Life blows. Honest advice needed.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

So.. I'll preface this post with saying that it is wholeheartedly my intention to post this to a group of 95% men who can (in my experience) be pretty douchey and fear of hurting people's feelings isn't on the top of the priority list. I want honesty, not sympathy.

So anyways, that being said: Would you ever consider dating a chick who lost all her hair and wears a wig?

I was diagnosed with alopecia about a year ago. I have since lost 90% of my hair and wear a wig. I previously had beautiful, long, thick hair and it suddenly started falling out in clumps in the shower. I was mortified. I feel like I might as well have my vagina lasered shut as well because I feel like so much less of a woman. I feel hideous, and my confidence is gone. Only a few people know at this point because I essentially became a hermit and started wearing a wig about 6 months ago. I started a new job and no one there knows. I'm in a relationship with a guy that I don't think will work out for the long term. I'm 25, almost 26, and I'm really afraid I will never find a guy my age (who isn't totally bald or otherwise really unattractive himself) who would accept me. I'm not sure if any of you are aware.. wigs are extremely uncomfortable, expensive, and I can't do normal shit I used to be able to do. I can't go swimming, I panic on roller coasters, going to the gym is a huge fucking hassle... I literally think about it constantly. My sex life is sad at best and my relationship sucks. The only GOOD thing about my relationship is that my hairloss doesn't bother him at all... he still thinks I'm beautiful, and that's why I'm still holding onto this relationship. But there are SO many deal breakers that I'm so worried about our future (and honestly can't picture it). A few months ago, when shit hit the fan, we went on a break. I was talking to a guy who approached me at the bar for a while. He was REALLY attractive and had a great job. He seemed really into me. I decided to be upfront with him and told him about my hair. He immediately cut off all communication. It really fucking hurt, but I expected it in the back of my mind. Since then, I've been really thinking that my chances of finding a man who can even be attracted to me are pretty slim. I'm not shallow, and my friends even think I'm "too attractive" for the guy i'm in relationship with now (not anymore, now that I'm fucking bald). I really do try not to let my lack of confidence show, but it's going to be a really long fucking process. It's so, so hard. And I'm holding on to an essentially abusive relationship for fear of being alone for the rest of my life.

So really, I would love to hear some honest opinions, and I very much expect to hear some "I could never date a bald girl" responses, and that's what I want to hear. You guys don't know me, nor do I know you, so this is something I can't ask my friends or family or a support forum, obviously.

Thanks. Sorry for the longass post.
Hi all,

So.. I'll preface this post with saying that it is wholeheartedly my intention to post this to a group of 95% men who can (in my experience) be pretty douchey and fear of hurting people's feelings isn't on the top of the priority list. I want honesty, not sympathy.

So anyways, that being said: Would you ever consider dating a chick who lost all her hair and wears a wig?

I was diagnosed with alopecia about a year ago. I have since lost 90% of my hair and wear a wig. I previously had beautiful, long, thick hair and it suddenly started falling out in clumps in the shower. I was mortified. I feel like I might as well have my vagina lasered shut as well because I feel like so much less of a woman. I feel hideous, and my confidence is gone. Only a few people know at this point because I essentially became a hermit and started wearing a wig about 6 months ago. I started a new job and no one there knows. I'm in a relationship with a guy that I don't think will work out for the long term. I'm 25, almost 26, and I'm really afraid I will never find a guy my age (who isn't totally bald or otherwise really unattractive himself) who would accept me. I'm not sure if any of you are aware.. wigs are extremely uncomfortable, expensive, and I can't do normal shit I used to be able to do. I can't go swimming, I panic on roller coasters, going to the gym is a huge fucking hassle... I literally think about it constantly. My sex life is sad at best and my relationship sucks. The only GOOD thing about my relationship is that my hairloss doesn't bother him at all... he still thinks I'm beautiful, and that's why I'm still holding onto this relationship. But there are SO many deal breakers that I'm so worried about our future (and honestly can't picture it). A few months ago, when shit hit the fan, we went on a break. I was talking to a guy who approached me at the bar for a while. He was REALLY attractive and had a great job. He seemed really into me. I decided to be upfront with him and told him about my hair. He immediately cut off all communication. It really fucking hurt, but I expected it in the back of my mind. Since then, I've been really thinking that my chances of finding a man who can even be attracted to me are pretty slim. I'm not shallow, and my friends even think I'm "too attractive" for the guy i'm in relationship with now (not anymore, now that I'm fucking bald). I really do try not to let my lack of confidence show, but it's going to be a really long fucking process. It's so, so hard. And I'm holding on to an essentially abusive relationship for fear of being alone for the rest of my life.

So really, I would love to hear some honest opinions, and I very much expect to hear some "I could never date a bald girl" responses, and that's what I want to hear. You guys don't know me, nor do I know you, so this is something I can't ask my friends or family or a support forum, obviously.

Thanks. Sorry for the longass post.
I’m not a dude - but I’d totally fuck a bald chick!

Or wigs, if it makes you feel better!
I've honestly always judged a woman's beauty by asking myself if she'd still look good with no hair. Because I've seen many women who I've found attractive at some point in time look completely different when their hair wasn't "done". Look at this set of (very attractive, imo) twins Tasha & Sidra Smith. One has hair, and the other doesn't. Is either one more attractive than the other? I personally don't think so. Beauty is beauty.
Lol, I couldn't pull off the bald chick look. I wish I could!! My head is too small.... maybe one day haha.

I'm trying to think of something supportive to say but you sound kinda shallow yourself. Looks fade. Personality keeps a relationship together.

I'm not, but I can't exactly communicate that though an online forum when my post is solely a looks-based post lol. You are absolutely correct though, but when society tells you one thing you're entire life and suddenly you realize just how much your appearance effects your life, your perspective changes. Maybe I am shallow. I've never thought I was, but maybe that's why this has fucked me over so hard. I've always cared a lot about my appearance. I'm shy and have social anxiety. I've always sort of used my looks as a crutch. Maybe this is a wake up call of sorts.
either take care of the dude your with, you know, a great hummer or old fashion, or dump him and move on and be miserable, don't drag on a good dude willing to put up with your problem.
I knew this would be a comment lol. It's ultra complicated... we both sort of mutually agree things aren't working out... yet we both hang on to each other because we both have major confidence issues and beyond the shitty relationship aspect, somehow remain best friends. We live together. It's beyond complicated. I've also tried to permanently end things in the past and he's manipulated me into thinking he was suicidal. I don't want to get into that.. lol. We've been on multiple breaks...
Really touchy subject, sorry to say but 'most' men go our to pull a hot chick, we eat with their dick first, our eyes 2nd and from the heart 3rd ..... which is more important.

Most r usually drunk and smoke meth anyways.

I am a woman btw :)