Life blows. Honest advice needed.

I just saw how gorgeous the op really is and all i have to say is WOW... like jaw dropping hot. Hair or no hair you would be a trophy wife Bygon. I can see why the crappy boyfriend is sticking around. If you ever make it to portland i would love to buy you dinner, every night forever and ever :):):)
she is very very beautiful
I honestly appreciate this feedback.... it makes me feel better. lol. I've always felt men are FAR more obsessed with appearance. Most of my friends are guys though, and based on feedback from them I've got a pretty good reason for feeling this way. Maybe I just surround myself with shitty people.

But you can't say most people don't form an immediate assumption based on looks alone before meeting someone. What else do you have to form an opinion? Obviously that can CHANGE after meeting someone... but I hear guys judge their friends ALL the time for talking to some less-than-ideal chick at the bar. Or talk shit about some hot girl who come to find out has a weird lookin downstairs. Guys suck. If I waited until I got in bed with a guy for him to find out my hair isn't real, you KNOW he'd tell all of his friends and they'd have a good laugh about it. It's just what people do.

I am sure women are the same. You are right though. I USED to care what my buddies thought. Once I lost my fear of what people think, I became free. There is a quote similar to that and it is amazingly true. I think back to how many opportunites ( sex and relationships ) I missed out on because I cared what my friends might say. I was a slave to that. I dated one girl who was my sexual equal and we had great times together. I quit dating her because of my friends. Man the fun we had and could have potentially had to this day!!! Not many wind up with their sexual equal. I know I didn't lol!
I just saw how gorgeous the op really is and all i have to say is WOW... like jaw dropping hot. Hair or no hair you would be a trophy wife Bygon. I can see why the crappy boyfriend is sticking around. If you ever make it to portland i would love to buy you dinner, every night forever and ever :):):)
Where is everyone getting these pictures from????


I'm imagining alright.
Wanna tag team him? I have a feeling you’d be fun!
Where is everyone getting these pictures from????


Wanna tag team him? I have a feeling you’d be fun!
old posts back in pics of yourself
dont like them though if you do find them or quote them or whatever she will get alerted , she doesnt need to be reminded what she used to look like it may her hurt feelings,and come off insensitive even though i know you wouldnt mean it like that
old posts back in pics of yourself
dont like them though if you do find them or quote them or whatever she will get alerted , she doesnt need to be reminded what she used to look like it may her hurt feelings,and come off insensitive even though i know you wouldnt mean it like that
Excellent tip! I totally would have liked the shit out of it.

You know me too well! hahah
see this is why i married someone 7 years older than me
dont have to deal with that dumb shit 25 year old men put out

Older guys are better in many ways.... And if you know how to the hit the right spots and love doing what your doing then all that means is you are a pro and not an amateur. That also includes not only caring if YOU get off. Back when I was single, my goal was to get every girl off first. Word of mouth travels fast :cool: Besides... it's fun!! Plus, I find most women are more fun to f--k after they get off.
I might have a date with one.

“Jessica 24”


Her and her boyf are looking for a switch hitter. I just need to find out if he’s as hot as her. I can’t bang a dude I’m not attracted to just so I can fuck his girlfriend.

That would be dishonest.
you vaccinated against hpv right?