no pictures, just the story. I envisioned two fat white cops
getting out the guns in desperation. I never knew they were tan cops. They don't look black to me.
More like Cubans.

The point is a child has been killed by police, thus the title of this thread.
Apparently if somebody has any Black in them at all, that makes them black, ever since we elected a half white president. It's not politically correct to say biracial anymore.... because bearkat says so
Apparently if somebody has any Black in them at all, that makes them black, ever since we elected a half white president. It's not politically correct to say biracial anymore.... because Google says so

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood) is considered to be black (Negro in historical terms).
The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood) is considered to be black (Negro in historical terms).
prominent among who in the United States? All "black" people who may or may not be black? I've never heard of the one drop rule before
Learn your history son. It's the American way.
one drop is enough to ignore or discredit all the other drops? I think it would be strange if somebody were to tell their white dad that they are black. It would be like saying "fuck you and your family dad. You're just another person to me" I can see how that could create a rift, or racial divide.
one drop is enough to ignore or discredit all the other drops? I think it would be strange if somebody were to tell their white dad that they are black. It would be like saying "fuck you and your family dad. You're just another person to me" I can see how that would crate a rift, or racial divide.
Why are you arguing with me. White people made this the LAW in the United States. I didn't. Much like we were considered 3/5 a person at one point in this great country's history.
No Pada, I REPLIED to a post that quoted a link.
When I first heard this on my local news there were no pictures, just the story. I envisioned two fat white cops
getting out the guns in desperation. I never knew they were tan cops. They don't look black to me.
More like Cubans.

The point is a child has been killed by police, thus the title of this thread.
I wonder why the media is keeping this story so quiet?
The implication is clear to anyone that reads your posts. You think "the liberal media" is underreporting on a story where cops killed someone because they're only interested in police violence when it's coming from a white cop

"I wonder why the media is keeping this story so quiet?" "It must be because they're not white and the media only portrays white cops as bad guys.". You've done the exact same thing in different threads dealing with race by interjecting anytime anyone brings up police violence against the black community with black on black crime statistics, failing to acknowledge the systemic racism variable.

Just like I told @Not GOP earlier, you guys wonder why the 'racist' accusation gets thrown around all the time, well, it's shit like this and the cowardly deflect that followed
The implication is clear to anyone that reads your posts. You think "the liberal media" is underreporting on a story where cops killed someone because they're only interested in police violence when it's coming from a white cop

"I wonder why the media is keeping this story so quiet?" "It must be because they're not white and the media only portrays white cops as bad guys.". You've done the exact same thing in different threads dealing with race by interjecting anytime anyone brings up police violence against the black community with black on black crime statistics, failing to acknowledge the systemic racism variable.

Just like I told @Not GOP earlier, you guys wonder why the 'racist' accusation gets thrown around all the time, well, it's shit like this and the cowardly deflect that followed

Pada you bitch like my 80 year old grandpa for a 20 year old.

"I told you boys you're racists. blah blah blah."
No, you just piss and moan like him.
If you don't want to be called a racist, don't be racist

Black cop violence as reported by Slate;


Black cop violence as reported by Fox via a forum you're probably pretty familiar with;

Texas cops arrest adorable drug kingpin
KCEN reported that cops found “31.5 grams of packaged cocaine, 126 grams of high grade marijuana, 29 ‘ecstasy’ tablets, methamphetamine and a 60 doses of a drug similar to LSD.”

White girl gets busted for drugs, the media calls her "adorable". Seems kinda strange, but I'm probably just "race baiting" again.

Adorable? Can we get a picture with some cleavage so we can judge for ourselves?
Nah sah, you're just another RIU attention ho making yet another juvenile thread, garnishing moral support from the local dysfunctional misfits.

White lives matter

I completely agree with the first 2 parts of that sign. And who ever said that white lives didn't matter?
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