Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yes well I see no point in constantly making people feel guilty and woe is them over a career they chose

So I'm paying for gas the other day..when I get to the till I remember I have like 20 bucks in change ...mostly loonies and toonies. .I tell the already annoyed looking fat slob at the till that I had some change..but I'll count it out for him as i pull it out..he rolls his surprisingly tiny eyes ..so I responded with "ok darling u can count it" as I dump my wallet out... seriously last thing I need when ur getting paid is attitude. .

No @sunni, i get what ur saying. .I have nurses in my family. .they want to be called heroes..yet they complain about every patient online. .seriously if I'm fucked up and need a hospital my nurses feelings are the last thing on my mind...nurses should be selfless not selfish bitches. ..
So I'm paying for gas the other day..when I get to the till I remember I have like 20 bucks in change ...mostly loonies and toonies. .I tell the already annoyed looking fat slob at the till that I had some change..but I'll count it out for him as i pull it out..he rolls his surprisingly tiny eyes ..so I responded with "ok darling u can count it" as I dump my wallet out... seriously last thing I need when ur getting paid is attitude. .

No @sunni, i get what ur saying. .I have nurses in my family. .they want to be called heroes..yet they complain about every patient online. .seriously if I'm fucked up and need a hospital my nurses feelings are the last thing on my mind...nurses should be selfless not selfish bitches. ..
what a douche, i miss loonies and toonies, i never know if im rich here or just got a bunch of fucking useless paper ones in my wallet.
trying to dig around for a fucking 20 or a 5er is a bitch

but although not excusable for his actions, he works min wage, these people literally chose this job, they went to school for 4 years for it, THEY WANTED IT
they knew they would have to work night shift, and over 12 hours , i get that its frustrating, and they do a wonderful job they constantly get patted on the back through social media, and others they are constantly just whining about their choice in career

most nurses i have personally interacted with are nice, except the mental health ones my mom had, but i shut them the fuck up real quick when i started bringing in mental health patient rights and they did their job
also had a heart attack with how they were treating her and others it was disgusting. just because someone is mentally ill doesnt mean someone wont believe them when they say what you did to them. they still are human
what a douche, i miss loonies and toonies, i never know if im rich here or just got a bunch of fucking useless paper ones in my wallet.
trying to dig around for a fucking 20 or a 5er is a bitch

but although not excusable for his actions, he works min wage, these people literally chose this job, they went to school for 4 years for it, THEY WANTED IT
they knew they would have to work night shift, and over 12 hours , i get that its frustrating, and they do a wonderful job they constantly get patted on the back through social media, and others they are constantly just whining about their choice in career

most nurses i have personally interacted with are nice, except the mental health ones my mom had, but i shut them the fuck up real quick when i started bringing in mental health patient rights and they did their job
also had a heart attack with how they were treating her and others it was disgusting. just because someone is mentally ill doesnt mean someone wont believe them when they say what you did to them. they still are human

Eww striper money...lol Ya u kinda feel rich when u have a wallet full of 1$ bills..lol just wash ur hands..really good!

I think most nurses start off wanting to help...but soon become drained and bitter..my cousin in still young and luvs her job..my aunt is almost 40. .2 cats..single for almost 10 yrs..she's an ER nurse..spent 5 yrs working nights...she hates her life..but she picked it.

Home care aids can be awesome or just terrible. .my cousin is my age and works with disabled people. .mostly elderly. .I swear she's a saint...she truly takes the time they need..never talks shit about any of them...or posts shit seeking back pats...
Eww striper money...lol Ya u kinda feel rich when u have a wallet full of 1$ bills..lol just wash ur hands..really good!

I think most nurses start off wanting to help...but soon become drained and bitter..my cousin in still young and luvs her job..my aunt is almost 40. .2 cats..single for almost 10 yrs..she's an ER nurse..spent 5 yrs working nights...she hates her life..but she picked it.

Home care aids can be awesome or just terrible. .my cousin is my age and works with disabled people. .mostly elderly. .I swear she's a saint...she truly takes the time they need..never talks shit about any of them...or posts shit seeking back pats...
yes theres actually a syndrome called Compassion Fatigued, many nurses get it, easy to see why
basically they become desensitised to peoples problem so they just dont give a shit anymore
but it comes with a string of other really bad symptoms (depression, anxiety , substance abuse) , even in my career field i can get compassion fatigued, it can happen to pretty much anyone who works with people who can be in a trauma situation.
yes theres actually a syndrome called Compassion Fatigued, many nurses get it, easy to see why
basically they become desensitised to peoples problem so they just dont give a shit anymore
but it comes with a string of other really bad symptoms (depression, anxiety , substance abuse) , even in my career field i can get compassion fatigued, it can happen to pretty much anyone who works with people who can be in a trauma situation.

When a care provider stops caring they should find a new career. Sorry ur mom wasn't treated well... my neighbor works at the psych center down the road and she's mentioned a few incidents that are just cruel...(fun fact...Karla hamolka was locked up in my back yard..now that's crazy!!)
But all patients especially the mentally disabled deserve to be truly cared for by the people choosing to help them...the fact that people need hidden cameras and such if fucked up..
When a care provider stops caring they should find a new career. Sorry ur mom wasn't treated well... my neighbor works at the psych center down the road and she's mentioned a few incidents that are just cruel...(fun fact...Karla hamolka was locked up in my back yard..now that's crazy!!)
But all patients especially the mentally disabled deserve to be truly cared for by the people choosing to help them...the fact that people need hidden cameras and such if fucked up..
or take stress leave and sort yourself out, go see someone to talk to
self care is very important in those jobs.

yea they treat mental health patients like dogs, its really sad... they loose all patience with them
My hats off to Burn Unit nurses, they only last about 4 years before they have to start looking for another Dept. to work in.
Compassion requires strength.

And pediatric doctors and nurses...working with sick babies must be really hard..
Sunni ..any baby kicks yet?
Baby bump?
Seriously take weekly pics to look back at..ur body will change so fast ..
I think I'm carrying a future soccer star...
11 days until I know gender...pure torture lol..

5 month appointment this afternoon. ..time is passing really fast. ..I'm terrified. .lol
Try farming out for size...lol.

Good morning to all.

Sunni ..any baby kicks yet?
Baby bump?
Seriously take weekly pics to look back at..ur body will change so fast ..
I think I'm carrying a future soccer star...
11 days until I know gender...pure torture lol..

5 month appointment this afternoon. ..time is passing really fast. ..I'm terrified. .lol
no bump no kicks . infact i fit into all my clothing and jeans. lol
im only 12 weeks though, doc says some women dont show show until 20 weeks.
everyones different she said
i will be just fine if i dont show for a long time.

you shouldve opted for the genetic disorder test you couldve known the sex at 10-12 weeks
i decided against it, not worth the 120$ but now im wishing i got it. and now its too late lol
no bump no kicks . infact i fit into all my clothing and jeans. lol
im only 12 weeks though, doc says some women dont show show until 20 weeks.
everyones different she said
i will be just fine if i dont show for a long time.

you shouldve opted for the genetic disorder test you couldve known the sex at 10-12 weeks
i decided against it, not worth the 120$ but now im wishing i got it. and now its too late lol

Oh ur lucky...apparently it's normal for petite women to gain early..I've been in maternity jeans since 3 months..but I'm blaming the Jean style i wear.. .low rise jeans are not baby bump friendly..lol plus my body needed some meat ..still wearing most of my leggings. ..ur a few yrs younger so ur tummy muscle are stronger plus ur diet doesn't consist of slurpees and chicken nuggets when ur guys at the gym...lol no I'm surprised I got this big so soon..never compare ur pregnancy to others. .my mom had a horrible pregnancy with me..I've gotten minor back and round ligament pain...no morning sickness or moody moments.
I opted out of the extra tests..I asked my doctor how accurate the results are and she said 50%..she asked me if I planned to terminate if anything was found. ..before she was done I said NO!.so knowing it has a 50% chance of giving a false positive I declined. ..why stress myself out...she had 2 patients who tested positive. .yet both babies are fine..that was this yr alone. .
My 22 week ultrasound is the big one...fingers crossed I see babies face...a lady on my mom's forum got the best first glance at her baby..
They also measure limb length and organ size...now ultrasound techs have a great job!!
Oh ur lucky...apparently it's normal for petite women to gain early..I've been in maternity jeans since 3 months..but I'm blaming the Jean style i wear.. .low rise jeans are not baby bump friendly..lol plus my body needed some meat ..still wearing most of my leggings. ..ur a few yrs younger so ur tummy muscle are stronger plus ur diet doesn't consist of slurpees and chicken nuggets when ur guys at the gym...lol no I'm surprised I got this big so soon..never compare ur pregnancy to others. .my mom had a horrible pregnancy with me..I've gotten minor back and round ligament pain...no morning sickness or moody moments.
I opted out of the extra tests..I asked my doctor how accurate the results are and she said 50%..she asked me if I planned to terminate if anything was found. ..before she was done I said NO!.so knowing it has a 50% chance of giving a false positive I declined. ..why stress myself out...she had 2 patients who tested positive. .yet both babies are fine..that was this yr alone. .
My 22 week ultrasound is the big one...fingers crossed I see babies face...a lady on my mom's forum got the best first glance at her baby..
They also measure limb length and organ size...now ultrasound techs have a great job!!
hmm......idk what test they told you about but these ones here at 99% accurate not 50%,maybe they are not approved in canada yet
they arent so you can have an abortion they are so you can figure out ahead of time and go through counselling to help you with understanding how your new baby will be if you do have a genetic disorder
I showed after conception basically. No one believed me but anything with a waistband was in the goodwill bin after about 4weeks. Possible hormonal fluctuations, but still, wore husbands shirts and pinned my jeans for a couple months until giving into leggings...
Eww striper money...lol Ya u kinda feel rich when u have a wallet full of 1$ bills..lol just wash ur hands..really good!

I think most nurses start off wanting to help...but soon become drained and bitter..my cousin in still young and luvs her job..my aunt is almost 40. .2 cats..single for almost 10 yrs..she's an ER nurse..spent 5 yrs working nights...she hates her life..but she picked it.

Home care aids can be awesome or just terrible. .my cousin is my age and works with disabled people. .mostly elderly. .I swear she's a saint...she truly takes the time they need..never talks shit about any of them...or posts shit seeking back pats...
It's spelled Stryper


I don't think they made a lot of money.