Twisting seedling leaves plz help

These plant usable forms are almost always in nitrate or sulfate forms. Both mobile elements.
Exactly! Water and fucking light - the 2 keys to pot that are not negotiable. I go quickly now to water and pH problems having had to learn the hard way over 45 years of smoking and growing. Plus, why get chintzy over water? Seeds? High Dollar. Nutes? They ain't giving the cheap ones away. 5 gallons of RO water at our little "fill it yourself" kiosk? $1!!!!!!!

Jimmy - I used to sound exactly you did in your first response to me. Live and learn. The chain breaks on its weakest link and in our case it's water a lot of the times.
I agree with the dissolved mineral content possibly being inadequate and or not available due to particulate size or structure. But a plant that young won't be showing any signs of lock out period. Unless your ph is high on one side or the other this isn't happening. Didn't he say his ph is just a sniff away from spot on? Ph is the wrong diagnosis you are wrong now I'm going to let it go.
Buddy - I have 3 right now for a grow I'm setting up for a patient here in NM. Problems IMMEDIATELY from the water. Immediately. It was the TDS in the tap water. pH? Why not check it? You are advising against it and saying "Fuck it" to pH?
Exactly! Water and fucking light - the 2 keys to pot that are not negotiable. I go quickly now to water and pH problems having had to learn the hard way over 45 years of smoking and growing. Plus, why get chintzy over water? Seeds? High Dollar. Nutes? They ain't giving the cheap ones away. 5 gallons of RO water at our little "fill it yourself" kiosk? $1!!!!!!!

Jimmy - I used to sound exactly you did in your first response to me. Live and learn. The chain breaks on its weakest link and in our case it's water a lot of the times.

I'm being narrow minded I suppose. I'm not necessarily saying F it to ph or water I've lived in California by the beach and in Western Washington and I guess as you put it I may have been "blessed" with good water. I wouldn't know because I ve never ever checked it . There was never problems with plant regardless of what you threw at them. So..... No reason to check. You are all correct and have valid points to an extent. I've been alive a while, been growing plants in general for a long while and have heard of people with really messed up ph but figured it was isolated to certain areas or inexperienced growers. I never aim to offend but I guess I'm good at it lol. I will look into this ph bullshit a little more then... I guess! If I'm going to come back and argue I suppose I should know what I'm talking about.
if your gonna say fuck ph u better get a buffering soil thats all i can say
I say fuck ph but whatever they do is up to them and they're on there own . I have NEVER given advice that I didn't truly believe myself. There may be some true ph issues but its also a HUGE " catch all " for people who don't know what the fuck they are doing just saying. So you have to ask yourself once you check your ph and its fine like the dry plant in this thread ??? Wich group do you fall into? And why is being wrong bad?
to each there own i hate fucking with ph its the worste.... i use a buffering soil... but ph is the main reason i left dwc
to each there own i hate fucking with ph its the worste.... i use a buffering soil... but ph is the main reason i left dwc
I have lived and worked all over the Rocky Mountain west. Born on the Mexican border and moved north. Colorado for years, then Montana and Washington. Back to Texas to work in the Permian Basin area and finally to Alaska. The water shifts have been incredible. Everything from great to cow piss. pH of 8 all the way to pH of 7.2 from the tap. Soft soft water all the way to the hardest shit you can imagine.

NOW - all you folks who were born where you live need to think a bit. Not everybody has the water you have. Either good or bad.

As a RN in ER for years - ABC = Airway, Breathing and Circulation and IN THAT ORDER. It don't mean shit if the heart is beating if the patient isn't breathing you know? They can't breathe with an occluded airway. If it's open and they aren't breathing it doesn't matter if the heart beats another hour. They are dead meat or dead in the head. So we immediately immediately immediately assess those 3 things on entry to ER.

FUCK a bleeding gunshot wound or 10 of them if their airway is blocked or they aren't breathing. Now with that said why is it so hard to think about initially testing your water for pH and for PPM? Eh?

The plant MUST have water and air. It can live with shit light even if not for long. So what does everybody immediately focus on?

How much light can I throw on them? When can I start nutes? Usually without ever thinking to test the pH and the EC/PPM of their water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not every damned time. But occasionally check. Our water in the desert used to be great - until it wasn't. As the Hueco and Mesilla bolsons emptied from irrigation they are being refilled ever so slowly by water seeping down. Through tons of limestone!!!! Now what was once great water MUST be treated. This occurred over years so who was looking at that? Nobody until their pot started growing like shit.
From a brand new post on RIU minutes ago:

"hello freinds,
got a question that has a lot of answers,need tap water comes out of the faucet ph of 8.5,i bubble my water for 24 hrs because you can smell the clorine 10 ft away."

OK enough from me. I've said it.
Yes I agree , some tap water is shit. It varies from municipality to municipality I suppose. I guess since I've been lucky I've also been somewhat narrow minded. I really do hope everyone solves their ph and tap water issues. Best blessings to all your grows friends. Its nice to be able to lightly argue a point lol without people getting too bent.
Yes I agree , some tap water is shit. It varies from municipality to municipality I suppose. I guess since I've been lucky I've also been somewhat narrow minded. I really do hope everyone solves their ph and tap water issues. Best blessings to all your grows friends. Its nice to be able to lightly argue a point lol without people getting too bent.
Love ya, Jimmy!
Plants have been flushed ph 6.4 going in and 6.6 coming out and its a great possibility that they were dryed out I flushed and the soil sunk an inch no dry pockets now, how long should it take to straighten out if that's what is was?
Hey guys problem solved, they are growing great the first set of true leaves still have a little twist but not like they did... I took everyone's advice and flushed the plants to make sure there were no dry spots, cranked the heat up from 65 to 73
and turned the fan so it blows directly on them. I toped one at 2 weeks old (I don't count the first 2 weeks as veg) and its growing great I think lol


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Update... Harvest Jan 12, 14 ounces off 6 plants dry they grew wonderful I highly recommend the money maker by strain hunters great yield and great buzz the chocolate skunk was real good also but the nebula haze by paradise was horrible sorry guys but it was the smallest yielder I've ever grown 1 month veg not counting the first 2 weeks after it sprouted pulled it froze it and enjoyed a little hash. I took a chocolate skunk and crossed it with green crack that's my next run. Thanks guys
Yes I agree , some tap water is shit. It varies from municipality to municipality I suppose. I guess since I've been lucky I've also been somewhat narrow minded. I really do hope everyone solves their ph and tap water issues. Best blessings to all your grows friends. Its nice to be able to lightly argue a point lol without people getting too bent.
iam the same way been on same well whole life up north,all these ph problems I c on here cant believe I guess we lucky
Update... Harvest Jan 12, 14 ounces off 6 plants dry they grew wonderful I highly recommend the money maker by strain hunters great yield and great buzz the chocolate skunk was real good also but the nebula haze by paradise was horrible sorry guys but it was the smallest yielder I've ever grown 1 month veg not counting the first 2 weeks after it sprouted pulled it froze it and enjoyed a little hash. I took a chocolate skunk and crossed it with green crack that's my next run. Thanks guys
I’m having the same issue with my plant. I see you said all it needed was to be fully wet? I haven’t been watering to runoff until today.
Went from twisting to the discoloration you see now from newest leaves up


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I’m having the same issue with my plant. I see you said all it needed was to be fully wet? I haven’t been watering to runoff until today.
Went from twisting to the discoloration you see now from newest leaves up
Looks like your in a coco mix with perlite? If so what is your PH?
How often have you been watering?I see you said today was first time you watered to runoff what was PPM in and did you test PPM of runoff
Anything else that can shed light on how this grow started and got to this point will help in diagnosing it.