C'mon man. Not at all. Please don't be so naive. As I've stated before, this country was built on racism. It's not a part of America, it IS America.
Our current president is black. The current front runner in national polls for president is black.And if our country was "built on racism", then how was Lincoln able to quote the constitution numerous times while freeing slaves from bondage? "all men are created equal" ...and so on
Our current president is black. The current front runner in national polls for president is black.And if our country was "built on racism", then how was Lincoln able to quote the constitution numerous times while freeing slaves from bondage? "all men are created equal" ...and so on

Geee, I don't know, maybe ask the Native Americans, who were slaughtered and stripped of their land? Or you could just read a history book and know that slavery was very much a real thing.
Our current president is black. The current front runner in national polls for president is black.And if our country was "built on racism", then how was Lincoln able to quote the constitution numerous times while freeing slaves from bondage? "all men are created equal" ...and so on
Dude, segregation was LEGAL in this country for 350+ years. What makes you think that it's been eliminated in the last 51? Does that even sound plausible? We have a black President. Everybody loves to run to that. There's a good chance that the next president will be a woman. Does that mean that sexism in America is gone? Of course it doesn't. Racism in America is everywhere, except when you're not the victim.
Geee, I don't know, maybe ask the Native Americans, who were slaughtered and stripped of their land? Or you could just read a history book and know that slavery was very much a real thing.
And you do realize that the men who wrote the constitution OWNED slaves right? Do you think that they were talking about the slaves when they said that "All men are created equal"? Look up George Mason and why he wouldn't sign the Declaration of Independence.
Our current president is black. The current front runner in national polls for president is black.And if our country was "built on racism", then how was Lincoln able to quote the constitution numerous times while freeing slaves from bondage? "all men are created equal" ...and so on
Sooner or later ya get one that remembers how bad it was in the 60`s for Blacks.

Someone that looks at the 31% and says, used to be 100% prolly a stolen car, with a light out, sticker may not even be visible,.. or just clocked at and 31% is a heck of an improvement.

Someone that looks at 2x and says, How bout all the time or else,...... don`t turn your back on them.

Without a reason only meant he said something or tried to bolt. The fury and anger was there for good reason,... But don`t you forget it was just as bad to be a Jap or Asian at all.

Sure it was a lot worse even before my moms times,...but she watched it grow from before the "Big One" and saw it fall back, then grow again.

Now if you wanna preach the 1700`s early and before,.. that`s down right brutal shit, both ways, the bad guys and the good guys alike saw it, escaped it, did nothing about it,.. but it started with the form of slave labor once a common practice.

You young kids have no idea how bad it was as early as the 60`s,.....that`s why you wont see 31% go to half or better with the % numbers,...it was already there.

Today, the crimes are now more money orientated and the racists are all about themselves.

So ya,... it`s there,,.... guys aint discovering something.
Sooner or later ya get one that remembers how bad it was in the 60`s for Blacks.

Someone that looks at the 31% and says, used to be 100% prolly a stolen car, with a light out, sticker may not even be visible,.. or just clocked at and 31% is a heck of an improvement.
Someone that looks at 2x and says, How bout all the time or else,...... don`t turn your back on them.

Without a reason only meant he said something or tried to bolt. The fury and anger was there for good reason,... But don`t you forget it was just as bad to be a Jap or Asian at all.

Sure it was a lot worse even before my moms times,...but she watched it grow from before the "Big One" and saw it fall back, then grow again.

Now if you wanna preach the 1700`s early and before,.. that`s down right brutal shit, both ways, the bad guys and the good guys alike saw it, escaped it, did nothing about it,.. but it started with the form of slave labor once a common practice.

Today, the crimes are now more money orientated and the racists are all about themselves.

So ya,... it`s there,,.... guys aint discovering something.
"Sooner or later ya get one that remembers how bad it was in the 60`s for Blacks." Yep, you must be referring to my parents. Plus, I was born in 1970, so I just missed the 60's.
"Someone that looks at the 31% and says, used to be 100% prolly a stolen car, with a light out, sticker may not even be visible,.. or just clocked at and 31% is a heck of an improvement.

Someone that looks at 2x and says, How bout all the time or else,...... don`t turn your back on them. You can't be serious with this. Are you sure that you're not a cop? Because you're sounding just like one. I'm amazed that you can look at those numbers and basically say "Well. it used to be 100%". Those numbers are completely ridiculous for someone who only constitutes 13% of the population. This is exactly what I mean when I say that racism IS America. To you, these numbers are somehow acceptable. You're basically saying "What are they worried about? At least it's not the 60's." I guess in the 60's, you ran around saying "At least it's not the 20's".
"Now if you wanna preach the 1700`s early and before,.. that`s down right brutal shit, both ways, the bad guys and the good guys alike saw it, escaped it, did nothing about it,.. but it started with the form of slave labor once a common practice." This is just so ridiculous that I'm not gonna touch it, for obvious reasons.

"Today, the crimes are now more money orientated and the racists are all about themselves." This is only half true. Yes, the crimes are more money oriented, but make no mistake about it, racists are STILL all about racism. This just means that the racists have gotten smarter. Because of those 60's (and before) that you speak of, the average white person (even the well meaning ones) can't spot racism unless it smacks them in the face. They figure since we aren't being hit with water hoses and attacked by police dogs, shit must be OK. Why is it that if, all things being equal, you and I go to the bank to get a home loan for houses in the same neighborhood, there's a good chance that my interest rate will be higher? Do you know what redlining is?

Redlining - In the United States, redlining is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic makeups of those areas.

If you and I commit the exact same crime, my sentence is probably going to be longer than yours. Racism is institutionalized. It is the very core of what this country is. Remember, at one point in time, America only considered me as 3/5 of a person. Let that soak in for a minute. Again, racists have just gotten smarter, racism is still racism.

"So ya,... it`s there,,.... guys aint discovering something." Look at how flippantly you said this. You're basically acknowledging the existence of racism, but saying "What's the big deal?". The big deal is that you sir, ARE America.
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He's one clear example of how racism works in America now. They have put away the police dogs and fire hoses, and devised a strategy that is more publically acceptable.

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President Obama is of mixed race, just as many other people in the USA are, who are commonly referred to as "black".

For instance Tiger Woods is often referred to as black, but has some Chinese, Dutch and Bengal Tiger in his ancestry. You never see any stats on how many golfing tigers commit crimes either do you? See? Proof that the stats are rigged.
"Sooner or later ya get one that remembers how bad it was in the 60`s for Blacks." Yep, you must be referring to my parents. Plus, I was born in 1970, so I just missed the 60's.
"Someone that looks at the 31% and says, used to be 100% prolly a stolen car, with a light out, sticker may not even be visible,.. or just clocked at and 31% is a heck of an improvement.

Someone that looks at 2x and says, How bout all the time or else,...... don`t turn your back on them. You can't be serious with this. Are you sure that you're not a cop? Because you're sounding just like one. I'm amazed that you can look at those numbers and basically say "Well. it used to be 100%". Those numbers are completely ridiculous for someone who only constitutes 13% of the population. This is exactly what I mean when I say that racism IS America. To you, these numbers are somehow acceptable. You're basically saying "What are they worried about? At least it's not the 60's." I guess in the 60's, you ran around saying "At least it's not the 20's".
"Now if you wanna preach the 1700`s early and before,.. that`s down right brutal shit, both ways, the bad guys and the good guys alike saw it, escaped it, did nothing about it,.. but it started with the form of slave labor once a common practice." This is just so ridiculous that I'm not gonna touch it, for obvious reasons.

"Today, the crimes are now more money orientated and the racists are all about themselves." This is only half true. Yes, the crimes are more money oriented, but make no mistake about it, racists are STILL all about racism. This just means that the racists have gotten smarter. Because of those 60's (and before) that you speak of, the average white person (even the well meaning ones) can't spot racism unless it smacks them in the face. They figure since we aren't being hit with water hoses and attacked by police dogs, shit must be OK. Why is it that if, all things being equal, you and I go to the bank to get a home loan for houses in the same neighborhood, there's a good chance that my interest rate will be higher? Do you know what redlining is?

Redlining - In the United States, redlining is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic makeups of those areas.

If you and I commit the exact same crime, my sentence is probably going to be longer than yours. Racism is institutionalized. It is the very core of what this country is. Remember, at one point in time, America only considered me as 3/5 of a person. Let that soak in for a minute. Again, racists have just gotten smarter, racism is still racism.

"So ya,... it`s there,,.... guys aint discovering something." Look at how flippantly you said this. You're basically acknowledging the existence of racism, but saying "What's the big deal?". The big deal is that you sir, ARE America.

I got a steering rack to do, so I`ll get you on point and reply to you in a while.

No, you need to stop thinking, clear your head of all the fury and comprehend what you read before replying to it. Stop following your train of thought, it`s not on my tracks and is going the other way.

I was not referring (on a pot site) to your parents,... I`m an old man that remembers most of the sixties and all of the 70`s. I know why you said,... " yep, you must be referring to my parents".

I don`t like race baiting fools that use a racist`s fabricated stories of racist doings so they can have something to bitch about.
I got a steering rack to do, so I`ll get you on point and reply to you in a while.

No, you need to stop thinking, clear your head of all the fury and comprehend what you read before replying to it. Stop following your train of thought, it`s not on my tracks and is going the other way.

I was not referring (on a pot site) to your parents,... I`m an old man that remembers most of the sixties and all of the 70`s. I know why you said,... " yep, you must be referring to my parents".

I don`t like race baiting fools that use a racist`s fabricated stories of racist doings so they can have something to bitch about.
I love when white people run to the " race baiting" card. I point out (what should be) obvious injustices in in the system and I'm race baiting. I guess that I should just sit back and keep quiet, and be happy in the good ole USA. I mean, at least it's not the 60's (your words), right?
President Obama is of mixed race, just as many other people in the USA are, who are commonly referred to as "black".

For instance Tiger Woods is often referred to as black, but has some Chinese, Dutch and Bengal Tiger in his ancestry. You never see any stats on how many golfing tigers commit crimes either do you? See? Proof that the stats are rigged.
Tiger Woods...best Dutch golfer EVER!
I love when white people run to the " race baiting" card. I point out (what should be) obvious injustices in in the system and I'm race baiting. I guess that I should just sit back and keep quiet, and be happy in the good ole USA. I mean, at least it's not the 60's (your words), right?

I didn`t run to it, I took it out of your deck and showed it to you. Yup, I did that to you.

You don`t point out injustices, you look for fabricated one`s that fit your needs. Why are you on the defensive ? Oh, that`s right, you think you can hang with OddBall1st,...No children allowed guy,....and that means you.

Everything I said, I can remember, the 70`s were cooling down from a really aggressive and motivated civil disruption. You telling me that racism exists,, is the same as telling me I didn`t know. I know why you do that too.

You can`t help yourself man, but you gotta, cuz you`re the only one that can save you from you. Cuz no-one`s gonna save you from me.

You damn right it`s not the mid sixties, People actually did something about the clashes, Even the development of the Black Panthers was helping until the pre crips gunned down two top leaders. The Panthers were taking money out of thug pockets, the black youth wouldn`t buy drugs or join gangs anymore,...that had to be dealt with.

A thug is a thug and a race baiter is a race baiter, that`s why me and you clash, I still remember what it smelled like, that odor came back when I started reading your bullshit posts here. You wont slip by or through the cracks.

Going from 100% of the time to 31% of the time is positive progress that I don`t expect someone like your character here to acknowledge. I remember when the Black youth wanted to be doctors, pilots, business owners, volunteers and all the hopes young people have,.... today, they all want to be Tupac, Biggie Smalls or Fifty cent, all full of bullet holes from thug life.

All you kat42, had to say before was readable, I caught you race baiting with that intent,...Everything you said before or continue to say is taken with a grain of salt while listening to the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Race baiters don`t last long with me, and you didn`t.
I didn`t run to it, I took it out of your deck and showed it to you. Yup, I did that to you.

You don`t point out injustices, you look for fabricated one`s that fit your needs. Why are you on the defensive ? Oh, that`s right, you think you can hang with OddBall1st,...No children allowed guy,....and that means you.

Everything I said, I can remember, the 70`s were cooling down from a really aggressive and motivated civil disruption. You telling me that racism exists,, is the same as telling me I didn`t know. I know why you do that too.

You can`t help yourself man, but you gotta, cuz you`re the only one that can save you from you. Cuz no-one`s gonna save you from me.

You damn right it`s not the mid sixties, People actually did something about the clashes, Even the development of the Black Panthers was helping until the pre crips gunned down two top leaders. The Panthers were taking money out of thug pockets, the black youth wouldn`t buy drugs or join gangs anymore,...that had to be dealt with.

A thug is a thug and a race baiter is a race baiter, that`s why me and you clash, I still remember what it smelled like, that odor came back when I started reading your bullshit posts here. You wont slip by or through the cracks.

Going from 100% of the time to 31% of the time is positive progress that I don`t expect someone like your character here to acknowledge. I remember when the Black youth wanted to be doctors, pilots, business owners, volunteers and all the hopes young people have,.... today, they all want to be Tupac, Biggie Smalls or Fifty cent, all full of bullet holes from thug life.

All you kat42, had to say before was readable, I caught you race baiting with that intent,...Everything you said before or continue to say is taken with a grain of salt while listening to the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Race baiters don`t last long with me, and you didn`t.
I actually laughed out loud reading this. You're right man, you're way too sharp for me, lol.
I actually laughed out loud reading this. You're right man, you're way too sharp for me, lol.

When ya caught, ya caught.

I don`t know if you`re a sock or not but I fully expect to see you being more careful what you think you can get by with.

One don`t need to be sharp, one only needs to be down wind.

Make your adjustments..........and stay out the blue water.....OddBall1st plays there.