Donald Trump

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How many illegal alien murderers does the Obama Administration release into the public on a daily basis? Rapists? Drunk drivers? does anybody know?

how much do you get paid to spam us with this bullshit, chumlee?

you claim I'm beenthere, then freedomworks, then munchbox, and now I'm some guy named chumleee?
You can't be serious

chumlee is freedumbworks/munchbox, dumbass.

remember when balzac89 outed you and we looked up your youtube videos, fatass?

What exactly are you calling for @9leaves ?

Trump mentality. Or Trump. Some time in the armed forces for regiment and ethics. A person that also has interrogation skills. Not X Cop someone that's been in the sandbox. We need a soldier for the up coming fixing America needs.

The president needs to do lots of things and make lots of important decisions. Well the guy must like pot and automatic guns. Just for fun. All that we need is a hero. Not a pun. We need saving. The delusional people that say things are getting better are crazy.

That lady doesn't stand a chance. That's why she will be put up against a fierce Republican. A sacrificial lamb to say. That will end her chances of running again. The last nail should have been put in that coffin a long time ago.

A Soldier will also know how to control the war and bring people home. That is something he will do but will not broadcast it for the entire world to hear. All public released news should have a 2 week after delay. We have a right to know. Just not before or as it happens or that day. Those bastards probably get off to that when they see it on TV.

I Love this country. I hate the choices it has made. Ignorant people bother me. Because they do go and vote.

Didn't mean it to be this long. Just extremely disappointed with what we have.
I've heard about another aspect that doesn't get talked about. I put myself through school building mobile homes, a lot of migrant workers there too because it was hot sucky work. The migrant workers shared crappy single-wides sometimes living up to 15 people in each. Here's the shitty part, they were charged by the head at 100 per. This was 20 years ago and people were getting up to 1500 a month for a run down single wide trailer. Even when legal, people took advantage of migrant workers.

These guys worked hard all day and never called in sick. Most of them worked for a year, saved every dime and went back home "wealthy" in comparison to when they arrived. It worked out well for their families if their intent was to go back home.

When I was rehab director and couldn't find a PT to come to rural GA, HR found a South African who needed sponsorship and brought her over on a two year contract. She was the best PT I've ever worked with and the lowest paid. My assistants were all making more than her. It's not just the Mexican migrants we take advantage of. 8 years later she now has my old job making 6 figures and is a citizen, so it worked out well for both parties, but she definitely paid her dues to come here.

The hospitalist program the hospitals have moved to has seen a rise in hiring foreign doctors. If you don't know what it is, they are full time hospital employees. Your regular doctor rarely comes to see you anymore like they used to. These doctors for the most part suffer from a communication problem and of course, are cheaper.

It's not just un-skilled migrants we take advantage of, even the most educated get used as a cheaper alternative, but it get's their feet in the door so to speak so it's hard to call it unfair.

These people need to come legally and get citizenship. If they have zero intention of doing that. Well I guess they will always be a slave. Now if they got citizenship and get treated like a second class citizen. Then we have a problem with that.
I was thinking more like the movie Purge. People buy a license. It states once you enter the zone its up to you if you survive. Take down the fence. Don't need it anyhow. I'm not racist. I see a solution to a problem zone that is all out of control. I'm sure there would be a line to get a killing license.
But it needs to be humane. First we start with the murderers and the rapists and the gang members. We don't want to deport all illegals, but it's important to start with high expectations, so that when you negotiate down, you are still getting most of what you want. Which is the bad guys OUT!
My idea didn't have a deportation option. But if you want to come down to it. Each one should be given a chance to be a citizen. If they say no. Well then..
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