Breeders Boutique

yeah that will do it PINworm. yur back ground has prepared you to be hypoallergetic.
lol, i can totlaly see wherer your coming from now, I new something was up...
im in the medical field too but don't work in the sterile enviorment you did. In fact im always cleaning up after my slob of a coworker. Hehas major allergy problems and uses a TOWEL as hankerchief. lol. after he sneezes into them he throws them on the ground under the computer control table and leaves them there for weeks.

I've worked with raunchy people like that.... Seems like they got folks like that all over the world. :wall:
Mind you Don, that guy from NorCal genetics only ever wore shorts in the Dam in November (as well as flip flops ffs), so you might have been surprised.
Oh really, I'll be there for both, lmfao...just need to persaude the wife to go to the hospital on her own and deliver baby then look after existing son for a couple of weeks.......what are the odds?!?!:)
Yea if she is anything like my wife that shit aint happen