We know that they die in custody, so that leaves "Why do they die in custody?".
The only statistic I can find on that is 19 blacks have been killed while in police custody this year, but it doesn't say how they died, or the situation they were in before taken into custody. I can't find any statistics comparing those numbers to whites OR Hispanics, Asians and other minorities.
The only statistic I can find on that is 19 blacks have been killed while in police custody this year, but it doesn't say how they died, or the situation they were in before taken into custody. I can't find any statistics comparing those numbers to whites OR Hispanics, Asians and other minorities.
When you do find them and they appear to be about equal, holla back at me. I'll wait.
the cops are looking for me right now, they showed upat my mother in laws house at 5 a.m. on sunday?? they sead i was involved in a fight??? well we see what happends i havent ran into any police?? but i havent fought anyone?????thats some wierd shit????
And I asked here to.

Tell me you answered again, and I'll know you just can't or dont want to answer.

Do you ever get tired of being so fucking cool?

I hardly think it's intelligence. Why do you think hungry people wont hunt or fish for their food? Wouldn't you break the law to feed yourself in such a way?
Are you still here? Lol

Apparently you are. Thanks for waiting around, had some shit to do. My dog does that while I'm gone too. I'll close my screen next time so you dont get the false hopes.

Hanging out, waiting on my reply, yet still can't answer a simple question.

But we both know why you wont answer, so I'll let you tuck tail and leave it at that.

"Are you still here?" Bwahahaha
Apparently you are. Thanks for waiting around, had some shit to do. My dog does that while I'm gone too. I'll close my screen next time so you dont get the false hopes.

Hanging out, waiting on my reply, yet still can't answer a simple question.

But we both know why you wont answer, so I'll let you tuck tail and leave it at that.

"Are you still here?" Bwahahaha
Get'em killer
Black cops murder six year old autistic boy with his hands up



I wonder why the media is keeping this story so quiet?
Again, ALL COPS ARE SHIT. Thank you for proving my point.

How juvenile. I have known a lot of cops over the years and they were all dedicated, educated, nice, put their life on the line, served well.....all to protect disgruntled smart asses like you.

Look.......take a bath, shave, put on some nice clothes and do a drive along with a cop on a Friday or Saturday night. Do several over time. You won't believe the shit they have to put with as they graciously do their thankless job. I know I wouldn't do it, it's too dangerous and there's too many idiots like you that don't appreciate their hard work and dedication. The lies of such crap as "black lives matter" makes it tougher for them than ever before.

They're also human and occasionally make mistakes but when you consider the thousands out there defending the defenseless, doing rescues, helping out....it's simply amazing.


How juvenile. I have known a lot of cops over the years and they were all dedicated, educated, nice, put their life on the line, served well.....all to protect disgruntled smart asses like you.

Look.......take a bath, shave, put on some nice clothes and do a drive along with a cop on a Friday or Saturday night. Do several over time. You won't believe the shit they have to put with as they graciously do their thankless job. I know I wouldn't do it, it's too dangerous and there's too many idiots like you that don't appreciate their hard work and dedication. The lies of such crap as "black lives matter" makes it tougher for them than ever before.

They're also human and occasionally make mistakes but when you consider the thousands out there defending the defenseless, doing rescues, helping out....it's simply amazing.


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And I'm sure that you probably believe all of that bullshit. Me, not so much. They wouldn't want me to do a ride around because then they'd actually have to obey the laws that they repeatedly abuse. I don't really care about "the shit they have to put up with" because it's their job. Don't like it? Work elsewhere. No excuse for their reprehensible behavior. Fuck the abusers, and the people who allow it. #BLACKLIVESMATTER