Election 2015

my guess as an old timer

we are so near...... but i think still so far away from what we all really want....... actual canna freedom
it's all up in the air right now. JT takes office early November and then we can see what's what
i hope he clears medical use right away, won't challenge Allard if we win and gets on the legalization stuff right away but we'll see.
I like to see female ministers of defence, finance, justice, industry, fisheries, natural resources, environment and health.


Only if they're qualified for said positions. No MP (male/female) should hold a portfolio unless they have a background in that field...IMO!

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that the Minister of Denfence is a career military person, or the Minister of Health is a doctor or have a medical background, the Minister of Finance have financial experience, the Minister of Justice be a cop or constitutional lawyer....etc.

The time has come for Gov agency's to have experienced individuals at the helm of those departments...hopefully JT realizes that!
I think it's kinda funny really. To think she feels as though she's any worth.
She's a finger puppet. Has been her whole life it would seem the way she spouts off :)
I think it's kinda funny really. To think she feels as though she's any worth.
She's a finger puppet. Has been her whole life it would seem the way she spouts off :)
just like Harper-decision based facts and not fact based decisions...but i guess that's not her job
Why wouldn't you guys be saying it's great if she was leader...... hahahaha that would ensure the cons never get elected again with her at the helm