Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

Sorry but your stupid if you think that the don't get Obama fed phones. I no a few that has them them get 250 minutes a month

The program was a Bush inspired stratergy, not Obamas doing.

But of course everything wrong is Obamas fault, shit I got drunk with some friends last night thats Obamas fault, I rescheduled my plans from last week cause of rain that was also Obamas fault.

Wow, based upon the OP, Sky seems to be an enraged, overzealous hater of Ben Carson.

Carson, at this early juncture, seems to be much more intelligent than Obama!
Carson has released his college grades, Obama has not...
Obama's behavior in office the last several years speaks to his intelligence, or lack thereof!

Here is an on point piece in National Review (admittedly way right of center...but facts are facts, regardless of source).
Sorry, Media, You Won’t Destroy Ben Carson

Favorite takeaways from article...

Let’s begin with two propositions: There is a difference between an admirable man and a perfect man, and there is a difference between “vetting” and viciousness. The collective goal of the liberal media is now clear — to take one of America’s most admired and brilliant men and somehow transform him into a dishonest, stupid extremist. The vetting of Ben Carson has become vicious, and to what end? An admirable man has been exposed as imperfect.

If he’s not extreme, is he stupid? Left-wing websites have great fun mocking Carson’s skepticism of the theory of evolution, his idle speculations regarding the purpose of the pyramids, and his thoughts on climate change and the debt limit. Yet this line of attack is fruitless. Carson may not be as fluent in public policy as the professional politicians who’ve been debating these issues for years, but his résumé is decisive evidence of his intelligence.

After all, in Carson’s famous autobiography, Gifted Hands, he said that he’d been offered a “full scholarship” to West Point. Politico says that Carson now admits that story was “fabricated.” Their proof? He never applied to West Point. But Carson didn’t say that he applied, only that he’d been offered a “full scholarship.” How can he “fabricate” a claim he never made?

Hovering over the feeding frenzy is the absurd media spectacle of mainstream reporters claiming they’re merely “doing their job” by diving into 50-year-old details of Ben Carson’s childhood. The same reporters who were not just incurious about the details of Barack Obama’s background in 2008 but actively hostile to those who asked reasonable questions about his relationship with admitted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his years of religious instruction from Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright.

A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero.

Read more at:
The program was a Bush inspired stratergy, not Obamas doing.

But of course everything wrong is Obamas fault, shit I got drunk with some friends last night thats Obamas fault, I rescheduled my plans from last week cause of rain that was also Obamas fault.

Maybe if Hillary becomes president, she can keep the program going and continue to blame it on Bush. And then after that, Chelsea can be president. We will blame everything for the next 50 years on bush.
I'm curious as to why that would matter. Can't knock her intellegence, so you go after her appearance. Jacking off to the dumb Faux Noise bitches for all of these years is really clouding your judgement.

What clouds you judgement? Because it is obviously quite foggy based upon your post # 50 in this thread...You have to fabricate in order to demean and disparage Ben pathetically desperate indeed.
So why is your judgement less than clear?

She's a Rhodes Scholar.

Wow, she must be so much smarter than Ben Carson...that is what you really mean, right?
What clouds you judgement? Because it is obviously quite foggy based upon your post # 50 in this thread...You have to fabricate in order to demean and disparage Ben pathetically desperate indeed.
So why is your judgement less than clear?

Wow, she must be so much smarter than Ben Carson...that is what you really mean, right?
So you read everything in post #50, and what you came up with was that I lied? LMAO, priceless!! :clap:
Even the lefty stalwart NYTimes has to grudgingly give Carson credit for standing in the line of fire and giving back better than he received...amazing that they actually reported this commanding performance of the harried Ben Carson...

As reporters tried to interrupt, peppering him with new questions, Mr. Carson dug in. Why are the president’s academic records sealed? he wondered.
“No, no, no, no — don’t change the topic,” he said, talking over a reporter. “I am asking you, somebody, please, why you have not investigated that. I want to know. You should want to know, too.” (Personal academic records are generally not available to the public.)

But he seemed highly prepared for verbal battle, dominating every exchange and leaving little opening for those trying to pick apart his stories.
Well, the full story here...
I'm curious as to why that would matter. Can't knock her intellegence, so you go after her appearance. Jacking off to the dumb Faux Noise bitches for all of these years is really clouding your judgement.
Just a joke. You are correct about her intelligence. Democrat voters are either stupid, ignorant or complicit. She is the latter.
As reporters tried to interrupt, peppering him with new questions, Mr. Carson dug in. Why are the president’s academic records sealed? he wondered.

is an actual product of affirmative action trying to insult obama by implying that he was too?

damn, you can't make up this level of idiocy.

no wonder racist whites loves this THUG.