I would bet dollars to donuts the racist cop you hate so much is a Republican

I don't hate the cop. I think he made a poor decision that allowed him to lose his temper.

If he pulled her desk out into the hall he could of talked to her and then called her caregivers to pick her up. Send her home for a 1 day suspension or make her write 2 pages on why cell phones should not be out during class.

Instead he chose to endanger her and himself. He tried to grapple her out of a desk. Not an easy thing to do.

She reacted as most would. He got mad and overreacted in a position of power.

His training should of told him to limit all possible risks. Trying to grapple her our of the desk was unnecessary.

The girl needed a suspension and counseling and her guardians called to retrieve her.

I don't hate the cop. I think he made a poor decision that allowed him to lose his temper.

If he pulled her desk out into the hall he could of talked to her and then called her caregivers to pick her up. Send her home for a 1 day suspension or make her write 2 pages on why cell phones should not be out during class.

Instead he chose to endanger her and himself. He tried to grapple her out of a desk. Not an easy thing to do.

She reacted as most would. He got mad and overreacted in a position of power.

His training should of told him to limit all possible risks. Trying to grapple her our of the desk was unnecessary.

The girl needed a suspension and counseling and her guardians called to retrieve her.

The point was that he's probably a Republican.... But keep voting for them bitching about stuff like this then calling other people retarded......

Its a wonder you haven't accidentally killed yourself
@bearkat42 why is the solution to fix the police, and not fix the ghettos? It's always the other guys fault, isn't it? God Bless America.
That would be a noble gesture, but unfortunately not a very realistic gesture. The way that the current system is structured, you'd have to convince me that those in power really want the ghettos "fixed". The first thing that you need to understand is how ghettos were formed in the first place. Look up "redlining". And yes, it's still going on. And as fucked up as the police are, the solution is ALWAYS to fix the police. They are fucking gangsters.
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That would be a noble gesture, but unfortunately not a very realistic gesture. The way that the current system is structured, you'd have to convince me that those in power really want the ghettos "fixed". The first thing that you need to understand is how ghettos were formed in the first place. Look up "redlining". And yes, it's still going on. And as fucked up as the police are, the solution is ALWAYS to fix the police. They are fucking gangsters.

Ben Carson and his Republican friends have a plan.... End welfare and starve em out