Mexican BrickWeed VS Today Weed


New Member
This is the best Level of weed you can get in my country over dried dark crap with no crystals in or on it you cant even get a nug and its full of branches @Trinidad How much of a difference is today weed from Mexican Brick Weed a few years ago??????????pigtail-weed-1.jpg


Staff member
you tagged a member named trinidad who hasnt used the website in 5 years just fyi dunno if you meant to


Staff member
I mean to say Im in trinidad and tobago
when you use the @ sign followed by whatever it usually tags a member you have a good chance of tagging a member as we have like a shit ton of accounts on here


New Member
i dunno about you but i had a buddy who lived in trinidad and t.
and i would not be growing there or trying to capitalize on any market.
crime is bad but if i start growing i dont want any dealing with anyone ill just give my cousin who sell weed and move on


Well-Known Member
I was living in San Diego in the early 1970's and was selling Mex weed to navy guys when they got to port. I was buying "mini-bricks" of Mexican dirt reefer for around $120 per brick and they weighed 35+ oz. The guys in Mexico used a home-made trash compactor to squeeze 35 ounces into a 12 x6 x 4 inch package. Ahh, the good old days.



Well-Known Member
I was living in San Diego in the e...arly 1970's and was selling Mex weed to navy guys when they got to port. I was buying "mini-bricks" of Mexican dirt reefer for around $120 per brick and they weighed 35+ oz. The guys in Mexico used a home-made trash compactor to squeeze 35 ounces into a 12 x6 x 4 inch package. Ahh, the good old days.

Yeah, I remember that...the seeds were all smashed to shit and actually wet the weed since there were so many of them. Cheap though.