How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

But Climate Change is avoiding the US. Happening all over the planet we can`t see,.. but if we relax taxes, I`ll bet Climate Change shows right up pronto......

I wanna see it, so lower taxes please......
We're behind Mexico on that list. Seems like all of the unhappy Americans would have crossed the southern border by now.

I didn't see NK on either list, I thought they were the happiest people. I guess it's must have been a different metric. Science!!
Mexican survey shows one third of their country would migrate to America, because we are so racist. A large percentage of those Mexicans say they would come here illegally, without documents, without respect for our laws, and basically start demanding a bunch of free shit.

nothing like a good retarded soliloquy to start the day.
Pogrom would not be the correct term as it's organized violence against a minority ethnic or a religious group. Historically it's been massacres of Jewish peoples in Russia or Eastern Europe. So "anyone not going along with the pogrom gets crucified," wouldn't make sense. Who's the pogrom against?
Anyone not swallowing the ideology

A political group?
Any one not following the party line
Are we in Russia?
I'm in Florida, I don't know where you are.
Eastern Europe?
Again...I'm in Florida, I don't know where you are.
If that's the case, then it's not a pogrom and you're proving you don't know jack shit about what the word means.
So, pogrom can only occur in Russia or Eastern Europe? IO think it is you who " don't know jack shit about what the word means."
Or are you going to sit there and be like "USSR!" News flash old man, the USSR fell in 1991 or is that senility starting to kick in?
Now you're making statements for me? And then trying to mock me for the words you spoke? I bet you think that was witty.
Yeah but you're not the only American. You're not the only person that counts. At one point you said you needed those services but now that you no longer need them fuck everyone else, right?

Seriously, Republicans keep saying "Liberals are just give me give me give me," then you turn around and spout this rhetoric. "I no longer need it, therefore no one else should have it." How is that not the epitome of being absolutely selfish?
He didn't say no one else should have it, liar. He said they should get it the same way he did. How is demanding others fulfill your desires not the epitome of being absolutely selfish?
The elimination of the inferior races were "social programs" in Nazi Germany too.

Careful what you wish for when you allow SOME people the ability to use force to make others comply with their brilliant ideas.

Are you seriously trying to draw a comparison and connection with free college education and Nazi genocide? How can anyone take you seriously?
I certainly agree with some of Bernie's assessments and goals. I'd love for everyone to have everything they need. But the government control required to implement Bernie's plans is scary.

Please explain, and compare and contrast Medicare, military complex and Social Security with free college education, or taxation on the wealthiest individuals. So far, you've said a bunch of nothing, only unfounded accusations. If you can support, "But the government control require to implement Bernie's plans is scary.", with some evidence, I'm certainly willing to listen.
that's a link to an article, but no link to the study, its methodology, etcetera.

it's as useful as the asshole on your elbow, not-so-brave-david.
OMG you were standing next to me and the smell did not tip me off!?!?!

It outlines its method in the article and the study is referenced bu Huffpo, CBS, and NBC. Argue the inane all you want. 500,000 NEW millionaires have been added since '96. I thought your wife was one. Self-made??
Now you're making statements for me? And then trying to mock me for the words you spoke? I bet you think that was witty.

Kind of like how you mocked me over a simple typo? You can dish it out but you really can't take it, can you. Haha, Red, go look up the word. Pogroms are against ethnic groups, not ideological ones. Bye Felicia. We're done here it's not up for discussion; you stupidly used a word, face it.
No see, I realize that some social programs have worked.

I'm not rooting against people having their needs met by a caring society. I am, however, scared to the core of the government taking control of the "process" involved in creating such a society...

Then why aren't you scared to the core that anyone with a large amount of money can buy any law wish?
OMG you were standing next to me and the smell did not tip me off!?!?!

It outlines its method in the article and the study is referenced bu Huffpo, CBS, and NBC. Argue the inane all you want. 500,000 NEW millionaires have been added since '96. I thought your wife was one. Self-made??

my wife inherited all her money, as did her parents.

there is no link to the study itself anywhere, therefore it might as well not exist.

cite the study itself if you can, not-so-brave-david.
Kind of like how you mocked me over a simple typo? You can dish it out but you really can't take it, can you. Haha, Red, go look up the word. Pogroms are against ethnic groups, not ideological ones. Bye Felicia. We're done here it's not up for discussion; you stupidly used a word, face it.
Mocking you over something you did isn't quite like mocking me for something you did, no. Hitler enacted pogroms on the communists. your twisted definition is your own.
my wife inherited all her money, as did her parents.

there is no link to the study itself anywhere, therefore it might as well not exist.

cite the study itself if you can, not-so-brave-david.
Honesty from you. Amazed I am.
As to the rest, find it yourself. I no more covet the money from the self-made than I do those like you.
find it yourself

that's not how citation works. the burden of proof is not on me in the least.

you quoted some statistics, linked to an article about them, but did not provide a link to the study itself, its methodology, who conducted it, and so on and so forth.

what are you trying to hide about this "study"?

I no more covet the money from the self-made than I do those like you.

if you are trying to imply that liberals like myself covet other people's money, you are wrong.

not only is the biblical, christian influence apparent in your flimsy and pathetic attempt of a jab, but look at who you are talking to. a liberal with a million in the bank. i don't even covet my own money.

i just want to end the massive and disastrous amount of income inequality we are facing at this moment.

i work my ass off in construction for money i don't even need, just because i enjoy the work. i make more from tending to plants (which look way better than yours) in my garage and basement than i do from working high end construction jobs. i am lucky that i have many skill sets.

some people aren't so lucky or fortunate as i was. but they want to work and get by on their honest check, and that's just not possible right now, although it has been very possible in the not so recent past.

people like you not only fight against this person, in a lot of cases you ARE this person. not so bright, not so skilled, not even getting by as well as i am, yet advocating against your own best interests so that people like myself can do even better.

you definitely covet money, sistah. it is as clear as your christian dogma and deeply held racism is.