Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

come on schulaar, we are all in this together, right? Me and you, and then the rest of them. If Bernie gets the nominee I will for for him, but if Trump gets the nominee, we are both voting Trump. Right?

They're in different parties brainiac..and what happens if they both receive their respective parties' nomination..but it could:lol:
If they both get the nominee:roll: sure. If Bernie can pull off a miracle, then we both vote Bernie. But if it's Hillary, we both vote for Trump. Do we have a deal?

I dunno if this has already been posted, but I think it needs to be posted again.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Friday conceded that he never applied nor was granted admission to West Point and attempted to recast his previous claims of a full scholarship to the military academy — despite numerous public and written statements to the contrary over the last few decades.

West Point has occupied a central place in Carson’s personal story for years. According to a tale told in his book, “Gifted Hands,” the then-17 year old was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by the offer of a “full scholarship” to the military academy.
West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission.
“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff, a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

Here's another Ben Carson fuck up. Hahaha.
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It doesn't matter if you're a brain surgeon if you sincerely believe the earth is only 10,000 years old. The fucking earth flat too maybe?

I'm sorry, the devil made me post this.
I dunno if this has already been posted, but I think it needs to be posted again.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Friday conceded that he never applied nor was granted admission to West Point and attempted to recast his previous claims of a full scholarship to the military academy — despite numerous public and written statements to the contrary over the last few decades.

West Point has occupied a central place in Carson’s personal story for years. According to a tale told in his book, “Gifted Hands,” the then-17 year old was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by the offer of a “full scholarship” to the military academy.
West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission.
“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff, a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

Here's another Ben Carson fuck up. Hahaha.

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a "diversity scam"?

damn, you have the same beliefs as the KKK does too.

but you are totally not racist, and very smart i bet. because a white power guy told you so.
You pulled all that from reading the video's title!?!? Amazing you argue about ignorance, yet show yourself to be its poster child.