If you are using tap water for your plants..


New Member
Some guy named David Icke has some conspiracy theory (its actually a conspiracy theory, not just called a conspiracy theory) that Lizard people run the planet, and that George Bush and the rest are lizards.

Go to youtube and type reptilians and you can see a bunch of half wits showing close ups of peoples eyes. They claim that if you stare at their eyes, you can see shapeshifting.

Its some bizarre shit, and it makes legitimate claims look just as crazy, cause people, Like David Icke, and others lump all of them together into mega-conspiracies.

I just really don't think its worth trying to convince people that are brainwashed of anything you can't prove. I can prove this fluoride shit to anyone that can and will read, but even some of them would rather assume its just another crazy conspiracy theory. Just as bizarre as lizard people in my opinion.

Who the hell are the lizard people I keep seeing mentioned here?


Well-Known Member
Read the back of your toothpaste. Doesn't it warn you about digesting fluoride? Dont dentist say your supposed to use only a pea-size amount of fluoride? Didn't Hitler use fluoride on his victims? Then why the hell would you slurp down a glass full of that shit? Because the gov't said so??? Because the air your breathing is "killing you anyway" makes it O.K?
Please explain how 1 part per million in a glass of water is a "glass full of that shit". The fact is fluoride is the 13th most common naturally occurring element in the earth's crust, and it naturally occurs in the ground water supply of many, many communities. Like many vitamins and minerals that are good for us in small amounts, taking it in large amounts can lead to harm. That is why municipalities and regulatory agencies make damn well sure your glass is not "full of that shit."


Well-Known Member
I can prove this fluoride shit to anyone that can and will read, but even some of them would rather assume its just another crazy conspiracy theory. Just as bizarre as lizard people in my opinion.
What is even more bizarre is your apparent belief that the American Dental Association, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Medical Association (all of whom endorse water fluoridation) are all staffed by doctors and scientists who can't or won't read.

Face it. You're a conspiracy theorist , a hypochondriac, and finally... you're psycho (having stated you want to kill everyone who is not worried about water fluoridation).

I've said it once and I'll say it again: seek professional help.


Well-Known Member
Do you know where the fluoride that "naturally" occurs comes from? It comes from fertilizer runoff and aluminum factories. It says so right on your water companies website if you take a look. That doesn't seem to be too naturally occuring to me. If these companies were dumping this stuff into the river or the ocean, they would be fined big bucks. But it is ok to put it in our drinking water sources? They also raised the acceptable level from I believe the numbers were 1ppm, to 4ppm even though at 4ppm there were complications with health.

Doctors are there to make a buck as well. How much money do you think they would lose if people stopped going to them because of fluorosis? They are there to make a dollar. My ex g/f worked as an RN, and trust me, they don't care about every patient. Some yes, but not all.

There are studies that show the lowering of IQ scores in children who live in communities with fluoridated water. Why would the gov want to require an element in our water supply that would "dumb us down"? Seems to me they don't want us thinking too much about what is going on. They don't want us to be intelligent enough to figure out what they are trying to do. I am not saying all people in the gov are out to get us, or that every one is being watched, etc. But when Pres. Bush signs a bill saying that, during a catastrophic emergency, he as president, and not congress shall make all decisions. He doesn't have to run any of his decisions by congress for any reason. He can suspend elections if he feels necessary. Just do a little search for NSPD-51 You will see where we are going to be at here in the US come election time.

Everybody supported the war we are in during the begining. But new info comes out and people change their mind. Same thing with science. They are always coming up with new break throughs and discoveries. So just because they find something new, or somebody put it on the internet, this now makes it false? I don't see how that can be. Open up your eyes and see that not everything that people tell you is the truth. Especially when those people are the ones fucking everything up.


New Member
Enjoy your water

What is even more bizarre is your apparent belief that the American Dental Association, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Medical Association (all of whom endorse water fluoridation) are all staffed by doctors and scientists who can't or won't read.

Face it. You're a conspiracy theorist , a hypochondriac, and finally... you're psycho (having stated you want to kill everyone who is not worried about water fluoridation).

I've said it once and I'll say it again: seek professional help.


Well-Known Member
Do you know where the fluoride that "naturally" occurs comes from? It comes from fertilizer runoff and aluminum factories. It says so right on your water companies website if you take a look. That doesn't seem to be too naturally occuring to me.
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a common chemical - in fact the 13th most common element on earth - and occurs naturally in almost all foods and water supplies. Levels of fluoride vary: some foods, such as tea and fish, contain quite high quantities and some water supplies have high natural concentrations.

You mention that it comes from fertilizer runoff and aluminum factories, as if that were all. Those 2 combined probably don't create 3% of all naturally occurring fluoride. Even then, you act as if natural chemical reaction is some bad thing, when in fact it harbors our very existence. This fluoride, no matter where it's created, it has the same atomic make-up, and even if there were any trace amounts of fertlizer(which there wouldn't be, thanks to mother nature), they would be long gone before they reached the tap -- it's not 1900.

If these companies were dumping this stuff into the river or the ocean, they would be fined big bucks. But it is ok to put it in our drinking water sources? They also raised the acceptable level from I believe the numbers were 1ppm, to 4ppm even though at 4ppm there were complications with health.
Yeah, take 100 childrens tylenol, and you die, yet it's ok to give to our kids? Besides, the majority of water plants have to remove fluoride, not add it.

And until I see any valid proof of the "complications" with 4ppm, I just can't believe it. There's too many numbers like that that are just thrown around without any solid backing.

Doctors are there to make a buck as well. How much money do you think they would lose if people stopped going to them because of fluorosis? They are there to make a dollar. My ex g/f worked as an RN, and trust me, they don't care about every patient. Some yes, but not all.
Probably none, because then they would be fixing just as many cavities. "Doctors don't care about every patient," what a solid argument. Should we all be blown away by the fact that someone who works on like 30 people consecutively, every day, is desensitized to deep relationships with their patients? Regardless, you speak as if there's some secret group of federal dentists, that try to convince senators and congressmen to support fluoridated water, so that they receive more patients? It's an oxy-moron anways, they would actually receive less patients. Even if there were tons of random dentists who tried to do this convincing, it wouldn't even be worth their time, it's not like they could ever possibly receive direct results from it. Be realistic here.

There are studies that show the lowering of IQ scores in children who live in communities with fluoridated water.
These are such random "studies" that prove nothing. Not only is this probably not valid, but even if it was valid -- this is the kind of thing where they compare two cities, one fluoridated, one non, and find that the non has an average 2 points higher IQ. It must be the fluoride!!! There's about 3 million variables to such studies, not even including the variable studies are most susceptible to, the human variable -- so I'm not sure why anyone buys into them.

Why would the gov want to require an element in our water supply that would "dumb us down"? Seems to me they don't want us thinking too much about what is going on. They don't want us to be intelligent enough to figure out what they are trying to do.
Right. This is the most radical of all these accusations. Do you really believe this, honestly? Is there some sort of magical ion in fluoride, that after you ingest it, blocks all capability to question the government? Surely you realize that nearly 100% of the people who believe in this theory, grew up drinking tap water. Besides, the government didn't just "come up" with this. It was first brought about in the early 1900's, when one dentist saw the browning teeth, and guessed it was something in the water supply. In 1927, a water well had been dug near where an aluminum factory used to be, thus resulting in a dramatic increase of fluoride in the water. The towns dentist noticed browning teeth, and inquired further. The water had a natural fluoridation level of 13 ppm, yet the only side effects were cosmetic. Nobody died, and the town wasn't sick.


Totally sounds like mind control.

I am not saying all people in the gov are out to get us, or that every one is being watched, etc. But when Pres. Bush signs a bill saying that, during a catastrophic emergency, he as president, and not congress shall make all decisions. He doesn't have to run any of his decisions by congress for any reason. He can suspend elections if he feels necessary. Just do a little search for NSPD-51 You will see where we are going to be at here in the US come election time.

Oh no, in times of catastrophe, the leader of our country is in charge!!! How awful. You know why this came about? Because GW caught ungodly amounts of shit for both katrina, and finishing the story for the kids when 9/11 happened, even though had he jumped on air force one that whole 3 minutes sooner, nothing would have been different. Our country acts as if we aren't self-reliable. As if GW hadn't been in the country, we would be confused, lost, and helpless. Please. All this does is guarantee swift action in times of despair.

Here's how the US national disaster (what happened during katrina for example) plan works. Immediate action is obviously up the city. Once the city uses all it's resources and man-power (usually immediate), it then requests the county's resources. Once the county's resources are all used, they request state help. And obviously from there it's federal. The problem is, the paperwork, and politically correctness of this process, meaning it has to all be documented, etc.. makes for an excrutiatingly slow process, sometimes taking a full week. Had this new legislation been active, Bush would have been able to immediately send all available coast guard, national guard, and required funding. Sounds like a horrible idea, right? Are you seriously worried that some president, or Bush, is gonna randomly declare catastrophe, and start creating concentration camps?


Well-Known Member
On my local water co's website, they don't mention that the fluoride is naturally occuring, only that it comes from fertilzer and aluminum. If it had said naturally occuring, this would be a different story. But it doesn't, it just says from fertilizer and aluminum. If it were coming naturally from the earth, don't you think they would have put that on their site?

You take 100 tylenol, and you might die. But if you take 4 times the amount directed, you won't have any problems. Yet at a rate of 4x the "safe" amount of fluoride, there are issues. The fact that water plants have to remove the fluoride should tell you that its not good for you in large amounts. And if you are drinking your 8 glasses a day of water, you are ending up with a lot more flouride than you should.

Dr's fix the same amount of cavities whether there is fluoride in the water or not. It has been proven that communities with fluoride in the water do not have a lower rate of decay. Why do you think this is? Its because the fluoride, when ingested, doesn't do what it is supposed to. It is only good when applied topically. So yes they would lose a lot of money not fixing fluorosis for people. And yes there are a group of people that try and convince the gov to put fluoride in our water. They are called lobbiest. And I am sure they are lobbying to put fluoride in our water. So no its not a secret group, but there is a group doing it.

And with the catasrophic emergency, congress is suppose to take power so that not just one person is in charge. This way we don't end up with a dictator. That is why we have congress, to keep the pres in check. That is why we have checks and balances. No one branch is suppose to have so much power they can make decisions without consulting anybody. But this is exactly what this bill does, it gives all the power to the executive branch. This is not a good thing, expecially when the executive branch has no idea whats going on. The federal gov is not even suppose to get involved in natural disasters. If something happens in a state, they are suppose to leave them alone and let the state deal with it.


Well-Known Member
My lord. I enjoy growing my own homegrown as much as the next guy. However, I think folks that claim the Government and everyone else is out to get them is missing the point. MARIJUANA INDUCES PARANOIA. And no, that doesn't mean that everyone that doesn't smoke it is a SHEEP. It's this kind of freaking malarky which keeps marijuana a schedule I drug. Knock the shit off. Just because you're high doesn't mean the world is out to get you. In fact, most people, or "squares" could give a shit what you do. You're not that important. Stop imagining the world is out to get you ERGO THAT THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU. Rest assured that most people couldn't give a shit whether you live or die. Yes some people get arrested for smoking/growing but that is because its illegal. Yes it is an injustice because its not that big of a deal. But the fact remains that the overwhelming majority can do both their entire life and never be punished. Everyone knows of someone, if not them, that had a cop simply make them throw their shit out and not take them to jail. Buts thats because they probably treated the cop like a human being and not some "pig trying to take their rights, man!". Its the difference between a moron and a sophisticate who keeps their love/hobby to themselves. Grow up and keep your mouth shut. And those of you that talk and act like morons you're giving pot a bad name. Stop talking about it because you make it harder for us intellectuals who believe in its legality to make it exactly that. LEGAL! There isn't shit in the water. Don't believe me watch this: YouTube - Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy TARDED!
If you disagree with me please write back. I would love to debate you on this. Yes the world is a fucked up place. Yes greed causes a tremendous amount of problems. But it is not a giant conspiracy by the government to turn the world into a prison camp. I'm out.


New Member
Whatever the water people say about fluoride, it does occur naturally. I started this post talking about how bad fluoride in your water is, but Im not going to lie, Calcium fluoride occurs naturally in spring water. It isnt as bad as the industrial byproduct sodium fluoride is, but it will still fuck up your teeth. Most doctors and dentists wouldnt defend fluoride if they knew about it. Trust me, they are people like you and I. It takes a special brand of asshole to defend fluoride which is why I believe all proponents of poisoning should be shot. ALL OF THEM

Do you know where the fluoride that "naturally" occurs comes from? It comes from fertilizer runoff and aluminum factories. It says so right on your water companies website if you take a look. That doesn't seem to be too naturally occuring to me. If these companies were dumping this stuff into the river or the ocean, they would be fined big bucks. But it is ok to put it in our drinking water sources? They also raised the acceptable level from I believe the numbers were 1ppm, to 4ppm even though at 4ppm there were complications with health.

Doctors are there to make a buck as well. How much money do you think they would lose if people stopped going to them because of fluorosis? They are there to make a dollar. My ex g/f worked as an RN, and trust me, they don't care about every patient. Some yes, but not all.

There are studies that show the lowering of IQ scores in children who live in communities with fluoridated water. Why would the gov want to require an element in our water supply that would "dumb us down"? Seems to me they don't want us thinking too much about what is going on. They don't want us to be intelligent enough to figure out what they are trying to do. I am not saying all people in the gov are out to get us, or that every one is being watched, etc. But when Pres. Bush signs a bill saying that, during a catastrophic emergency, he as president, and not congress shall make all decisions. He doesn't have to run any of his decisions by congress for any reason. He can suspend elections if he feels necessary. Just do a little search for NSPD-51 You will see where we are going to be at here in the US come election time.

Everybody supported the war we are in during the begining. But new info comes out and people change their mind. Same thing with science. They are always coming up with new break throughs and discoveries. So just because they find something new, or somebody put it on the internet, this now makes it false? I don't see how that can be. Open up your eyes and see that not everything that people tell you is the truth. Especially when those people are the ones fucking everything up.


Well-Known Member
whatever the water people say about fluoride, it does occur naturally. I started this post talking about how bad fluoride in your water is, but im not going to lie, calcium fluoride occurs naturally in spring water. It isnt as bad as the industrial byproduct sodium fluoride is, but it will still fuck up your teeth. Most doctors and dentists wouldnt defend fluoride if they knew about it. Trust me, they are people like you and i. it takes a special brand of asshole to defend fluoride which is why i believe all proponents of poisoning should be shot. All of them
Seek professional help. You're psycho.


Well-Known Member
Fluoride is one of the chemicals in chlorine. It is just part of what they use to purify the water. What is worse is thinking about where the water has been.....toilet to reservoir to cheap filtration then the tap with chlorine additive and your buddy fluoride. Fluoride is also known to be an effective plaque remover for teeth and is the most effective ingredient in toothpaste. It is that stuff that the dentist sprays on your teeth to clean them. It's pretty harmless but along with chlorine can cause some salt build up in soil or bunch it together because of the reaction with the calcium in the water - that's what I have noticed depending on whether or not you have hard water or soft water. Anyways people with soft water are less likely to notice but if you have hard water then it is best to go with the distilled bottle water.

If there is calcium fluoride in spring water then it is refined in some way. The calcium plus fluoride causes that white film that we see on shower doors - if you have hard water - and the film that lays a ring around the top layer of the soiless or soil. If I had a hydroponic system, I would most definitely without a doubt use distilled water no matter what. Fluoride is not natural but calcium is a natural mineral. The calcium that builds up in tap water is partially a manmade induced occurrence. Then again these are just my opinions from every day observation.

Fluoride and chlorine is a cheap fix for filtering water. The dirtier the water is then the more they will put in it. It costs a lot more to create reverse osmosis, etc. and yes the government is cheap and we pay enough taxes for it but they use it for really dumb stuff.

As for conspiracies....there are so many real ones out there. Can we please redirect them towards the things that are screwing up the world?


New Member
First. I am a noob to growing. Second. What im about to tell you is not a conspiracy theory.

About 60% of the United States (their goal is 75% by 2010(either 2010 or 2012, dont remember) tap water is "treated" with a heavy metal called Fluoride. Most people are sold on the sham that Fluoride is to help the teeth of people who cannot afford toothpaste, and children especially need fluoride to prevent tooth decay. These are total lies, and have been proven to be so by scientific studies that not only prove fluoride doesnt help your teeth (unless applied topically, like in toothpaste) but it actually can cause ugly browning of teeth, skeletal fluorosis (which can be, and is misdiagnosed as several things including arthritis), brain damage, and possibly Alzheimers disease (fluoride stays in your body, and attaches itself to aluminum, you do not want aluminum all up in your brain). I try to tell people this as often as possible as.. I think this is probably one of American's biggest drug problems. For those of you who enjoy Barrack Obama's socialist views, you can rest assured you already are victim to socialized medicine, as water fluoridation would have be considered mass medication. BTW - Fluoride is just about as poisonous as arsenic. And when you think fluoride or tap water, you should understand that it has a small amount of poison, which is not intended to kill you. Wonder why its there.

Before I get to the point you should also know that the first regime to use fluoride on humans was Adolf Hitler's. His genius scientists found out that if you give fluoride to your inmates, they are apathetic, and calm. INTERESTING.
Another interesting fact, is that the public relations master, Edward Bernays was with ALCOA using propaganda to push fluoride into America's water supply. who was credited with, asbestos in ceilings, lead in paint, cigarette smoking for women and fluoride in water, amongst other things. He was hailed in political circles as the godfather of public relations, his uncle was Sigmund Freud and he died at the ripe age of 103. SO INTERESTING! In Edward Bernay's book "Public Relations" he also says that telling lies to the public is essential for democracy. (THIS IS A REPUBLIC PEOPLE, NOT A DEMOCRACY, IRAQ HAS DEMOCRACY, FUCKING MOB RULE)

The point:
If you read this whole fucking thing, you should already know that Tap Water, even if it sat for 24 hours to get rid of the Chlorine, is no good for you, YOUR CHILDREN, OR your plants. I bought a water distiller for 100 dollars online and since seeing the nasty sludge just 1 gallon of tap can leave behind, I WILL NEVER GO BACK!!

Straight to the point:
If fluoride is strong enough to make children in China and India retarded, then fuck up their teeth, making them retards with fucked up teeth, then it is likely strong enough to rob you of an ounce or two.

Also about distilled water:
All kinds of propaganda about drinking distilled water. I can dispell all this propaganda by reminding you, that distilled water is pure H20. The water was evaporated into steam, then recollected. So its basically just 100% steam water. Don't put distilled water into shitty plastic bottles. If you gotta put it in plastic, put it in clear plastic - Reason being, distilled water is so pure it sucks stuff up, and will suck stuff out of the plastic.... BUT

I was told that distilled water is so pure fuck I dont know the word, but it just sucks shit up. I was told that it even sucks up the carbon dioxide in the air!
SO - This is something to be discovered if it has not already - Can you provide carbon dioxide to your plants through watering with distilled water? Who knows.
I bought a water distiller for 100 dollars online.

Interesting read. I do agree with you on the harm drinking tap water causes. I live in FL and we have the second worst drinking water after pensylvania according to research and studies performed by different institutes. Anyways, I wanted to know if you could provide a link to the site you purchased your distiller from. I checked online and most seem to be very pricey. Thanks.