Twitch Extracts pneumatic press

I am kinda lost here what are we talking about really pressing water out of hash from water n ice method ???
what we should be talking about is lol i plan on making wax shortly here 5 pounds worth what alchol should i use 60 pounder of EVER CLEAR or anyone got anything better one could use
I was just looking at a dake 1 1/2 ton arbor press (lever) $400.

Here it is from dake site



Plates, coils, pid controller

2.5 x 2 .5 - $290

3,000 / 6.25 = 480 psi

3.5 x 2.5 - $355

3,000 / 8.75 = 343 psi

@Twitch what would be the difference between half inch thick or 1 inch thick plates? Thinner would heat up faster. For a lever press might be good.

Still searching arbor presses though.

Famco has some counter top size 2 tons too but they are $700 for a lever press.

2.5 x 25. -

4,000 / 6.25 = 640 psi

3 5 x 2.5

4,000 / 8.75 = 457 psi

Harbour freight is $99 for a 1 ton lever press.

Medisun farms rosin press is $660 for a 1 ton lever press.

So is the extra ton or 2 worth it for diy. Or is 320 psi enough.
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Not sure this is possible??

Tack weld a small plate to top and bottom of an arbor press - maybe 4" x 4"

Car battery connected to plates to get them up to temp ?
What a shit show this thread has turned into

Twitch I ain't sure how much truth you are saying anymore

But I will protect your privacy and I won't let people post that link to your real Facebook

In my opinion you jumped the gun hard on this thread and on rosinworks
Looks like they were willing to do anything to make you a happy customer
And you twisted the situation into your own playground here at rollitup
You pulled any power you had here on this sub forum to get your own business off the ground and take down rosin pretty dirty man

You and hyroot also jumped on us mods
Told you several times why we deleted the thread
You told us you thought we were lying
And you were told straight up why by two people

You've asked us to delete certain posts
And you've riled up the community

It's really sad how this turned out
And how much dishonesty is involved
What a shit show this thread has turned into

Twitch I ain't sure how much truth you are saying anymore

But I will protect your privacy and I won't let people post that link to your real Facebook

In my opinion you jumped the gun hard on this thread and on rosinworks
Looks like they were willing to do anything to make you a happy customer
And you twisted the situation into your own playground here at rollitup
You pulled any power you had here on this sub forum to get your own business off the ground and take down rosin pretty dirty man

You and hyroot also jumped on us mods
Told you several times why we deleted the thread
You told us you thought we were lying
And you were told straight up why by two people

You've asked us to delete certain posts
And you've riled up the community

It's really sad how this turned out
And how much dishonesty is involved

No. Complete bullshit sunni. Everything is true. We are sick of.the lies and and lagging and overpriced presses from other companies. So we decide to build diy. If an actual company comes of it, who cares. We're not pushing anything. Showing people how to build their own presses. Just like the diy led threads in the led section. Or the breeding section. Several companies have spawned out of those threads. Even tga genetics has its own section here. Twitch just taught us all yesterday how to figure out the psi for the size plates being used.

You yourself said the advertiser mod deleted this thread because he did what rosin technologies asked of him. Which was a bold face lie on rosin techs part. They even threatened me and twitch. It's they're own fault. No they were trying to make anyone happy. They were trying to save face. I had to upload a video of the broken press on my instagram just to get them to respond to emails. Then they kept changing what t
they were doing to make shit right. In the end they did nothing. It took a couple months just to get a refund. I've since talked to several other people who have gone trough the same thing.

To attack this thread is very hippicritucal. Where there's companies all over this forum . No links or prices of our equipment. Just where people can buy equipment to build their own

The pricing I listed on my last post is what I'm paying for parts from rosin works and dake. Not what they're being sold for. I don't even know if there is a market using quality arbor presses. Those presses alone cost more than most of the rosin presses out or coming out.

We also mention all the other companies doing presses too...

I even sell worm castings, compost, and dry sift screens , t shirts, hats, and Hoodies. Soon my own genetic line. But I never push those in here or even mention it. When people ask to what to buy. I give them a list of reputable companies to but from and they can make their own choice.

and rosin works has nothing to do with twitch nor me. That's another companies by rufio craft and michaelbudraexlives. Their instagram names. They sell plates, pid controllers and and coils for diy presses.
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sunni I have always shown you and the mods respect, hyroot may have come at you but I had nothing to do with that. I reported my own post yesterday because rosin works and I worked it out. Not sure why you felt the need to rip me a new one. also we haven't said a word about the other thread that is back up, not sure why you keep bring that up. I didn't make this thread to boost my business, I made it to show other people how to make a press for half the price as rosin technologies, it isn't like i am with holding info i am explaining everything I am doing and everything that I have tried.
No. Complete bullshit sunni. Everything is true. We are sick of.the lies and and lagging and overpriced presses from other companies. So we decide to build diy. If an actual company comes of it, who cares. We're not pushing anything. Showing people how to build their own presses. Just like the diy led threads in the led section. Or the breeding section. Several companies have spawned out of those threads. Even tga genetics has its own section here.

You yourself said the advertiser mod deleted this thread because he did what rosin technologies asked of him. Which was a bold face lie on rosin techs part. They even threatened me and twitch. It's they're own fault. No they were trying to make anyone happy. They were trying to save face. I had to upload a video of the broken press on my instagram just to get them to respond to emails. Then they kept changing what t
they were doing to make shit right. In the end they did nothing. It took a couple months just to get a refund. I've since talked to several other people who have gone trough the same thing.

To attack this thread is very hippicritucal. Where there's companies all over this forum . No links or prices of our equipment.

The pricing I listed on my last post is what I'm paying for parts from rosin works and dake. Not what they're being sold for. I don't even know if there is a market using quality arbor presses. Those presses alone cost more than most of the rosin presses out or coming out.

We also mention all the other companies doing presses too...

I think you dont fully understand , and i appreciate you commenting back, you clearly did not see what i recently just deleted from rosin tech, i deleted a conversation of him and twitch, of course i deleted it as it contained twitches personal fb and i would never allow personal info to be posted I will remain on my users side for security keeping as i am admin and thats my duty and you will have that promise
but i am allowed to speak on personal opinions.

the AD guy deleted the thread initially because rosin decided to sick his lawyers on our website,
i spoke with the ad guy and he and i restored the thread because we feel it was something our lawyers could handle

but the kicker is i read the entire PM twitch received from our ad guy, unedited, untouched and the ad guy clearly explained to twitch why his thread was deleted and that he was apologetic for having to do so
Twitch came back and told you other wise, than you two attacked the rest of the mod staff, saying we were closing threads because our advertisers didnt like what people had to say about their company

except rosin was never an advertiser here and we told twitch that in the PM , and that we never silence people in terms of bad reviews, and thats pretty clear if you look around.
we only ever deleted in the first place because of the lawyer threat, you dont pay the bills in this house sadly, so sometimes we have to make decisions so our website stays up for the rest of the users
we explained this in clear cut to twitch, and he comes back to me with "oh i thought the guy was lying" meanwhile Advertising @ rollitup says Administrator and STAFF MEMBER under his name

i dont care if you make your own equipment, go ahead i hope it really works out, but it looks like you guys ran this company into the ground
and i fully want people to understand that you guys not only were told why the thread was deleted, you attacked us mods, and than you silence what you said in said thread
to try and cover up

he was offered a refund

may i pose the question
when you buy something from a store be it marijuana related or not, and it faults, do you not ask the store for :
a) a refund
b) store credit
c) exchange of product

yes you do, and the store than complies with its rules and regulations they set out and offer said whatever a, b or c

he was offered it and yet he continues to trash the company like they did nothing to try and solve the issue

im not sayin rosin tech is perfect, im not completely happy with their service, and i certainly wont buy from them, but i dont think you guys are allowing the entire story to come out

and thats not fair.
sunni I have always shown you and the mods respect, hyroot may have come at you but I had nothing to do with that. I reported my own post yesterday because rosin works and I worked it out. Not sure why you felt the need to rip me a new one. also we haven't said a word about the other thread that is back up, not sure why you keep bring that up. I didn't make this thread to boost my business, I made it to show other people how to make a press for half the price as rosin technologies, it isn't like i am with holding info i am explaining everything I am doing and everything that I have tried.
when you call us liars and openly post we delete threads to silence members opinions on product information because they are advertisers with us (which none of that was true, and you knew it because the Advertising guy PM'ed you and told you )
its not respect, you and hyroot chose to lynch mob the mods,

instead of coming to us to fix the problem or ask why you guys assumed and put it on open forum even though you were already told why

i just think im the thread went way worse than it shouldve , im glad its solved though , im still allowed to have an opinion on it
I wanted an exchange of product... I said that multiple times in many areas
all im saying is this thread is a shit show

its too much he said she said, you solved the problem thats great im happy for you
im not happy how rosin handled it nor you,
and i can have my opinion

im sure everyone will hate and dismiss my opinion since youre well liked in this area

like you said riu is your house right?
I think you dont fully understand , and i appreciate you commenting back, you clearly did not see what i recently just deleted from rosin tech, i deleted a conversation of him and twitch, of course i deleted it as it contained twitches personal fb and i would never allow personal info to be posted I will remain on my users side for security keeping as i am admin and thats my duty and you will have that promise
but i am allowed to speak on personal opinions.

the AD guy deleted the thread initially because rosin decided to sick his lawyers on our website,
i spoke with the ad guy and he and i restored the thread because we feel it was something our lawyers could handle

but the kicker is i read the entire PM twitch received from our ad guy, unedited, untouched and the ad guy clearly explained to twitch why his thread was deleted and that he was apologetic for having to do so
Twitch came back and told you other wise, than you two attacked the rest of the mod staff, saying we were closing threads because our advertisers didnt like what people had to say about their company

except rosin was never an advertiser here and we told twitch that in the PM , and that we never silence people in terms of bad reviews, and thats pretty clear if you look around.
we only ever deleted in the first place because of the lawyer threat, you dont pay the bills in this house sadly, so sometimes we have to make decisions so our website stays up for the rest of the users
we explained this in clear cut to twitch, and he comes back to me with "oh i thought the guy was lying" meanwhile Advertising @ rollitup says Administrator and STAFF MEMBER under his name

i dont care if you make your own equipment, go ahead i hope it really works out, but it looks like you guys ran this company into the ground
and i fully want people to understand that you guys not only were told why the thread was deleted, you attacked us mods, and than you silence what you said in said thread
to try and cover up

he was offered a refund

may i pose the question
when you buy something from a store be it marijuana related or not, and it faults, do you not ask the store for :
a) a refund
b) store credit
c) exchange of product

yes you do, and the store than complies with its rules and regulations they set out and offer said whatever a, b or c

he was offered it and yet he continues to trash the company like they did nothing to try and solve the issue

im not sayin rosin tech is perfect, im not completely happy with their service, and i certainly wont buy from them, but i dont think you guys are allowing the entire story to come out

and thats not fair.

I didn't see those posts. I've told everything I know and seen. I haven't held anything back. Wheather you believe that or not is up to you.

Returning something depends on the situation. Look at the led section. We put all the shady companies on blast. We chased lush lighting out of here for his lies. But that company is still doing great. If rosin tech company has gone under that's their own fault not ours. They could have easily remedied everything. Even their own distributor dropped them. That's not on us. They have bad reviews all over.
I didn't see those posts. I've told everything I know and seen. I haven't held anything back. Wheather you believe that or not is up to you.

Returning something depends on the situation. Look at the led section. We put all the shady companies on blast. We chased lush lighting out of here for his lies. But that company is still doing great. If rosin tech company has gone under that's their own fault not ours. They could have easily remedied everything. Even their own distributor dropped them. That's not on us. They have bad reviews all over.
youre right you didnt read those posts, and you dont believe them
and thats why you attacked the mods saying we silenced your freedom of speech on this company
but you say so yourself

"we put all the shady companies on blast" ...seems the led section doesnt have people silencing opinions
... maybe you shouldve asked us instead of slamming your mod team into the ground with slander, when twitch was told why his thread was deleted after it was.

i dont care is rosin goes under i have no agenda with them, and i delete the first post they make putting my users personal security out there.
and tell them i deleted it and why

i just think the thread wasnt handled correctly, thats all. im allowed to say that, its not hippocritical, i didnt slam twitch down, i said i dont know whether or not to believe you anymore
and i said

" its really sad how much dishonesty has been involved" theres no naming of who in that line.
anyways moving on to talk about pressing and not a shit show....

Hyroot 400 for an arbor press damn, try HF that have them for 50 bucks. the dake one is just name brand
youre right you didnt read those posts, and you dont believe them
and thats why you attacked the mods saying we silenced your freedom of speech on this company
but you say so yourself

"we put all the shady companies on blast" ...seems the led section doesnt have people silencing opinions
... maybe you shouldve asked us instead of slamming your mod team into the ground with slander, when twitch was told why his thread was deleted after it was.

i dont care is rosin goes under i have no agenda with them, and i delete the first post they make putting my users personal security out there.
and tell them i deleted it and why

i just think the thread wasnt handled correctly, thats all. im allowed to say that, its not hippocritical, i didnt slam twitch down, i said i dont know whether or not to believe you anymore
and i said

" its really sad how much dishonesty has been involved" theres no naming of who in that line.

You just twisted my words. I didn't see rosin works posts that's it's

No we don't silence opinions in the led section we tell the truth. Who makes the lights. What parts are used. What voltage how are diodes are driven . Everything. The facts speak for them selves.

I just lost all respectful you after that post.

BTW it's not the first time people's threads on here have been deleted over bullshit or people have been banned. You guys even banned splifferous a few years ago because of his inda gro lights and videos. I have the same lights so do several other people. Someone didn't like how well his garden was doing. So he got banned. He was accused of advertising which he wasnt. He never once said any price on anything.
You just twisted my words. I didn't see rosin world posts that's it's

I just lost all respectful you after that post.

BTW it's not the first time people's threads on here have been deleted over bullshit or people have been banned. You guys even banned splifferous a few years ago because of his inda gro lights and videos. I have the same lights so do several other people. Someone didn't like how well his garden was doing. So he got banned. He was accused of advertising which he wasnt. He never once said any price on anything.
you never respected me in the first place
I am kinda lost here what are we talking about really pressing water out of hash from water n ice method ???
what we should be talking about is lol i plan on making wax shortly here 5 pounds worth what alchol should i use 60 pounder of EVER CLEAR or anyone got anything better one could use

Heat and pressure squeezes the OIL out of flowers and hash. "Rosin" is a method of making dabbable concentrate without use of solvents.

*edited to add second sentence
you never respected me in the first place

Not true I never once attacked you. Nor said anything derogatory about you. . You and wyderberry are or were the mods I liked. I said mods in general when referring to this last rosin tech b.s.. I even apologized to you over what I said about the thread being deleted
Not true I never once attacked you. Nor said anything derogatory about you. . You and wyderberry are or were the mods I liked. I said mods in general when referring to this last rosin tech b.s.
yes but when you say mods, it includes all of us
and the attacking was unneeded in the situation

anyways im not here to argue really, i just wanted to put my two cents in which im totally allowed to as a person if my opinion makes you lose respect when ive done nothing but help twitch out in this and solve the riddles and mystery and help keep his personal security tight
than so be it !
Yup harbor has a one ton press for $49.99 and a half to press for $39.99 so deff a good deal from there.

@Twitch what size plates should i use for my dewalt clamp? Posted a link with the specs on the prior page.