Well-Known Member
You're about as liberal as Rush Limbaugh. I know a conservative when I see one. ;) There is no reason to apologize just because this forum is composed of 90% libtards.

Be proud! Not only is white beautiful but so are conservative principles.

As an aside, the liberal monoply of the mass media is finally over. Guys like Obama and the other liberal hacks don't like media outlets who don't kiss his liberal ass, reason why he makes the duty petty attacks against FOX so often.

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Does Rush grow and smoke his own weed? You sound like people in my family. They say I used to be much more liberal, and its true. My views have been shifting to the right over the past five years or so. But what about how you mentioned people in there 20s are just a bunch of weirdo democrats? That would exclude me as conservative
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Well-Known Member
Does Rush grow and smoke his own weed? You sound like people in my family. They say I used to be much more liberal, and its true. My views have been shifting to the right over the past five years or so. But what about how you mentioned people in there 20s are just a bunch of weirdo democrats? That would exclude me as conservative
Good for you man!

Among voters earning less than $100,000 (78 percent of voters), 55 percent said they voted Democratic, 43 percent Republican. Among those earning $100,000 or more, 47 percent voted Democratic and 52 percent Republican.

The older you get and the harder you work the less you want to pay for others to be lazy and you can more identify with republican minded people. But numbers will win and people that want hand outs and the lazy will always outnumber you! I admire you being this way at such a young age when your peers are so likely to still be living with mommy and daddy and happily taking free handouts.



Well-Known Member
F that- seriously?! Damn man. I'm going to take a looksie tonight and see what my options are but that's insanity. I thought I'd find something reasonable but that sounds atrocious
I'm curious if you found a plan that actually made financial sense that wasn't just a rebranded catastrophic policy at a ridiculous cost.


Well-Known Member
Nope, wrong on all counts. The IRS can not jail you, put a lien on you, freeze your accounts, or make payroll deductions related to Obamacare penalties. Best they can do is assess the fine and then collect from a refund due you. Don't believe me, read the law.
where can I read this law...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So why don't you just pay your taxes, then?

Seems like an easy way to avoid a fine..

You could even sign up and receive health insurance
When you said pay "your" taxes, you really meant pay "their" taxes.

Which percent of confiscatory tax in your mind is the threshhold for "taxation" to become theft?

If they take 48% of what a person has, is THAT theft? 67% ? 98% ? When does confiscatory taxation become theft?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
"A republican is a democrat that finally grew up".

Does Rush grow and smoke his own weed? You sound like people in my family. They say I used to be much more liberal, and its true. My views have been shifting to the right over the past five years or so. But what about how you mentioned people in there 20s are just a bunch of weirdo democrats? That would exclude me as conservative
You're following the same path I took and will be the wiser for it. Having said that.......


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Does Rush grow and smoke his own weed? You sound like people in my family.
Maybe. Rush is no stranger to drugs and what's ironical is the left is pro drugs but quick to point the finger at Rush who played with pills about 10 years ago. There's that ol nasty double standard again that libtards play. ;)

Why is it that most folks stereotype conservatives as being anti pot? All of my conservative friends are in their 50's and 60's. Hell, we grew up on that stuff and many still smoke occasionally. I emphasize "occasionally". Pot is a powerful drug and can and will do personal and social damage if abused. That's another hard knock you learn with age - overuse of pot is destructive. Should it be decriminalized? Of course. ;)

We were also democrats when young. It just goes with the territory, just like the liberal stereotype I mentioned.



Well-Known Member
Good for you man!

Among voters earning less than $100,000 (78 percent of voters), 55 percent said they voted Democratic, 43 percent Republican. Among those earning $100,000 or more, 47 percent voted Democratic and 52 percent Republican.

The older you get and the harder you work the less you want to pay for others to be lazy and you can more identify with republican minded people. But numbers will win and people that want hand outs and the lazy will always outnumber you! I admire you being this way at such a young age when your peers are so likely to still be living with mommy and daddy and happily taking free handouts.
I'm 45, and there's no fucking way that I would ever vote for any of those fucking clowns the republicans are trying to prop up.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Maybe. Rush is no stranger to drugs and what's ironical is the left is pro drugs but quick to point the finger at Rush who played with pills about 10 years ago. There's that ol nasty double standard again that libtards play. ;)

Why is it that most folks stereotype conservatives as being anti pot? All of my conservative friends are in their 50's and 60's. Hell, we grew up on that stuff and many still smoke occasionally. I emphasize "occasionally". Pot is a powerful drug and can and will do personal and social damage if abused. That's another hard knock you learn with age - overuse of pot is destructive. Should it be decriminalized? Of course. ;)

We were also democrats when young. It just goes with the territory, just like the liberal stereotype I mentioned.

Hey Ben,

That was a good post. I just rolled one up.


Well-Known Member
The fun ends the moment you realize everything you own has a lien on it, your accounts are froze, and your payroll is being deducted.
please cite the mechanism in obamacare that allows for that to happen then.

or take your KKK views and go to some KKK website, instead of a pot growing website.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
obamacare is costing way less than expected, actually. dumbass.

ACA cost increase facts. Up to 200% increase for young people. It is much higher than this now because I noticed this is from 2013.

Oregon Health Care Cost Increases under the Affordable Care Act
by Ting Pen on 06/20/2013

January 2014 will usher in multiple changes to health insurance plans for Oregon residents from the Patient Protection and Affordable Act Care (PPACA, or ACA). The ValuePenguin analyst team dove through pending health insurance rate tables filed by health insurers with the State of Oregon's Insurance Division to get a preview of what premiums residents could expect. We compared the costs of health insurance today to costs expected under the ACA for three sample demographic profiles (27, 40, and 55-year old non-smokers) to give you a sense of how much health insurance costs would increase in Oregon. These costs are the same for men and women, as health insurance premiums are gender neutral in Oregon by law.

Highlights of Proposed Health Insurance Increases under the Affordable Care Act
  • Insured members currently holding very cheap plans will have to upgrade their coverage to substantially more expensive plans. Many of the cheapest insurance policies being sold to individuals today do not offer sufficient coverage to satisfy the essential health benefits outlined in the Affordable Care Act. Existing policyholders will have to choose amongst one of the approved insurance exchange plans for coverage. While the new plans will offer increased benefits and coverage, they will also come at a higher price when compared to the cheapest options available today.
  • The impact of the Affordable Care Act will be most noticeable at the younger end of the spectrum, as young adults bear the brunt of expected increases in costs. Given enhanced PPACA health care coverage requirements, insurance premiums for young adults and senior citizens in Oregon on the cheap end will cost approximately 200% and 110% more, respectively
  • Increases on the higher end of the range of health insurance premiums are not as large, comparatively speaking. Pre-PPACA insurance plans at the higher cost end of the spectrum are less likely to fail the essential health benefits test; that is, current medical benefits coverage for premium plans already share a similar core of the Affordable Care Act's required health benefits. Oregon residents can expect the higher end of health insurance premiums to increase as little as 11% for seniors, to 58% for young adults
  • Senior citizens will experience the least increase in their health insurance premiums, on a comparative basis, with premiums on the high end undergoing the least bump of 11%
Cheapest Health Insurance Plans in Oregon
AgePre-PPACAPost-PPACA% Increase
Most Expensive Health Insurance Plans in Oregon
AgePre-PPACAPost-PPACA% Increase

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
From the $500,000 website software debacle in the beginning to now, the whole thing has been one big lie. But that's what Obama, a totalitarian, does. With these politicians and their government solutions there is ALWAYS unintended consequences aka strings attached.

“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”

"if you like your doctor, you can keep him" etc. Many families have lost their primary care doctors because of the law's requirements.....and they're pissed. Under duress for refusing to enroll many Americans are fined.


Well-Known Member
ACA cost increase facts. Up to 200% increase for young people. It is much higher than this now because I noticed this is from 2013.
healthcare costs themselves are growing slower now than they have in decades.

and obamacare is costing far less than projected.

kinda hilarious that a bunch of welfare mooching medicare loving KKK members like you and uncle ben are so opposed to slightly more socialized medicine though.

you're welcome for your welfare, grandpa.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
healthcare costs themselves are growing slower now than they have in decades.

and obamacare is costing far less than projected.

kinda hilarious that a bunch of welfare mooching medicare loving KKK members like you and uncle ben are so opposed to slightly more socialized medicine though.

you're welcome for your welfare, grandpa.

Sure poopy pants,

You should look at the news.

Click here to enlarge image


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You are two years behind you fucking idiot. Look up rates for 2016.
you are rooting for trump and calling me a fucking idiot?

chill out you racist old coot.

from two days ago: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/06/opinion/great-news-were-not-doomed-to-soaring-health-care-costs.html?_r=0

Health care prices have grown at an annual rate of 1.6 percent since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in March 2010, the slowest rate for such a period in five decades, and those prices have grown at an even slower 1.1 percent rate over the 12 months ending in August 2015.


Well-Known Member
Well your half way there , now look up 2016 , you fucking idiot.
2016 hasn't happened yet. the article is from two days ago. allow me to repeat.

Health care prices have grown at an annual rate of 1.6 percent since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in March 2010, the slowest rate for such a period in five decades, and those prices have grown at an even slower 1.1 percent rate over the 12 months ending in August 2015.


Well-Known Member
Hey you fucking retarded idiot I just purchased and chosen my new plan for 2016 health care at a much higher price. Its not like it just didn't happen yet you fucking retard.
get ready, because it's still not over. Obamacare rates are expected to rise 7.5% next year
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