injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
So who is viewing this as bad? Unless of course he gets JT to forget about the left outs as well...........ziiiiing
there were no left outs as such... the way it was set....left outs could have taken their chances and kept their status.

The writer forgets patients rights here over and over and over again lol
and feels they should be forgotten??? ... YA SURE!!! :lol:

Onward and upward I guess... ;)


Well-Known Member
The success of the Allard Trial? I'd say when they lost 50% or so due to being 'Leftouts' was an epic Fail not a success. Has Judge Phelan rendered a decision recently that we don't know about?
there were no "left outs" as such..if you did not have your license renewed you were shit out of luck... simple shit really


Well-Known Member
Hi Sandy...all great questions.....any body been following up?
I notice that the pictures of JW and the Provincial Reps have all been removed so who is running that Apparent Phantom Organization?

The three reasons that the administration of an organization vacate. A Merger, Aquisition or a complete collapse. Which is it? This is a Federal Constitional matter! What the HELL is going on?


Well-Known Member
I notice that the pictures of JW and the Provincial Reps have all been removed so who is running that Apparent Phantom Organization?

The three reasons that the administration of an organization vacate. A Merger, Aquisition or a complete collapse. Which is it? This is a Federal Constitional matter! What the HELL is going on?
Call Conroy and ask!!!!!!!
Actually... no one here or anyone for tha matter could tell you what is going on...

No One KNows!!! :lol:

Funny shit actually... A multi Trillion dollar industry and no one has a clue how to get it going...:lol:

Can you feel the money? (:
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Well-Known Member
There is what appears to be a parody account on Twitter for Conroy and he is crowdfunding for Legislation which would be a conflict of interest but he did not respond to an email questioning its authenticity.

If the Coalition is preparing to support dispensaries then the donated funds are now going to that cause? I didn't see a press release stating this fact just a link on the website which appears to be going under the radar.

I am not sure who will have to fund an appeal in our case if necessary. Maybe the funds from all those donation boxes that were strategically placed across Canada will appear or did I miss that financial disclosure?


Well-Known Member
there were no "left outs" as such..if you did not have your license renewed you were shit out of luck... simple shit really
no left outs? you're kidding right? anyone who needs to change address (that's me!!) or any changes at all can't because the injunction "left us out"
i renewed my lic in time and it's current under the injunction but I need an address and DG change but I can't get it. i have to buy my meds at a greatly increased price. I am not able to afford my daily but when I had a DG, i could afford that no problem


Well-Known Member
yes..changes were left out...
and any sick person for that matter :)

and what Conroy is fighting for he said..

it just seems more add to the list is all.
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Well-Known Member
there were no left outs as such... the way it was set....left outs could have taken their chances and kept their status.

The writer forgets patients rights here over and over and over again lol
and feels they should be forgotten??? ... YA SURE!!! :lol:

Onward and upward I guess... ;)

I beg to differ, being that I was never able to find a doctor who would sign, that would completely eliminate any "chance" I clearly didn't have. Therefore, I'm definitely one of the left outs. Simple really


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ, being that I was never able to find a doctor who would sign, that would completely eliminate any "chance" I clearly didn't have. Therefore, I'm definitely one of the left outs. Simple really
Turmel seems to have really muddied the waters with the 'left outs' term, and the coalition having a really weird name for itself didn't help either. So, a brief summary of what's happened:

-Allard case, and injunction is predicated on 'medically approved patients', and those medically approved patients losing the right to grow. So everyone who was able to get into the MMAR had a perceived 'right' taken away by a change in government legislation (albeit the wishy washy gazette kind).

-In a constitutional challenge, the situation of the representative or individual plaintiff is taken into account, which is why it is postulated that Allard was insufficient because there was not a representative plaintiff that needed an address change, which would have presented a situation before Judge Manson where someone was having harm inflicted via not being able to change address. Same deal with Tousaw's case and the 150g limit, although that is restricted to an individual plaintiff (meaning 150g limit is still in effect for every other patient).

So to me, you're not a 'left out' if you're not medically approved. That's not saying you shouldn't be entitled to cannabis as medicine, as I think you should, but according to the precedents handed down since R v Parker, you have a right to a constitutionally viable exemption from blanket prohibition. For better or worse R v Mernagh clarified this question in black letter law. So, just saying 'I have ailment x which is helped by cannabis therefore I have a right to use it' isn't accurate. Doctors are definitely not signing as they should be, and the new rules by the colleges make it even worse.

However, R v Mernagh was Ontario court of appeal, so there's some chance it could be overturned at the federal level or SCC I suppose. In any event, once the health minister that will replace the botox queen is appointed, I highly recommend lobbying them 24/7. LP's are going to do everything they can to keep their monopoly, in some cases like that scumbag from Canopy they will try and derail legalization too to line their pockets. Legalization is 'popular' now so if enough people jam their phone lines and get as much coverage as possible, we can make proper medical and recreational happen.


Well-Known Member
The sad part is I am definitely by a long shot medically approved in terms of ailment anyway
Yep I've long said that the only requirement should be a doctor confirming you have the ailment, not that they approve of cannabis, 'informed consent' and everything. Unfortunately that usually brings up 'well there's no medical evidence' from the prohibitionists (who conveniently have made cannabis impossible to study until recently).


Well-Known Member
Yep I've long said that the only requirement should be a doctor confirming you have the ailment, not that they approve of cannabis, 'informed consent' and everything. Unfortunately that usually brings up 'well there's no medical evidence' from the prohibitionists (who conveniently have made cannabis impossible to study until recently).
i like that idea too but the next question i think would be is how much to use. i could say I need 50g a day when in fact 20 would work.
everyone will be different. people in more pain would need more than the others who are "uncomfortable"


Well-Known Member
It's been a few years since I had to 'see' a doctor for mmj, but I used a skype doctor through MCRCI in Vancouver. It cost me $500 or something, but it worked. Is that still an option? It would get you into the 'medically approved' category.
Since my compassionate doc died a couple of years ago I use donoharm clinic Skype. But I don't think the college is allowing this in certain provinces.


Well-Known Member
I guess I've been lucky to have a compassionate doctor. He's had no problem signing every year since weaning me off prescription opiates (2003). Even since the MMPR, he just hand writes me a note that I keep with my expired pinks.

It saddens me that so many peeps are not getting access to the MMJ they need!