Well-Known Member
no, we don't, that is learned. racism is learned. it is not a natural thing.

well, that makes perfect sense then.
Shit talking aside. I said discriminate not racism. Discrimination happens in millions of ways for millions of reasons. Have you ever seen a dog that was owned by a girl and raised with heart shaped pillows and that shit but just barked at black people?
I even know a white guy that for whatever reason dogs just hate him. Now a dog could be trained to hate a color or smell of course but some are not. I watched a dog that was raised by a guy that couldn't hate anyone or thing. He was just a dumb happy dude. Well the white guy that's just hated by all dogs for I know reasons was sleeping and this dopey happy slobbery dog just walks up and bites him sleeping.
In science it's been proven that your cells are capable of holding memories and that unbeknownst to you your forefathers experiences in their life can weigh in on choices you make in life. Sounds crazy right! Also if you grew up and your neighborhood crackheads were confederate flag flying joe dirt like idiots you'd naturally predispose your beliefs of them on anyone who appeared the same. No different than a white girl I know that's been raped by a black guy. Great girl and I won't judge her for hating blacks.

It all boils down to the reason to discriminate. Blanket discriminating cops is the same stupidity as a racist person blanket discriminating blacks.

People from the hood often say they're a product of their environment to justify their actions. Well you know what! If you were a cop in the hood you'd become jaded and corrupt and a product of your environment no different. Just like all humans are not born racist or hateful it's all learned just like the fucked up cops who do fucked up shit to people black and white and women and men.


Well-Known Member
In science it's been proven that your cells are capable of holding memories and that unbeknownst to you your forefathers experiences in their life can weigh in on choices you make in life.
wow, i would love to see that "study".

but still, racism is learned, not natural.

Great girl and I won't judge her for hating blacks.
jesus christ you are stupid.

whites lead the way in raping white girls. so she should hate white guys more.

but racism is not "natural" or "ingraned" (<---LOL) or a product of magical cells which hold memories from your forefathers (LOL again).

rscism is learned. that includes your racism, and you are one hateful, stupid, racist loser.

It all boils down to the reason to discriminate. Blanket discriminating cops is the same stupidity as a racist person blanket discriminating blacks.
cops are known by their actions, which includes a shit ton of brutality, especially against blacks. disproportionately so.

blacks are only known by their skin color. not their actions.

so it is not the same to discriminate against someone for their actions as their skin color. only a stupid person would try to say that. but, you are damn stupid.

all humans are not born racist or hateful it's all learned
are you retarded, or just a cop?

you have just spent hours telling me racism is natural, in our cells passed on from out forefathers, "ingraned" (LOL) and the like, now you contradict yourself?

you are so dumb that you must be a cop.

eat a bullet.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Homicides in communities of color have definately risen but not by the hands of the police.

Witness Chicago who has very strict gun laws - 16 murders in September. That's a record for one month.

All lives matter, especially cops' who put their life on the line every day to protect us.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I still haven't heard what she was being arrested (read: physically assaulted) for.
They explained it on The Five yesterday. Needless to say, she had it coming. He was very gentle and polite with the little brat and then just had enough. She was asked to leave, refused, teacher called in the police, she wouldn't obey his commands - a dumb thing to do. :dunce:

WIS-TV reported the student was asked to leave the classroom. When she refused, the officer was called in, according to WIS-TV.

The officer, identified as Ben Fields, can be heard on cell phone video telling the girl to get up from her desk.

“You’re either going to come with me, or I’m going to make you,” he says.

When she remains seated, he tells her, “Come on, I’m going to get you up,” before picking her up from the desk and throwing her to the floor.

It's a shame it's come down to such acts to restore order to the classroom much less the need to have police in schools now. Too many brats these days and too little parenting........


Well-Known Member
They explained it on The Five yesterday. Needless to say, she had it coming. He was very gentle and polite with the little brat and then just had enough. She was asked to leave, refused, teacher called in the police, she wouldn't obey his commands - a dumb thing to do. :dunce:

WIS-TV reported the student was asked to leave the classroom. When she refused, the officer was called in, according to WIS-TV.

The officer, identified as Ben Fields, can be heard on cell phone video telling the girl to get up from her desk.

“You’re either going to come with me, or I’m going to make you,” he says.

When she remains seated, he tells her, “Come on, I’m going to get you up,” before picking her up from the desk and throwing her to the floor.

It's a shame it's come down to such acts to restore order to the classroom much less the need to have police in schools now. Too many brats these days and too little parenting........
Proper thing to do was call in for back up


Well-Known Member
They explained it on The Five yesterday. Needless to say, she had it coming. He was very gentle and polite with the little brat and then just had enough. She was asked to leave, refused, teacher called in the police, she wouldn't obey his commands - a dumb thing to do. :dunce:

WIS-TV reported the student was asked to leave the classroom. When she refused, the officer was called in, according to WIS-TV.

The officer, identified as Ben Fields, can be heard on cell phone video telling the girl to get up from her desk.

“You’re either going to come with me, or I’m going to make you,” he says.

When she remains seated, he tells her, “Come on, I’m going to get you up,” before picking her up from the desk and throwing her to the floor.

It's a shame it's come down to such acts to restore order to the classroom much less the need to have police in schools now. Too many brats these days and too little parenting........
Yep parents raised another pice of shit daughter that has no respect for the men in blue. They're taught from birth to discriminate against police. Same stupidity as a KKK family.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Bullshit, don't put this shit on the police. Smart thing to do was for the belligerent bitch to get her sorry ass up and out when first politely requested by the teacher and this would have never happened. Hopefully it taught her a lesson....but I doubt it. She's too stupid and stubborn.

Same thing applies to the black men that were killed. Cops don't just go out killing blacks for the sport of it. Blacks do and have recently though.

If it wasn't for cops the Chicago murder rate would be even higher. Stopping the stop-and-frisk policy was the stupidest thing a city police dept. could implement.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So you're saying that I benefit from police brutality and therefore I have no right to decry it. First off, don't be staring at my feet while you're standing in this bullshit. Gov't exists to protect private property and you have gov't granted property rights. So YOU benefit more from police brutality than I do by far, unless you want to give that land back to its ancestral occupants. I never consented to you having exclusive deed to part of the earth to bequeath unto your offspring, neither did the rest of humanity.

Furthermore, you make it seem like I have a choice, as if I should just give up my VA disability and be homeless. You on the other hand have lived your decades in the comfort and security of gov't granted private property when you could have made other choices. You also continually pay taxes, funding the empire of warfare and police brutality.

Come back to the real world. There is a system in place that we have to live under and make choices in order to survive. Your bullshit utopia is not possible even if anyone aside from idiot right wing extremists like you desired it. Instead of viewing everything through the scope of how you want the world to be, view it through actual reality of how things are.

Earth to Rob Roy, 13 year old children do not have the wherewithal to make informed consent to have sexual relations with adults. Unfettered capitalism is by far the most tyrannical and coercive system imaginable. Nobody wants a return to racial segregation either, so please stop pushing your utopian bullshit.

No, government cannot both protect and offend private property of an individual at the same time without creating a contradiction. A property tax is an oxymoronic example of that.

You skirted over the VA disabilty part rather hastily too...I'm not surprised, it shows your contradiction quite well. Someday maybe you'll stay in a "what is property" discussion long enough to learn something.

Also, I'm not a capitalist. I am an advocate of a free market. There's a difference.

You are not an Anarchist either.

How old must EVERY person be before they develop the wherewithal to provide consent? Which is the magical age that EVERYONE must hit, before that happens? You made a statement, I await your persuasive argument to back it up.


Well-Known Member
That guy cracks me up. A black guy whose entire show is making fun of black people.

Crazy attractive to certain white guys. That's his angle. Not objective news


Well-Known Member
That guy cracks me up. A black guy whose entire show is making fun of black people.

Crazy attractive to certain white guys. That's his angle. Not objective news
You commented on the "entire show" before even watching the video.
Crazy attractive to certain liberals. That's your angle. Not an obective opinion

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
no, we don't, that is learned. racism is learned. it is not a natural thing.

well, that makes perfect sense then.

Maybe. Racism (today) is often learned and is nonsensical, because it wrongfully assigns some behavioral traits to ALL individuals in a given racial category. It's pretty stupid. One of the few things we agree on Poopy Pants.

However the foundation of racism may run deeper than that. It's possible it is a vestigial behavior left over from mans early development, where strangers or people that didn't look like your clan were viewed with suspicion. I eagerly await your twisting of my post into my advocating for racism. Thanks in advance.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I've watched his videos before.

He's attractive to conservatives that also bash black people. Nothing whatsoever attractive to a logical person

Apparently he's quite attractive to you
He would continue to lock up people for weed. Just another douche bag Politician.