How much weed will this plant produce ?

How much will this plant produce ?

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It's an outdoor plant and I don't add any minerals to the water.
realistically? probably an oz, if you can finish it in time without molding... you got a lil ways to go.
i'd have transplanted with a bit more soil in there, you are only using maybe 55% of that container... from the looks of it anyways..
looks like it's a lil hungry, but that may be solely from it being rootbound.
I'm basically asking how to grow ? Your not really answering my question, what would be the point in asking questions on this if I knew how to grow ?
Sorry bro but with a thread title like that you should expect to take some heat. I was just busting your balls and didn't mean any ill will.
What do I need to do now to optimise my yield ?
^^^that would have been a better title.
What you could do though is add some very well composted compost along with some fresh worm castings to top that pot up. Good luck.