Life blows. Honest advice needed.

Lol, how'd you guys find my pictures floating around? I thought I deleted them all... I felt sketchy posting them shortly after I decided to. Ha.

so, you wouldn't date a bald guy, but you want a guy to date you and you feel bad because you're bald? double standard much?
You're right. I would totally date a bald guy, but probably only if he shaved his head bald or had regular age-related male pattern baldness. Why? Because I want kids. I don't want my kids to be fucked from the get-go on a genetic level because both parents have hair-loss issues at a young age. Maybe that is a double standard, but I think it's somewhat selfish of people to procreate knowing that there's more than a 50% chance that child will inherit something that will negatively affect their life. A receding hairline wouldn't bother me in the slightest, nor would a baldING guy.

And sunni, thank you. :) Unfortunately about the growing back thing, it won't. I had a scalp biopsy done and my alopecia is scarring meaning my follicles are dead and destroyed. I tried Rogaine and had minimal success. They don't even know what kind of alopecia I have. I went to a hair-loss specialist in another state who said she'd never seen anything like it. But she did say hair transplantation is a possibility, but I don't have enough donor hair that is stable. So when they're able to graft other people's hair, maybe. Until then, I'm bald as hell lol. But I'm slowly learning to accept it.
you vaccinated against hpv right?
Camman Negatron, I’m just having fun.

I promise I am safe. They didn’t do the hpv vaccine when I was of the age to get it.

I think I was born a decade before you.

You have it?

EDIT: the VACCINE! hahah - not hpv.

Although, you might have that? I don’t know - I heard like over half do but that must be bullshit.

I don’t. I get tested on the regular, or directly after having sex with someone who’s sexual history I don’t know 100%. And always condoms unless in a relationship or on birth control.

And only had sex with 1 guy in 3 years. That helps. haha
Camman Negatron, I’m just having fun.

I promise I am safe. They didn’t do the hpv vaccine when I was of the age to get it.

I think I was born a decade before you.

You have it?
i was also too old for when they started it
i know youre safe hpv is passed with or without condoms or any other safety measures
its very common 9/10 people have it , and theres no tests for men,
most of the hpv goes away on its own but now that youre over 30 you need to be more careful because cancer fucking sucks
you can get a vaccine for free go make an appointment if youre going to start having multiple sex partners condoms dont stop the transfer
Lol, how'd you guys find my pictures floating around? I thought I deleted them all... I felt sketchy posting them shortly after I decided to. Ha.

You're right. I would totally date a bald guy, but probably only if he shaved his head bald or had regular age-related male pattern baldness. Why? Because I want kids. I don't want my kids to be fucked from the get-go on a genetic level because both parents have hair-loss issues at a young age. Maybe that is a double standard, but I think it's somewhat selfish of people to procreate knowing that there's more than a 50% chance that child will inherit something that will negatively affect their life. A receding hairline wouldn't bother me in the slightest, nor would a baldING guy.

And sunni, thank you. :) Unfortunately about the growing back thing, it won't. I had a scalp biopsy done and my alopecia is scarring meaning my follicles are dead and destroyed. I tried Rogaine and had minimal success. They don't even know what kind of alopecia I have. I went to a hair-loss specialist in another state who said she'd never seen anything like it. But she did say hair transplantation is a possibility, but I don't have enough donor hair that is stable. So when they're able to graft other people's hair, maybe. Until then, I'm bald as hell lol. But I'm slowly learning to accept it.
Portland has many hair fixing places. And many nice restaurants too :)
Camman Negatron, I’m just having fun.

I promise I am safe. They didn’t do the hpv vaccine when I was of the age to get it.

I think I was born a decade before you.

You have it?

EDIT: the VACCINE! hahah - not hpv.

Although, you might have that? I don’t know - I heard like over half do but that must be bullshit.

I don’t. I get tested on the regular, or directly after having sex with someone who’s sexual history I don’t know 100%. And always condoms unless in a relationship or on birth control.

And only had sex with 1 guy in 3 years. That helps. haha
hpv isnt found by a std test its found from a pap smear you only get those once a year
hpv isnt found by a std test its found from a pap smear you only get those once a year
Well I get one every year - so we r good!

Whenever I have gotten std tests I usually book a pap.

But, being monogamous for such a long time, haven't needed one.

If I don't pussy out and delve into the realms of sexual possibility - I'll totally get another one.
I don't think most guys would care so much about women's hair, although I know that hair means a lot to you people. I understand that wigs can be a pita to live with, I wouldn't mind that at all in a gf. It would actually be kinda cool to be able to switch to a redhead, blonde, curls, etc. ;) I've always found it amusing what most women think guys find attractive with the make up, flowery perfumes, and doing up their hair for hours. I'd rather have a girl that wore little to no make up, simply brushed their hair and smelled like cheese steak. I'd be all over that bitch. We like 'em bald downstairs, why not upstairs? No carpet, no drapes...
My kind of woman. I'd rather little to no make up.
Well I get one every year - so we r good!

Whenever I have gotten std tests I usually book a pap.

But, being monogamous for such a long time, haven't needed one.

If I don't pussy out and delve into the realms of sexual possibility - I'll totally get another one.
all i mean by this is helping you
youve posted how you want to have sex with 25 year old women and men for a few weeks now
im not aware you never went through it
but being over 30 you have a higher chance of hpv turning into cancerous
so i just thought i would let you know regardless of condom it can be spread. and its very common std to have in the ages of 20-25 (the people you want to have sex with)
so i suggest you get vaccinated thats all
cancer sucks
i was also too old for when they started it
i know youre safe hpv is passed with or without condoms or any other safety measures
its very common 9/10 people have it , and theres no tests for men,
most of the hpv goes away on its own but now that youre over 30 you need to be more careful because cancer fucking sucks
you can get a vaccine for free go make an appointment if youre going to start having multiple sex partners condoms dont stop the transfer
i always thought the test for men was just really uncomfortable?

They have to get a long cotton swap stick shoved into their urethra and then cells need to be scraped for testing.

Ever read Tucker Max? He has an absolutely hilarious chapter on his sex test.

Oh wait - maybe it was chlamidia?

Hahaha - I don't know but it was fucking funny.

And, as of my last test - hpv free!!
all i mean by this is helping you
youve posted how you want to have sex with 25 year old women and men for a few weeks now
im not aware you never went through it
but being over 30 you have a higher chance of hpv turning into cancerous
so i just thought i would let you know regardless of condom it can be spread. and its very common std to have in the ages of 20-25 (the people you want to have sex with)
so i suggest you get vaccinated thats all
cancer sucks
I also thought they only did the vaccine up until you were 28?
And sunni, thank you. :) Unfortunately about the growing back thing, it won't. I had a scalp biopsy done and my alopecia is scarring meaning my follicles are dead and destroyed. I tried Rogaine and had minimal success. They don't even know what kind of alopecia I have. I went to a hair-loss specialist in another state who said she'd never seen anything like it. But she did say hair transplantation is a possibility, but I don't have enough donor hair that is stable. So when they're able to graft other people's hair, maybe. Until then, I'm bald as hell lol. But I'm slowly learning to accept it.
than find a good hairstylist they will help you get properly fitted for wigs, you can at least have one good wig and than you can buy some cheapy synthetic ones for when you go out to bars/dancing etc.
i always thought the test for men was just really uncomfortable?

They have to get a long cotton swap stick shoved into their urethra and then cells need to be scraped for testing.

Ever read Tucker Max? He has an absolutely hilarious chapter on his sex test.

Oh wait - maybe it was chlamidia?

Hahaha - I don't know but it was fucking funny.

And, as of my last test - hpv free!!
no theres no hpv test for men there never was or has been

"No, there is currently no approved test for HPV in men.

Routine testing (also called ‘screening’) to check for HPV or HPV-related disease before there are signs or symptom, is not recommended by the CDC for anal, penile, or throat cancers in men in the United States."
i always thought the test for men was just really uncomfortable?

They have to get a long cotton swap stick shoved into their urethra and then cells need to be scraped for testing.

Ever read Tucker Max? He has an absolutely hilarious chapter on his sex test.

Oh wait - maybe it was chlamidia?

Hahaha - I don't know but it was fucking funny.

And, as of my last test - hpv free!!
That is a good ole std test for men. Big damn cooton swab run down your pee hole.

Thank you. May I have another?
all i mean by this is helping you
youve posted how you want to have sex with 25 year old women and men for a few weeks now
im not aware you never went through it
but being over 30 you have a higher chance of hpv turning into cancerous
so i just thought i would let you know regardless of condom it can be spread. and its very common std to have in the ages of 20-25 (the people you want to have sex with)
so i suggest you get vaccinated thats all
cancer sucks
I said "wanted". Never said "did".

I'm just getting back into the game. I don't fuck strangers. I have to get to know someone first.

Only been on tinder like 2 weeks. That's not enough time to get to know someone.

The once time I did have sex was with my friend. With protection. And he had just gotten all his tests.

I'm very safe. I don't want none of that shit!!! Haha