Happy Halloween Everyone from The HIPPY

Oh you want me to think for myself do ya...well's here' a thought for ya.
Take your fist and smash it right into the middle of your pathetic little weaselly chicken shit pock marked dirty immigrant face. I'd be glad to help you except your just a little pathetic internet annoyance. Do this repentantly until you make some fuckin sense you dim wit. No wonder your so " ignored here "..give up buddy...troll some ladies site somewhere.
Then go see if you can find some friends or even family that can stand your asshole behavior. Were you abandoned like you should have been. I certainly hope so.
What ever country you were originally from..see if they'll take ya back. I can't really be racist to you because I can't imagine what scummy country produced you.
By the way...apology rescinded in case you can't figure that out.
Back on ignore for good this time..so type away ya lizard. Fuck it must suck to be you.
Hey freedom...ignore the idiot in the corner...he has no friends to call his own...LMFAO at his verbal diarrhea.
Hey ABE...need a new avatar...how about his one. Just kidding !
type away fool
MELTDOWN - hahahah that was some good shit. Drunk much @The Hippy ?

The whole point of humor is to make light of uncomfortable shit. That's why it exists.
. With myriad approaches to humour, each person gravitates to their own style. Often I find racists veil their true intentions with a crack, but I guess that's just my opinion now isn't it.

Guess you guys got it all figured out. @FruitvaleFreedomFighter discovered I'm actually the racist for saying anything LOL. That's cute how friends can defend one another, even with heinous shit; Yet nobody liked the racist post image (?), or would dare post piss like that themselves.

I'm just more selective and less forgiving with scum bucket crap humour when it comes specifically to race relations. Since I'm black, it's my prerogative to knock someone's teeth out who I find pushing anti-semitic garbage, consciously or unconsciously. Since this is the internet we have to settle for acting like insensitive assholes, justify backward action and chuckle behind our monitors. Cheers funny people, haha so funny. If this is what white people do for kicks, then I'm staying black, at least here at r.i.u. ;-)

I'll choose to forgive Hippy, clearly he is troubled and dealing with his own life struggle. Just keep me on ignore hippy so I don't have to slam your ignorant drunk ass again, cutie with your virtual schlong always hanging out.
you're not fooling anyone. you read everything i wrote @The Hippy, replied to it, and then play a childlike charade pretending you have me on ignore, like I give a shit.

Anyways, like i said...
I forgive you pal. Have a good day.
The issue is gabe...your not important enough to listen to. Sorry man...and your typing way too softly. I just can't read your dribble.
Keep trying though.

Are you a closet-racist? You seem overly concerned with racial humour, and can't distinguish between it and racist language which is meant to inspire hatred.
Don't be a Lazy Liberal American (the new stereotype c/o Bill Maher).

Hahaha that's 2 people that have pointed it out that you have way too much to say about a simple picture and a single sentence not revolving around racism whatsoever (from the OP perspective of course...)

I think coming on a forum and pushing your ideals and values is very childish and if anything.... THAT has to stop....

Like I said before YOU didn't need to come on to hippies thread YOU did not need to try and save the world....but guess what? You did and failed.....hah!

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Hahaha that's 2 people that have pointed it out that you have way too much to say about a simple picture and a single sentence not revolving around racism whatsoever (from the OP perspective of course...)

I think coming on a forum and pushing your ideals and values is very childish and if anything.... THAT has to stop....

Like I said before YOU didn't need to come on to hippies thread YOU did not need to try and save the world....but guess what? You did and failed.....hah!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
He always fails..being a looser and all......don't worry, he's used to it I bet........is he still yapping like a school girl wronged ? Or did his mama catch up to him.
I simply can't hear him now.....too funny
Right on freedom fighter. I shouldn't have called you any names, perhaps I exaggerated some even, but I comment on anything I choose throughout the entire forum. To call it "butting in" seems silly, after-all this entire bitch is an open forum. But I forgot, you're into segregation, sorry brother, I'll wise up.

Are you a closet-racist? You seem overly concerned with racial humour, and can't distinguish between it and racist language which is meant to inspire hatred.
Don't be a Lazy Liberal American (the new stereotype c/o Bill Maher).

dude, i just spook up and nobody in this circle jerk appreciated it.

I love the diversity in the diff sections of riu. Thanks All for giving me a chance to hear opposing views, I refuse to live in a silo, even if bill maher built it. i live in a van down by the river with internet access.

You seem overly concerned
You may have noticed the hatred directed at me from that senile dippy guy, so that may explain me going on a bit. anyway, doesn't a little controversy help us all? never too racist or ignorant, to learn. ;-) All this being a fine-line and controversial is nothing new. I just don't agree with pushing stereotypes for cheap laughs, it seems counter productive and promotes further separation, imo. Honestly, if the humor is subtle, positively geared and thought provoking, I've been known to give a nod.

Watched your bill maher video and the other boring comedian, and as much i enjoy maher, i don't agree with him on this. for the most part, i think racist humor is archaic and appeals to the shit eater part of our brain, our lower selves, eh? what is bill maher's motivation... he's an entertainer. you confuse real life, with that of a showman who gets paid LG. to write material and appeal to basic americans, perhaps. not everything he comes up with is purple, or gold.

Take your rant back to politics forum
Fair enough, I will. You're right, this is for the politics arena and not medical mmj. But they kicked me outta that forum too, haa. Next time I'll get your permission to post haus. Apologies if I made you and a few possible racists uncomfortable.

Well just thought ya'll needed someplace new to vent your harper hatred, that shit was gettin old.. And now so is this. take er easy good people.
@The Hippy it's "lose", not "loose", like your butthole. :weed: :peace:
dude, i just spook up and nobody in this circle jerk appreciated it.

"spook" your idea of bad humor again?

until your daddy gets home from work.......jerk.....work...jerk

likes his butter flies slow and fat
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Hey spelling champ...have a look at yer own misspellings before ya go yappin eh ;)
Fuck is he still talkin....I enjoy him typing and nobody caring...best laugh for sure. Sweet to waste his time really. The best part is he's easily goaded into more drivel and takes the bait everytime...cause he's not brite.