First potential harvest since joining - new pics


Well-Known Member
So, before you pick on my about the lights, I know. Been a member for a short period and have read, asked and learned a lot so far. I believe I am on the verge of my first harvest since joining, although I have had one other that was just ok, but was before I learned a bit from everyone here. The first harvest was an outdoor grow that was more an accident then a planned thing, this is the final plant from the accidental grow that I moved inside because of weather. It was bag seed so I have no idea of the genetics. It has been inside for 5 weeks to the day. It was flowering outside for 3 weeks plus before moving in. I attached two close up shots of the buds, my question is, are they milky and ready or to much clear to harvest yet? I know its tough with the lights, but figured I would try to ask. Thoughts?bud 2 10 27.jpgbud 10 27.jpg


Well-Known Member
Turn your lights off!!1!! :mrgreen:

Look very good, but not ready yet, imo. Getting there. At least another week.
Thanks... I know, turn the lights off and take pic's, first rule and I violated it, but then us new guys violate a lot of rules, not because we want to, we learn. I have them on a 7am to 7 pm schedule. I will take a picture right before or right at lights out if I can.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I tried Lo Budget... Half my issue is I get the shakes about this time of day.. just one of those things that happens since my accident... I tried to take decent pictures, took over 40 but most are all blurry, I attached the better of them, not great but at least not under bright light this time.runt plant bud 3 10 27.jpgrunt plant bud 2 10 27.jpg runt plant bud 1 10 27.jpg runt plant buds.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ok, I tried Lo Budget... Half my issue is I get the shakes about this time of day.. just one of those things that happens since my accident... I tried to take decent pictures, took over 40 but most are all blurry, I attached the better of them, not great but at least not under bright light this time.View attachment 3530164View attachment 3530165 View attachment 3530166 View attachment 3530167
If i was. I will get a magnifying glass 30x and chop at 50% amber 50% cloudy. But all depends of the type of high u want. Good luck!!! Looking good!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tropicalcannabispatient... I have the loop at 30x, but my darn hand shakes and seeing it aint all that easy so I try to snap pictures to see the trichomes... really sucks when you cant hold things still...Couldnt have gotten this far without the members of this site, like you.. Hoping one day to have the technique down so I can get multiple strains for different times of the day to help with the shakes and pains without knocking me out..


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mount, glad to be here. I've been reading RIU for about 3 years now, decided to get a little more involved. The amount of information on this sight is great, but overwhelming at times as well.
So true.. it can be overwhelming, but some good folks here to help too... read a little, apply a little, ask a question when something stumps you... some may come across harsh, dont take it personal, sometimes the same questions get asked and it gets tough to keep answering the same ones for a few... I read a ton here on RIU and found this guy interesting too...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I tried Lo Budget... Half my issue is I get the shakes about this time of day.. just one of those things that happens since my accident... I tried to take decent pictures, took over 40 but most are all blurry, I attached the better of them, not great but at least not under bright light this time.View attachment 3530164View attachment 3530165 View attachment 3530166 View attachment 3530167
In the first two pictures it looks like a blurry pic of spidermites in webbing. It freaked me out. Not calling it that. Just an observation.


Well-Known Member
In the first two pictures it looks like a blurry pic of spidermites in webbing. It freaked me out. Not calling it that. Just an observation.
Thanks HookahsGarden... Scrolling back I see what you are saying, I dont think they are, but sure will spend some time in the morning pouring over them to check... I think it is my shakey hands and maybe brownish hairs, but it sure as heck is worth double and triple checking, cant have them nasty things around...


Well-Known Member
i know the shaky hand on phone camera...Lol
for the op Crazy Miss Hyde from seed going in flower now
"Crazy Miss Hyde has a berry flavor with a slight acid touch and produces a very physical brain effect that could even be dangerous." well find out...



Well-Known Member
i know the shaky hand on phone camera...Lol
for the op Crazy Miss Hyde from seed going in flower now
"Crazy Miss Hyde has a berry flavor with a slight acid touch and produces a very physical brain effect that could even be dangerous." well find out...
Nice plant there Terry385, what is it like 3 feet tall? Let me know what you think of the strain when the time comes... The shakes I get are from nerve damage from an auto accident which sucks, but you learn to deal... just hard to do some of the simple things that we all take for granted..worse part is when you are drinking hot coffee and you splash it on