Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
6 yr old daughter came home with 2 pieces of newspaper folded into flowers from her teacher, and there were dozen each seeds from some flower inside. She thinks all plants are either flowers or food :) and thats the way things are and always will be. Both her and the 3 year old been bugging me to plant, plant, plant. So, Saturday coming will be a good day to throw some flowers down for the kids and daddies flowers down!

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Home in time for minutes silence of rememberence for our fallen in all battles.....the last post never fails to get every aussie and their associates and visiting allies to stand to attention.

R.I.P pop would have been 100 this year a true digger in every sence in papa new guinea and the islands against Japanese invasions made it out alive to live in the country he helped keep free.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
20151112_113629.jpg Pic update things looking gd,bit of stretch but i always get that until they hit a metre tall as i have a stealthy spot with a wall on one side.
No flash used so true colour is shown had a few wrigglies munching on the leaves but i expected that after the huge out of season rain we just had.
No fertlizers or teas done as yet as soil is doing its job.
Heres the wonder woman was topped first time yesterday and will be topped multiple times as same as done last year.
Will be taking clones of bottom branches in a month to run under 2k lights.