Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

Democrat voters are either stupid, ignorant or complicit.


facts disagree.

stupid people vote republican. smarter and more educated people vote liberal.
The program was a Bush inspired stratergy, not Obamas doing.

But of course everything wrong is Obamas fault, shit I got drunk with some friends last night thats Obamas fault, I rescheduled my plans from last week cause of rain that was also Obamas fault.

I said Obama fed phone never said he invented the shit or handed them out did i. AN Obama phone is known as a fed phone Obama phone same shit. You need some lube or something.loosen up sunshine
I said Obama fed phone never said he invented the shit or handed them out did i. AN Obama phone is known as a fed phone Obama phone same shit. You need some lube or something.loosen up sunshine

it was actually reagan who started that program, idiots like you only latched onto it once it became racialized.

so stupid people earn doctoral degrees then? ignorant people can pass six years of university courses?

damn, you must be stupid or something.
All the time. Actually ignorant is what they are taught to be in most universities. Stupidity, I think comes natural. Like, you have no college schooling, right.
it was actually reagan who started that program, idiots like you only latched onto it once it became racialized.

dumbass. dumbass I really don't care all yll democrats pukes all bow down to a master like the whole government wants you to do wether Democrat republicans they don't care they want control and people like you go and follow the idiots your just as smart as the next political dumbasss.
From that very same website:
Who Started the Obama Phone?
President Obama?
It’s an undisputed fact that Safelink Wireless offered the first free government cell phone in Tennessee in 2008, but don’t let the year confuse you. Barack Obama was not elected President until November of that year, but that first free government cell phone was given out three months earlier during the Bush administration.
From that very same website:
Who Started the Obama Phone?
President Obama?
It’s an undisputed fact that Safelink Wireless offered the first free government cell phone in Tennessee in 2008, but don’t let the year confuse you. Barack Obama was not elected President until November of that year, but that first free government cell phone was given out three months earlier during the Bush administration.
Ok and retarded bush is out of office and now Obama is prez now so which means he.stills offers its Obama I don't give a damn who made up the idea. It's just to keep all the lazy poor idiots happy. So I personally don't g.a.f.
there is no need to be so upset. you clearly give way too many fucks about this for no reason.
No I actually can say something and then 20 democratic pukes try and prove me wrong. I don't care about politics they are all trash as they are all liars and thieves.