Life blows. Honest advice needed.

I don't think most guys would care so much about women's hair, although I know that hair means a lot to you people. I understand that wigs can be a pita to live with, I wouldn't mind that at all in a gf. It would actually be kinda cool to be able to switch to a redhead, blonde, curls, etc. ;) I've always found it amusing what most women think guys find attractive with the make up, flowery perfumes, and doing up their hair for hours. I'd rather have a girl that wore little to no make up, simply brushed their hair and smelled like cheese steak. I'd be all over that bitch. We like 'em bald downstairs, why not upstairs? No carpet, no drapes...
Live your life the way that makes you the happiest.
You are who you are.... You're not what other people perceive you to be.
FUCK EM ! With that being said Karma could be trying to tell you something !
BGE I've seen your pics you are beautiful.

I blew my hair when I went off opiates in 2013. I only thinned and then really looked like an old crone. You know the old witch with three stringy hairs. I can't tell you how many times I had the clippers in my hand and was getting ready to lay waste to the left overs. My hair was well below my butt and I finally chopped off what was left, no not bald, mine is coming back so I was very lucky. Therefore take my advice with a grain of salt.

My advice will be really hard to do. Wear wigs at work but all other times get rid of them. Simply ignore people. I would not be above some tattoos on my head either. Why the fuck not? Try painting them on to be sure first LOL. Your bone structure is classic. You are not used to seeing yourself without hair so go for it and get used to it then decide.

As for your long term disappointment called a boyfriend think about being 60 with him with far fewer options than you have now. Decide based on that. You'll be surprised how much positive feedback you'll get once get used to yourself without hair. Things will change inside you and hopefully your relationship will follow suit.

Sorry you have to go through this, life blows hard, hugs,

Annie, thank you SO very much. You are an awesome individual. Excellent advice. :hug:
Sorry that you're going through such a thing at such a young age. With that being said, I'd totally fuck a bald chick. The general consensus among those of us that have seen you, is that you were pretty hot with hair. You're probably still hot without hair. You just don't think so. And therein lies the problem. My advice is to fucking OWN it. It's a part of you now. Go to conventions, make contacts, lead the march of science and medicine. Get busy living, or get busy dying. Good luck Bygon. PS a nude, bald pic of you on them horses you love never hurt anyone.

I honestly didn't expect to get so many awesome responses. Thanks guys :hug:
He pulled a Pee Wee Herman.

I rode my bike to there, too ;)

Check out Micro pigmentation.

A buddy had it done, and his confidence shot through the roof. At one point he wouldn't even go anywhere thst he couldn't wear a hat. Now he rarely wears one. Even up close, he looks like he has full head of hair that he just shaves off.

I realize its much different for you being a woman, but possibly it could take the 'edge' off of your anxiety of someone seeing you bald to the skin, opposed to a shaved look. Not necessarily rocking the shaved look, just maybe the times you'd like to not be wearing a wig, and not look bald to the skin.

Stay positive, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.


For the fella's out there

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you want honesty? how about some hairstylist help? :D

alopecia sucks, but it GROWS BACK for more than 90% of people who have it. i know going from having long beautiful hair to nothing is hard, but at the same time , short hair on women is a big thing right now.
my best friend just had breast cancer, she fucking rocked the no hair she also had a wig made to look exactly like her old hair, no one even knew at first she was blad underneath, you can have this too

you need to find a good decent honest hairstylist and she will get your properly fitted for a wig,
if your wig is too uncomfortable, its not properly fitted and it isnt properly on your head.
search for a good hairstylist, any hairstylist is aware of alopecia but find someone who is compassionate, and KNOWS THEIR SHIT, and can help you with various decisions.
there are wig programs for people with these problems aside from cancer patients.

I know you want mens opinions but seeing as i was a hairstylist i figured i could help you out with the alopecia

Buy the nioxin line, its a while line designed specially for hair thinning, it wont bring back your hair magically but it should help in some degree ,
if youre using cheap ass shampoo or the wrong products youre going ot make it worse off on your hair

and finally, culture, in japan they wear wigs ALL THE TIME. so experiment have fun, buy funky colors, buy long buy short,
you have to embrace the new you and not get sucked into a pit

As for the relationship, dont feel obligated to be with someone just because they stood beside you through something

and youre alive and while your confidence maybe shit right now you can bring it back, at least youre not dying from some horrible form on non treatable cancer and in passive amounts of physical pain everyday and i know thats blunt, but you need to start lookng into the more positive this isnt life threatening, you just gotta find a way to figure it out

anyways if you need more help with the hair stuff inbox me, im full of knowledge :D