Any body seen this before? What is going on? I'm about 2 1/2 weeks into flower. This is new growth.

Looks like maybe your fan could be drying them out would be my guess.
I turned the wall fan off yesterday. It really is too strong. I got the Hurricane 16 inch and expected it would be weak but boy was I wrong. I can only use the lowest setting in my room. I am hoping that the growth will recover. It's really frustrating when it looks like over wattering and under watering at the same time.
I have had that very thing several times and mine has always ended up being my fan blowing the hell out of them. I could be wrong but that is my guess
The dimples ,yes I have seen that too but only on ficus trees. The trees get those from thrips. Look under the leaves where the dimples are. Any insects in the dished out area.? I'm not saying I see thrips FYI just saying.
The dimples ,yes I have seen that too but only on ficus trees. The trees get those from thrips. Look under the leaves where the dimples are. Any insects in the dished out area.? I'm not saying I see thrips FYI just saying.
Thanks Jimmy, I don't see anything but I may need a better scope.
Yes and we must be careful not to panic. Lots of things look worse than they are I've uploaded a picture of my poor super skunk that is getting its guts beat out by that fan shes growing in front of. She got massive in my small magical garden and now she's stuck there. Not a problem but the leaves look mangled and the pictures doesn't even show the extent of it. So am I worried? Nope its an aesthetic issue from environment not disease._20151023_141106.JPG
can't spray in flower glad it's just the fan
my plant was is going to be my first scrog in new set up