I'm voting for McCain....


New Member
Investors Business Daily calls out Obama

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Like Father, Like Son

"Theoretically," he wrote, "there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
Therefore, he added, "I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development."
As Obama's father saw it, taxes couldn't be high enough, so long as the collective benefited. "Certainly there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay," he said. "It is a fallacy to say that there is this limit, and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on individual free enterprise to get the savings."

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
"Theoretically," he wrote, "there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
Therefore, he added, "I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development."
As Obama's father saw it, taxes couldn't be high enough, so long as the collective benefited. "Certainly there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay," he said. "It is a fallacy to say that there is this limit, and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on individual free enterprise to get the savings."
But the tax of our income isn't used that way there is no benefits. It pays the national debt.

:peace: ~~TLB

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
If a thief has a middle man, does that make you feel any less poor after the thief leaves?

No and i understand that our gov. is corrupt. and thats what needs to change.
But i still believe that in the 4 yrs. Obama is pres. it will be a better step forward than with McCain.

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
Hey Blaz,,,, GW was elected by people like Vi and CCDIANE...don't forget
And people "like" me and ccodiane are exactly "like" what, GK? What kind of bigotry are you bringing into the forum with that statement? Please explain because I, for one, would like to know. :blsmoke:

And by the way ... in spite of your bigotry expressed here, you would know, if you visited the forum more often, that I didn't vote for Bush either time he ran, nor did I vote for Bush 41. Uhhh .... that would be GW's dad. :roll:



New Member
No and i understand that our gov. is corrupt. and thats what needs to change.
But i still believe that in the 4 yrs. Obama is pres. it will be a better step forward than with McCain.
A better step forward? And what path will O'Bama be taking you down?



Well-Known Member
Redd i respect your opinion...even though you havnt stated it ...... alot of people are skeptical of obama....we can speculate for hours on what path or plans he has...but long story short...lets give him a chance..... he was never a firm believer in war and came from the middle class...what do we have to lose?????....the way i see it, he is our best shot at change..... What????? you want 4 more years of bush????


New Member
And people "like" me and ccodiane are exactly "like" what, GK? What kind of bigotry are you bringing into the forum with that statement? Please explain because I, for one, would like to know. :blsmoke:

And by the way ... in spite of your bigotry expressed here, you would know, if you visited the forum more often, that I didn't vote for Bush either time he ran, nor did I vote for Bush 41. Uhhh .... that would be GW's dad. :roll:

that's right..because convicted felons can't vote.....


New Member
Redd i respect your opinion...even though you havnt stated it ...... alot of people are skeptical of obama....we can speculate for hours on what path or plans he has...but long story short...lets give him a chance..... he was never a firm believer in war and came from the middle class...what do we have to lose?????....the way i see it, he is our best shot at change..... What????? you want 4 more years of bush????
Thanks for that rational post, cheezy. Much appreciated. :)

Yes, a lot of people are skeptical of O'bama ... and I'm one of them. Because I've studied political history, I don't "speculate" where he, and other's like him, would lead us. I don't have to speculate because there were many who came before them who led people down the same path. All one has to hear O'Bama say .. or any other demagog, is the words: "The individual must sacrifice for the good of society." Those were O'Bama's words when he spoke in Berlin. You ask: "what do we have to lose?" The answer, my friend, is EVERYTHING.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Redd i respect your opinion...even though you havnt stated it ...... alot of people are skeptical of obama....we can speculate for hours on what path or plans he has...but long story short...lets give him a chance..... he was never a firm believer in war and came from the middle class...what do we have to lose?????....the way i see it, he is our best shot at change..... What????? you want 4 more years of bush????

I agree wit cheezy. I can't sit here and say "this is what he's going to do", it comes down to faith man. I honestly believe that McCain would do nothing positive for this country.

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
I agree wit cheezy. I can't sit here and say "this is what he's going to do", it comes down to faith man. I honestly believe that McCain would do nothing positive for this country.
And O'Bama will do what? Come on man ... you say you have "faith" that O'Bama will do the right thing ... what "right things" will he do?


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
And O'Bama will do what? Come on man ... you say you have "faith" that O'Bama will do the right thing ... what "right things" will he do?

I think he will be a catalyst for whatever administration is after his..... i don't necessarilly think he'll "solve" the problems but i think he will get the ball rolling.

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
I think he will be a catalyst for whatever administration is after his..... i don't necessarilly think he'll "solve" the problems but i think he will get the ball rolling.
OK, so you think he will get the ball rolling to solve "the problems." What "problems" will he, or that next administration you speak of, "solve?"

Not playing games with you BW. Just want to explore your thinking a little bit. I'm always open to learning something new. Thanks ... :)


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
OK, so you think he will get the ball rolling to solve "the problems." What "problems" will he, or that next administration you speak of, "solve?"

Not playing games with you BW. Just want to explore your thinking a little bit. I'm always open to learning something new. Thanks ... :)


First off our energy, bio fuels and alternative fuels, cleaner cars, businesses.

Education needs to be fixed. I'm sorry but for the greatest country in the world we have a lot of fucking idiots! And then those idiots end up running the country because they are privelaged.

I hate the fact that i'm 24yrs old and i am expected to live in society yet you can't make enough money to live.
We need a better economy.. . ... something the current administration has neglected to pay attention to.

I don't like the fact that my mom has to choke down pills everyday that make her addicted, forgetful, and feel that she is "going crazy" for her back injuries and fibermyalgea when she could treat naturaly and be helped out so much more w/o the side effects. And she can't move to a med. state b/c then she'd loose her veterans benefits.

And the overall mentality of this country. Me first, i'll get there however and by stepping on whoever i need to. There are ways to succeed while helping those around you as well. I don't know like i've said before i know its wishful thinking... .i just wish it wasn't
There is no bond as americans. People don't seem proud to say it anymore.

:peace: ~~TLB