MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
hahalol yeah he is a big kisser though, but will def bark his ass off at intruders:-) its funny cause people see that he is pitt and freeze


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys:-) Man I had a little scare today, I rolled up to my house today to 4 cop cars 2 of which were blocking my driveway. I just thought HOW, you know i dont deal, keep to myself etc.... I drove up and parked, got out and asked one of the officers whats the problem. My heart rate was spiked man, but he said there was a disturbance with my neighbor and he will move his cruiser. I got inside and killed my exaust blower,lol kept all of it inside for a few if you get my drift...So that was stressfull. But yeah i have decided to only grow feminized strains from now on. I have had such a horrible female to male ratio turnout that i would rather take my chances with hermis. So i ordered a bunch of fem seeds. Just is a real pain in the ass to weed out the dudes. I had that last batch of 3 mango and 3 H kush in the veg chamber, its looking like only 1 was a lady and she is already in flower cause she showed fast. The others showed male and one is still questionable. I just dont get the luck b/c my grow conditions are good as far as heat and light etc.... So its fem seeds from now on.

Oh yeah and that 40+ grams is looking like its around an Ounce or so:-( amazing how much is lost, but i knew I wouldnt yield a lot with the first grow b/c I was learning and made some nutrient mistakes. Ill tell you though its one dank O:-)


Well-Known Member
oh dude i almost shit myself,LOL. Brutal! thanks jointluver;-) Hey bonze i sampled a bit more of my bubbilicious and the taste is great but it does have a rough finish to it, will this get better with cure? Its def' gonna be a night time smoke, b/c it gives me that sleepy indica high.


Well-Known Member
here`s mine for ya,dam thay could have printed in larger print, it`s hard to read that stoned at 4 in the morning.

Which Stoner are you?You scored as a potheadyou smoke a yourself, with friends, whenever, wherever. to you, anytime is a good time for high times. potheads are characterized by forgetfulness, mood swings, and a permanent tweak laugh. you are baked much of the time- and proud of it! just dont forget to bring a towel.pothead 85% Chill stoner 85% enhancement smoker 85% artist 70% tweaker 60% hippie 55% paranoid conspiracy theorist 45% gangsta 30% hype /scavenger smoker 10% occasional smoker 5%


Well-Known Member
cooool it says im a chill stoner!!

you are a Chill stoner. you like to take it easy, (takin it easy) got to take it easy (takin it slow). you're idea of a great night out is just sparkin one up with a few close friends and chillin like a villain...Chill stoner 100% artist 75% enhancement smoker 70% pothead 60% hippie 60% tweaker 60% paranoid conspiracy theorist 55% gangsta 50% occasional smoker 10% hype /scavenger smoker 10%


Well-Known Member
Here's my results.

You scored as a Chill stoner
you are a Chill stoner. you like to take it easy, (takin it easy) got to take it easy (takin it slow). you're idea of a great night out is just sparkin one up with a few close friends and chillin like a villain...

Chill stoner
enhancement smoker
paranoid conspiracy theorist
hype /scavenger smoker
occasional smoker