harvest or bust

15 is still a stretch for a new grower. If you're not prepared at all stages of the grow all your gonna have is a couple pounds of schwag for your troubles. You need to cut your teeth of 4 or 5 in hopes of 1 or 2 survivors and then plan to go bigger NEXT time. I mean shit man, its late fall in North America and your talking about starting an outdoor grow. Baby steps big dog.
Oh I agree but 15 is much more realistic then 100 lol. I definitely agree with you though less is more for sure. 5 plants is a daily 1 hr or more choir depending on how you look at it and what you are doing. I am not sure if the op understands how much work is really involved in a 1 plant grow shit trimming 8 oz wet is a pain In the ass imagine 50 plants pulling 1 oz a piece and that's a low number Lmao.
Yes going to prison a level one work camp wasn't something initially I totally grasped. Since my release I have had maintained is a job. No I don't want to be a kingpin drug dealer. I love marijuana. Yes it played a part but it didn't cost me two years. I figure a QP a plant if I'm lucky. I'm kind of nerd with small circle. I have attempted a small 12 plant grow..but I planted and left. I want to go from seedling to harvest this time. Am I fuckibg retarded to believe I can grow medical grade...I know northern lights is a awesome strain...I want to put out a lot because I know I'm going to fuck up a lot. At harvest I'mgoing to need to rent a house. If I get that far than I'll be truly blessed

You should yield more than a qp/plant you probably don't need to grow 50 to get the yield your after

Oh I agree but 15 is much more realistic then 100 lol. I definitely agree with you though less is more for sure. 5 plants is a daily 1 hr or more choir depending on how you look at it and what you are doing. I am not sure if the op understands how much work is really involved in a 1 plant grow shit trimming 8 oz wet is a pain In the ass imagine 50 plants pulling 1 oz a piece and that's a low number Lmao.
I have only ever know one person who successfully gorilla grew Northern. He started them inside and than transplanted them outside. I'm currently looking for a place of my own. I'm going to get Vinnie Kaz book and also research and research. I don't want to grow for the money. I have quit drinking again and I want to grow bud that is satisfiable to me. How much would five plants drying stink up my three bedroom country house?
Also I have heard good things about nirvana seeds. I'm going to have them sent to a p.o. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Okay Sunni...I apologies and thank you and others for your honesty. If you decide to forgive my ignorance I'd like to ask a few more questions. For outdoor grows is pruning absolutely even neccassary other than the bottom branches and should I use antifungal group? Read it in a book today?
Pruning is not needed in veg, possibly flower.. If you're not going for medical grade I don't think thirty is unrealistic for you, assuming you have some plant knowledge. If you understand the risk and still want to go forward read the threads sunni pointed out to you. I'd say go for it. Depending upon your local climate anti fungal and insecticide will be your friend. If you get high humidity come harvest time trim some lower branches for airflow to help deter mold. It's a weed it grows on it's own, humans just manipulate it to grow to it's genetic potential. If anything it will be a learning experience.. Good luck
I have only ever know one person who successfully gorilla grew Northern. He started them inside and than transplanted them outside. I'm currently looking for a place of my own. I'm going to get Vinnie Kaz book and also research and research. I don't want to grow for the money. I have quit drinking again and I want to grow bud that is satisfiable to me. How much would five plants drying stink up my three bedroom country house?
If not for the money...then why so many plants?????? you don't know squat about growing, but 5 plants is reasonable...but will stink up a house...one good outdoor plant will provide you with all you need...unless you plan to sell...not advised!
I want to learn how to grow outdoors because its better all the way around and your right I have never grown anything. Yes my initial statements were indeed asinine. I'm going to get a good book and read up on it. I feel indoor is out of the question. I'm not a homeowner and how people justify outrageous amounts of electricity use is beyond my understand.
Sunni; have you ever ready Vinnie Kaz book trade secrets of Gorilla growers. Are you a indoor or out door grower. Do you have any suggestion for books to read. Please and thank you!
Sunni; have you ever ready Vinnie Kaz book trade secrets of Gorilla growers. Are you a indoor or out door grower. Do you have any suggestion for books to read. Please and thank you!
ive done both indoor and outdoor,

heres some book threads
they have various suggestions on books

honestly if you just do some digging around the website youll find everything you need to know about how to grow outdoors
grow weed easy is another simply written and easy to understand website
You mentioned growing out in the open for max sunlight but you have to think smarter than that because the helicopters are flying around looking for small clusters of plants and once they see them they know that there may be more. Putting small numbers in one place and then going off to find another location is the safest chance you have. If you want to find those spots then you need to be out there hiking well before the summer comes exploring the bush and that takes a bit of confidence to do in my opinion because you want to find places that are hard for people to get to. A motto I live by is that you need to go under, over, and through stuff before you get to a location. I don't know where you are but weed loves water and if you are growing fifty plants that's a lot of water to hike in. Many outdoor growers have tried swamps or bogs that dry up during the summer and have a surface of caked mud but there is water below that and the plants will drink as much as they need. Look up swamp grows on here and you'll gain some good knowledge. But each plant requires a soil mix that you have to hike in. Don't do it on a weekend when people are out on the trails. Do it mid week is my suggestion when everybody is generally at work. I guarantee if you are going to grow that many plants you will lose a lot of weight because of the amount of hiking you will have to do. You can only read so muchbefore you have to get off your butt and get out there to see what it's all about. If you have a long summer then try HSO's blue dream. Really good yield and it is feminized. Good luck bud, you''re going to be in for a hell of an education.
Listen your a grown man if you really want to do this no one is going to change your mind personally I don't think its a good idea but that's me. as for growing id watch these https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=How to grow "Mendo Dope" from Seed - Part 1 might teach you something (just to give you a heads up the guys are annoying)

I think this part should be changed to "Listen your a grown man if you really want to do this no one can STOP YOU.
if he is a grown man, he should be able to listen and logically change his mind, only children or childlike minds don't change their minds. AND if the OP is any of those they shouldn't be doing this at all.
I think this part should be changed to "Listen your a grown man if you really want to do this no one can STOP YOU.
if he is a grown man, he should be able to listen and logically change his mind, only children or childlike minds don't change their minds. AND if the OP is any of those they shouldn't be doing this at all.
He did change his mind if you read his posts
the charge maybe the same if 1 or 50 but a good lawyer could get you out for 1-2 and maybe not for 50

if you have no gardening experience or not much dont grow 50
seems like a damn headache to me, grow 1-3 and than since you have the space grow some veggies just imho
Wet v dry trimming as far as quality in finish