White people, particularly men:

are you trying to carry on the ginwilly spirit?

just one second you're trying to defend him, the next you're trying to condemn him. which is it?

well, i think we all pretty much know which one it is.

you don't defend hannity, but...
Did ginwilly get banned?
If you owned a slave you had to provide them of with housing food and medical care, they also had a retirement plan,
If you pay someone slave wages you do not pay them enough to rent a house pay for their utilitys , you don't have to provide them with medical care you don't have to pay them enough to eat,If you are the government as soon as they earn enough money you take it from them and then they become slaves working for YOU,,the US government,,The government doesn't care if you have or can afford a home , food or medical care, so long as they get their cut,
Both end up with nothing at the end of the game though , isn't that right? especially when you fools vote to have everything taken from their familys after they worked their whole lives paying you anyway,
In a lot of ways its worse then slavery,
There are none more enslaved then those who believe they are free,
In the south ive seen how the prison system works, Part of what they do is they let the prisoner go out and find a job, they take the wages the person earns from the job and then allow them to send maybe a buck a hour home to their family's.They are in no hurry to let someone out of jail their they make a killing on them,
It works the same way with all these tax's politicians love to propose in every piece of legislation they try and pass,
Now the republicans want to raise gas tax along with the democrats on everyone, It never ends with these fucking idiots,
Its never enough no matter how much they confiscate from the working people of this country,
Unlike you I do not get jealous of people who get rich, god bless them,
Like one of our founders said, the ability to tax is the ability to enslave , and that is just what they have done

In Afghanistan, after my platoon sergeant (E-7) was informed by his wife (an E8) that should would be leaving him for another he challenged me to a wrestling match. Well at the time I did not know about his wife leaving him, and was promised a day off if I pin him. So after some struggling, he pins me, and I can see the desire to murder in his eyes. Tell him, lets try again, and he is all for it. Due to the murderous eyes, adrenaline kicks in, and I pin him. Despite pin him, I was not given my day off, and I think it was because I was white. Regardless of if thats why, its how I feel, so its true. Lots of racism in the military.
Revived for all the poor oppressed white men.

Still wanting to hear the grievances of white men who have been discriminated against.
Why would any white man who has been "discriminated against" subject themselves to heckling by idiots? If you think it doesn't happen than you are fooling yourself.
who is burning all the black churches?



It was this white supremacist:

So this thread is oppressing you white guys by giving you a place to vent about how persectuted you are?
I think generally, we don't need a place to vent about how persecuted we are, because we're not bitches. We're men.

Also, since you are white, and therefore never experienced discrimination why are you trying to hold down the white man in regards to his lack of discrimination, does that make you "The Man"???? Mind blown!

@bearkat42 do you acknowledge the privilege you are born with by being born within the country that controls the worlds reserve currency? Do you acknowledge that privilege, yes or no?
I think generally, we don't need a place to vent about how persecuted we are, because we're not bitches. We're men.

Also, since you are white, and therefore never experienced discrimination why are you trying to hold down the white man in regards to his lack of discrimination, does that make you "The Man"???? Mind blown!

@bearkat42 do you acknowledge the privilege you are born with by being born within the country that controls the worlds reserve currency? Do you acknowledge that privilege, yes or no?
Thanks for taking the time to answer. Could you briefly explain why you don't acknowledge that privilege? Do you think control over the worlds reserve currency doesn't benefit you, or do you think we dont have control over it? Or something else?

@abandonconflict is able to do all he can for the BLM movement because his defense of the worlds reserve currency that allows for his lifetime entitlement of world reserve currency. This allows for plenty of free time, and free resources. There are many more examples, but this is a direct one, visible to all in the forum.