Your biggest fear while growing?

Prison. My neighbors to the south are creeps, who knows what they might do. My woman is solid, I don't even worry about her. (15 years strong, no worry) I have one fishing buddy who knows who probably shouldn't. Close friend, for a long time, and has a heart of gold in some ways. But he's sort of a chicken-shit, and I'm a little afraid he might roll on me if he got busted for his fucking synthetic heroin pill habit.

Hell, my wife doesn't even smoke and she would never do that. She tolerates it because it's important to me and she loves me but it scares her to death. She'd be much happier if I didn't grow, but I would be miserable. She trusts me to keep us safe and I don't take that lightly. We're way too old to start all over again. Stupid outdated laws got to go.
Wow, you are me. I am you, something. Same story.
Prison. My neighbors to the south are creeps, who knows what they might do. My woman is solid, I don't even worry about her. (15 years strong, no worry) I have one fishing buddy who knows who probably shouldn't. Close friend, for a long time, and has a heart of gold in some ways. But he's sort of a chicken-shit, and I'm a little afraid he might roll on me if he got busted for his fucking synthetic heroin pill habit.

Wow, you are me. I am you, something. Same story.
That makes three of us.
Sounds like u need to retaliate a grow takes time and for her to fuck it up over anything is bogus and childish hit her where it hurts her phone her cosmetics her clothes and shoes etc and put your foot down and tell her next time there will be serious consequences like you kicking her out or something or moving
Check this out. My wife was kind of the same. We would fight, she threaten but never did nothing. Then one day I had to go out of town for six months. So I told her honey, I got a lot of gems that I can't replace. Your going to have to take care of them. She bitched and moaned and finally gave in. I gave her a couple of lessons before I left and she was scared a little. I would come home tell her what she was doing good and bad. We would Skype in the garden. By the end of the six months she was germinating seeds cloning .she had it all cleaned real nice. She even had a bond with her clones babied them and asked how they were even to the chop. I remember when I finally came home. We were in the room and I told her I got it from here. She started walking out and looked back and I will always remember the look on her face like a sad puppy dog or something. Now, she asks when I'm ordering beans and all kinds shit tells me I am slacking when something goes wrong. She don't threaten anymore about ripping shit out by the root ball. She just reminds me of the time she handled the garden.
Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!

Gonna be real honest with you here. I just read this post and skipped last everything else, so forgive me if it's been covered, but your wife is practicing a form of abuse to gain/maintain control over you. It's totally inappropriate and it will get worse. After all, she gets what she wants when she flies into such tirades, right? So if it works, why stop doing it?!

You need to decide if that's the kind of life you want. If not, cut your crop down and walk out the door to your divorce lawyer's office. He will tell you to make an effort to reconcile and that's when you tell your wife that her choice is to either learn how to treat you with respect- or leave.

That's pretty stark advice, but having been exactly where you are, that's what it's going to take.
Check this out. My wife was kind of the same. We would fight, she threaten but never did nothing. Then one day I had to go out of town for six months. So I told her honey, I got a lot of gems that I can't replace. Your going to have to take care of them. She bitched and moaned and finally gave in. I gave her a couple of lessons before I left and she was scared a little. I would come home tell her what she was doing good and bad. We would Skype in the garden. By the end of the six months she was germinating seeds cloning .she had it all cleaned real nice. She even had a bond with her clones babied them and asked how they were even to the chop. I remember when I finally came home. We were in the room and I told her I got it from here. She started walking out and looked back and I will always remember the look on her face like a sad puppy dog or something. Now, she asks when I'm ordering beans and all kinds shit tells me I am slacking when something goes wrong. She don't threaten anymore about ripping shit out by the root ball. She just reminds me of the time she handled the garden.

And you don't let/encourage her to keep working in there with you?! Boy, are you missing out on a rewarding way to connect with her all over again!
That's like some form of abuse shit. I don't believe men can be abused by women but I think you got something fucked up going on.
Ditch that bitch!

You are totally wrong in your notion that women can't abuse men, that's some silly shit. In fact, attitudes like yours end up being an obstacle to overcoming the problem, by refusing to acknowledge it can exist in the first place.
Actually, it's the right time, I left mine at 28 years, never too late to get your life back and rid yourself of the burden. No disrespect @toaster struedel but she has issues and needs to grow up. But if you've been at it for 27 years, it's too late, you need to leave her, you'd be better off single than with someone that treats you like that. Nothing to do with the MJ either, the subject could be anything, it's the fact that she can't control herself and destroyed something you cherish with no regard for your plants or feelings. She has the control because she knows she can get away with it. Shifting power won't help either, a good relationship is balanced and power/control is not something that even plays into it.

Holy shit, this couldn't possibly hit home more for me man. Going through divorce now. She was always super supportive of it, involved herself in it also - but now is trying to use it as her only bargaining chip in the custody battle of our kids, because she has no ground to stand on. I'm legally growing for medical reasons, but there are some gray areas that make me nervous. Like I said, she had been nothing but supportive of it, even encouraged it - although she did kick my plants over once when she was having one of her fits. We were (on and off) together for about 15 yrs, married 5 and have 4 kids. What a mess. I feel your pain. I just hope I can cut ties without too much trouble on this matter, and that it has no bearing on the custody of my kiddos, but I'm preparing for the worst. She is DEFINITELY my biggest fear, unfortunately.

Much as I hate to say it, your plants aren't as important as your kids. Chop them and fight for custody. When the court battle is over, pop beans- and not before.
Had two masked guys get into my house when I left a window open one night (stupid). Woke up to my dog, which was at the time a 115 pound Alaskan malamute absolutely shredding this guy's leg. There was blood everywhere and his partner had dipped out the back door when he saw me come into the dining room area where they were. I got the dog off and needless to say it was over with before they even got started. I still don't think they knew I had plants because I had told Noone aND was living by myself. Just a very random happening and it can go down at any time. I had no Fucking clue what to do but let the guy go. They didn't find the grow and I'm not sure they even knew about it. I fear this ever happening again bc I sleep like a rock, and don't have a big dog anymore.

Burning down the house. Not the song, actually burning down my house. A lot of what I've done has been DIY, and some of it includes using things in ways that were not part of their original design spec. I'm careful, but that's the thing that makes me pause.

Your fingers are your friends. If it's too hot to keep your fingertips on, it's a problem. Just warm is fine.

Yes he was. I have a pug and a chihuahua now lol. They're really my girl's but I love them all the same. Dogs are amazing creatures on my eyes. Oh well, small dogs or little dogs, I'm legal now so my chihuahua just let's me know when someone is here and my .45 will take care of the rest hahaha
My gal is really scared as well. She's threatened taking it down before but she knows it'd break my heart!

My biggest fear is fire. We have two cats we love dearly and it's always on my mind. Gonna purchase an auto extinguisher or two soon fears.
Guys young or old get that 'funny' feeling in their stomachs,

often ignore it to their peril, acting on that sinking feeling can often be seen as 'over reacting' ..bull to that I say

for this reason I have 2 fire extinguishers in my home, one under the bed the other not far from the grow rooms,

numerous and active fire alarms are a good idea, one above your ballast can be a life saver,

consider allowing your cats a cat door or cat flap, so they can egress with ease?

good luck
Bought two smoke alarms a week ago and installed one above my grow box and one in my garage. Thankfully I keep my grow box in my boiler room, which in turn has fire proof doors that seal it off from the garage. Fire extinguishers sound like a good investment. :D
Something I've never been concerned with in the almost 40 years I've been growing bit me in the ass this past July.
SMELL and a nosey neighbor who lives on 25 acres behind me was working on his property and smelled my shiznit and made a call. When I do start back up.....and I shit won't stink. I'm already working on an exhaust system with carbon filters. They did leave a 1000 watt mh system that they didn't find
My biggest fear is....The mofo po po's
Pulling onto my property again for any reason got me a little gun shy ATM.
Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!
With her childish tirades, perhaps you should dump her and get a mature dog.
Much as I hate to say it, your plants aren't as important as your kids. Chop them and fight for custody. When the court battle is over, pop beans- and not before.

Nooooo question about that!! Most definitely a million percent - my kids come way before the plants. I won't stop (fighting) until I win, cuz my kiddos will always suffer if she's calling the shots. I Think (hope maybe) that my growing will be no worries though. I am legal to do it... But who knows. She wouldn't care whether she was incriminating her own family/father or not! Id like to just focus on the kids. Desperation is a seriously ugly thing.

Also, I couldn't possibly agree more that abuse can go both ways. I know people don't talk about it as much as women being abused, but I didn't realize people thought that it didn't exist at all?