DMT sounds mind blowing

Just lighter from the bottom, the foil on the top is just to cover the hole where it connected. Isn't a perfect seal so you can still pull air through but not a lot of smoke comes out. Only need to hold the flame close to the glass for 5ish seconds then just hold it about 2.5-3cm away to keep the heat constant. I didn't find it harsh at all, it was definitely quite warm, but smooth. Almost broke-through in one big toke from a lump of residue
how does One know that They "almost" broke through???
have You ever broken through???
how does One know that They "almost" broke through???
have You ever broken through???
I have multiple times, if you've experimented with a lot of different doses with dmt you'd kind of get what I mean, or if you've gone for a breakthrough but it didn't quite happen. It's like you're on the tipping point of dissolving out of reality but you're just ever so slightly clinging on, things start to morph and break apart and take over your vision the ringing gets more intense but then it just calms and you're still in reality you didn't quite breakthrough to the other side but you're far from complete reality
I have multiple times, if you've experimented with a lot of different doses with dmt you'd kind of get what I mean, or if you've gone for a breakthrough but it didn't quite happen. It's like you're on the tipping point of dissolving out of reality but you're just ever so slightly clinging on, things start to morph and break apart and take over your vision the ringing gets more intense but then it just calms and you're still in reality you didn't quite breakthrough to the other side but you're far from complete reality
i have never broken through on dmt....and every time i have tried....
it literally scares the crap out of Me and all i can think is...."why the fuck did I just do that? I am NEVER going to do that again"......and the trip is always the same.....very boring, scary, colorful but nothing spiritual ever happens.....and I favor entheogens over hallucinogens. and smoking dmt gives me a very bad vibe....
i have never broken through on dmt....and every time i have tried....
it literally scares the crap out of Me and all i can think is...."why the fuck did I just do that? I am NEVER going to do that again"......and the trip is always the same.....very boring, scary, colorful but nothing spiritual ever happens.....and I favor entheogens over hallucinogens. and smoking dmt gives me a very bad vibe....
I'd call someone a fool if they didn't get scared going in on dmt, it even scares me at first doing small hits. Dmt is one of those things that is more effective when you're more comfortable with it, I find it much easier to break-through now that I've done it a few times. I've been successful on as low as 30mg after about of minute of adjusting i'm able to just let go of holding onto reality and just lift off into an infinite space incomprehensible to our world. However if you want to break through on dmt but don't like how it just smacks you in the face, i'd suggest making some changa using plant material that contains MAOIs, especially if put in a joint you can just toke away at your own pleasure and you just gently drift off into another world. People say smoking dmt with MAOIs increases the spiritual experience as well making it a fuller richer experience. I've only smoked changa containing MAOIs once and I will say that it was a very beautiful experience, I can definitely see those opinions holding true

Also i'd say don't chase the break-through, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, just go in with a positive mind and a calm attitude and you will find it easier to let go and enjoy the experience. You might even just drift away without realizing it's happening
My best breakthrough came from putting like 100mg on a bowl of weed in a bong and just ripping it like a madman(careful not to destroy the dmt) and holding in the rip till your about to pass out, I think the weed and meditation helps a lot to reach that special place...
I'd call someone a fool if they didn't get scared going in on dmt, it even scares me at first doing small hits. Dmt is one of those things that is more effective when you're more comfortable with it, I find it much easier to break-through now that I've done it a few times. I've been successful on as low as 30mg after about of minute of adjusting i'm able to just let go of holding onto reality and just lift off into an infinite space incomprehensible to our world. However if you want to break through on dmt but don't like how it just smacks you in the face, i'd suggest making some changa using plant material that contains MAOIs, especially if put in a joint you can just toke away at your own pleasure and you just gently drift off into another world. People say smoking dmt with MAOIs increases the spiritual experience as well making it a fuller richer experience. I've only smoked changa containing MAOIs once and I will say that it was a very beautiful experience, I can definitely see those opinions holding true

Also i'd say don't chase the break-through, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, just go in with a positive mind and a calm attitude and you will find it easier to let go and enjoy the experience. You might even just drift away without realizing it's happening
i extremely am happy with Your response. THANK YOU.!!! :)
I shall take Your advice and go with it and let go. I need to meditate more to train this.

and I feel i stopped using dmt because I WAS chasing the break through and it never hard as I hit the pipe and how long i held each hit in.... i have come to the conclusion that I have not broken through on dmt because I do not need it since I have broken through on psilocybin before. but who knows???? hahaha

but that intuitive sense may be just right. (;
It's dmt but it's not the best stuff is very oily thats straight out of the fridge if i let it sit out for a while it will get all oily and soft. My buddy extracts it sometimes it's yellow crystals sometimes it's orange oily putty
I've made it several times the purest dmt is white crystaline structures. It's actually in our brains and is released in near death situations, you can use foil or a light bulb or a pizz...if anyone wants to know specifically how to make it I can explain if need be
I've made it several times the purest dmt is white crystaline structures. It's actually in our brains and is released in near death situations, you can use foil or a light bulb or a pizz...if anyone wants to know specifically how to make it I can explain if need be
Rofl I've never seen white nn dmt it's usually yellow and very seldom causes breakthroughs but 5meo dmt wich is usually white and much harder to find is know to get you there every time
Always have had spiritual break through on it, stopped using after I ran outta mimosa hostilla root bark
Iv smoked about ever color there is from white to red and IMO the lightly tinted yellow crystals are the best, there are other psychoactive chemicals in mhrb and acrb and I swear there is somthing els that helps achieve the "breakthrough" other than just nndmt
@HeatlessBBQ if I ever get out to Colorado in a timely matter I'm gonna blast you off on dmt I'll bring enough to do it multiple times and leave you a little if you want just so you can do it again
@Noinch that is my feeling exactly. My first time I had never done it or looked at it even and I just got a kind of nervous tingle like what am I going to do to myself but I knew it would be ok because I had read peoples experiences on it. I smoked 1/10 of a gram of some orange yellow plasticky putty looking stuff and "almost blasted off"
I know it was almost @HeatlessBBQ because I could feel that there was much much more that could happen (also we had five 10th gram pieces so I just seen my friend pass the fuck out [dropped like a brick] for about ten minutes) I felt myself get sucked close to the TV but just get stuck halfway and not go further, I even tried to lay down like my friend but to no avail.

My latest DMT trip I feel the 300mics of LSD did a lot and also I had just taken a nice relaxing hot shower right before smoking. The weird thing, and I'd like someone else's input here, I smoked the joint, first hit was kinda weed second hit was oh my god! not weed and I went kinda deaf, then the next five hits in succession I heard five notes a perfect 432 pitch followed by a fifth, a seventh a ninth and then one octave higher. Right after that I realized there was so much going on I was in a different dimension.

So I put it out. Ten minutes later I figured I could smoke again, but when I lit it I threw up hard core. Like I could not stand the flavour at that point but earlier when the joint wasn't lit, when I lit it it tasted ok. Anyone else experience that?
@HeatlessBBQ if I ever get out to Colorado in a timely matter I'm gonna blast you off on dmt I'll bring enough to do it multiple times and leave you a little if you want just so you can do it again
@Noinch that is my feeling exactly. My first time I had never done it or looked at it even and I just got a kind of nervous tingle like what am I going to do to myself but I knew it would be ok because I had read peoples experiences on it. I smoked 1/10 of a gram of some orange yellow plasticky putty looking stuff and "almost blasted off"
I know it was almost @HeatlessBBQ because I could feel that there was much much more that could happen (also we had five 10th gram pieces so I just seen my friend pass the fuck out [dropped like a brick] for about ten minutes) I felt myself get sucked close to the TV but just get stuck halfway and not go further, I even tried to lay down like my friend but to no avail.

My latest DMT trip I feel the 300mics of LSD did a lot and also I had just taken a nice relaxing hot shower right before smoking. The weird thing, and I'd like someone else's input here, I smoked the joint, first hit was kinda weed second hit was oh my god! not weed and I went kinda deaf, then the next five hits in succession I heard five notes a perfect 432 pitch followed by a fifth, a seventh a ninth and then one octave higher. Right after that I realized there was so much going on I was in a different dimension.

So I put it out. Ten minutes later I figured I could smoke again, but when I lit it I threw up hard core. Like I could not stand the flavour at that point but earlier when the joint wasn't lit, when I lit it it tasted ok. Anyone else experience that?
I personally think weed helps the blast off effect, I zipped through the solar system I passed planets and stars...amazing, first time though I didn't do much because I made it myself and had my buddy try it first(great friend huh?) He loved it though so I did a little less just to make sure if be good...I zoned into the TV also and noticed the yellow lines when pawn stars did trivia questions are flashing a little was alot a bit when I did it the first tjme. Ever time after that I couldn't (I mean could NOT) keep my eyes trips ever though...