Using nematodes to control fungus gnats on indoor plants


Well-Known Member
Credit to HeartIandhank ^^^ for this exhaustive research and er.. enthusiasm!

but should you ever invite us around for supper ..?

I'd rather we met at an 'air conditioned' bar over some beers


Well-Known Member
Credit to HeartIandhank ^^^ for this exhaustive research and er.. enthusiasm!

but should you ever invite us around for supper ..?

I'd rather we met at an 'air conditioned' bar over some beers
8-) .. yeah, let's just call it enthusiasm.

I'm seeing what you are saying about the nematodes getting some time to get going.. I'm seeing larvae that have been nematoded (brown, dead, ripped apart) .. but there are still plenty of healthy ones..
If you started this around say wk 3 of flower, you would still have the gnats all through the crucial wk 4, 5, 6,,, maybe more.

I picked up a USB scope to help out with the research.. still figuring out how to use it though..

Fungus Gnat larvae
nematodelarvae (1).jpg



Well-Known Member
Dude, in my opening post I was not dissing you in any way

its just a lot of work, tho very interesting, to solve a minor issue with gnats

yeah these gnats do eat roots, and they are a pests,

I have them now in soil that I should have dipped with Neem Oil

so I'll avoid watering for the next couple of days

so my 3 day old seedlings, can dry out and fall back to the yellow card trick

I would think this is seen as a long term solution 1-2 weeks

for an issue that could be solved in 2-3 days at most

However in your venture if you can find out what else these critters can do,

I'm all ears.. subbed..!


Well-Known Member
Well.. I'm back to take the verbal beating I totally deserve for this thread. You all @pseudobotanist @vostok ('cept @hotrodharley pest/plant parasitic confusion and denial) were right. I couldn't get the nematodes to do the job.

I had to retreat into using Gnat Nix AND testing with using perlite as a substitute for sand.. to ensure I got a nice crop.

With my next crop.. I will try a different brand of nematodes. I have spoke with the supplier and he is familiar with the nematodes I used and assures me his line will work better.. we'll see.

So anyway.. I'm back to admit you were all were right. I didn't get the nematodes to work very well. And blockage (like sand) appears to be the better route to take.

I'm hesitating to use sand though.. not sure why exactly. Something about the density of it layering the soil line.. ? .. trying perlite out first. And Gnat Nix DEFINITELY works, very damn well. Just too fucking expensive. I used Gnat Nix all through veg.. Nix'd them totally.
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