Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama


Well-Known Member
If they both get the nominee:roll: sure. If Bernie can pull off a miracle, then we both vote Bernie. But if it's Hillary, we both vote for Trump. Do we have a deal?

Hah! But no, I'd still vote for Hillary, I'm a dem..I believe in social programs just like many poorer white southern republicans..except I vote for it.

If all those who participate in social programs would vote for it, the more money we'd have as our representation would increase.



Well-Known Member
When Mr buck tells you to prepare your anus you better prepare that shit. They don't call him white chocolate for nothing.
These dudes should know the dem team will be out in full force tonight in order to restore balance to the delicate Eco system that is RIU political.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Hah! But no, I'd still vote for Hillary, I'm a dem..I believe in social programs just like many poorer white southern republicans..except I vote for it.

If all those who participate in social programs would vote for it, the more money we'd have as our representation would increase.

I baffles the shit out of me how folks constatly vote against their own best interest then blame the other guy.

KY voted for a Gov. Who RAN on getting rid of kynnect or whatever its called their state version of Obama care. That leaves poor white uneducated folks without healthcare.

Guess they'll blame Obama for that too!



Well-Known Member
I baffles the shit out of me how folks constatly vote against their own best interest then blame the other guy.

KY voted for a Gov. Who RAN on getting rid of kynnect or whatever its called their state version of Obama care. That leaves poor white uneducated folks without healthcare.

Guess they'll blame Obama for that too!

Who cares the poor uneducated should have done something with instead of Drinking beer and living in a trailer there fault that's the problem with America everyone.points the first get at everyone except themselves. It's been that way for centuries thanks for stating the obvious


Well-Known Member
i believe it's "owning"

you're right. owned is an ugly about he got in your ass and set up camp
Naw buck will never own me son he tells his big cousin when i am to mean to him and then I get put on lock down so he has time to feel better and get over his butt hurt and keep picking on people to raise his self esteem. You seem to stick up for bucky pretty good are you one of his many sock accounts or do you just suck him off that much that he makes you feel loved? Cheers


Well-Known Member
Hah! But no, I'd still vote for Hillary, I'm a dem..I believe in social programs just like many poorer white southern republicans..except I vote for it.

If all those who participate in social programs would vote for it, the more money we'd have as our representation would increase.

You must be a poor white person, poor black.person or broke Mexican to vote for a dumb broad like hiliary. Besides social programs.... yes you failed at life and havw to have the government to carry you on there backs. . learn to be apart of the solutiin and not apart of the problem in merica. I wait you can't you were born a poor white person and never cared to better yourself.

How's that moped?